Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Michael Kors: Rose Gold Chronograph Watch

Michael Kors Rose Gold Chronograph Watch (MK5128)

This is my first Michael Kors watch! Also one of the watches that I wore the most in 2015, and definitely one of my favorite watches ever!! Feminine piece because of the wonderful and warm rose gold color, yet such a classic model- you can wear it with any type of the clothes at any time of day or night. And exactly this watch was on my wish list (see here), long before I became its proud owner! I'm so looking forward to wearing "Rose gold chronograph watch" with the same pleasure in 2016, along with my new Michael Kors watch! 

Ovo je moj prvi Michael Kors rucni sat! Takodje jedan od satova koje sam najvise nosila u 2015-oj godini i definitivno jedan od mojih najdrazih satova ikada!! Zenstven zbog divne i tople boje roze zlata, a opet klasican model koji se moze nositi uz bilo koji tip odece u bilo koje doba dana ili noci. I bas je ovaj sat bio na mojoj listi zelja (vidite ovde), pre nego sto sam postala njegova ponosna vlasnica! Radujem se sto cu sa istim zadovoljstvom "Rose gold chronograph watch" nositi i u narednoj godini, zajedno za mojim novim Michael Kors rucnim satom! 

Best rose gold watches

Monday, December 28, 2015

Glam & Fab Week (21.12.-27.12.)

Hondos center Christmas magazine

Morning sweeties!!! I hope your week started in a good way, cause this is the last week of 2015!:D Me, I do have some health problems with my cute "cat's tail" (in translation: inflammation of tailbone) these days, so I couldn't properly walk/sit/stand all day yesterday, but it'll pass, cause New Year's Eve is approaching (I looooove you my tail bone, so please be strong again so I can dance the night away, lol!)!!! Anyway here are some pieces of the previous week, via Instagram photos! Wishing you a lovely day, it's the last Monday this year, lol (btw you could notice I'm in a good mood, despite the physical pain)!

Dobro jutro slatkisi!! Nadam se da vam je ova sedmica zapocela na dobar nacin, zato sto je poslednja sedmica u 2015-oj!:D Ja licno imam neke zdravstvene probleme sa mojim "macijim repom" (iliti upala trticne kosti) ovih dana, tako da recimo juce nisam mogla da posteno hodam/sedim/lezim citav dan, ali procice i to, zato sto se Novogodisnja noc priblizava (moja repna koskice ja te volim puno, zato molim te budi jaka ponovo da mogu da otplesem u novu godinu, haha!)!! Kako god, evo nekih delova prethodne nedelje, via Instagram! Zelim vam lep ponedeljak, jer je poslednji ponedeljak ove godine, haha (inace mozete primetiti da sam dobro raspolozena uprkos fizickom bolu)!

Orange makeup,orange lipstick
orange love
narandzasta ljubav

Sunday, December 27, 2015

Christmas & New Year's Eve Home Decoration

Red and gold Christmas decoration and Christmas tree

First of all, Merry Christmas to everyone! I hope you are having a wonderful time these days, surrounded by your loved ones! I wasn't posting anything on the blog these two or three days because I was barely at home! First it took me one whole afternoon to pull out the Christmas and New Year decoration (in translation: two full boxes), and to decorate the tree and the house. And when I finished that, I was out all day every day! Anyway here's how our Christmas tree looks like this year, very much like the last three years, but I don't change our gold-and-red theme, it's my favorite festive combination!! 

Pre svega Srecan Bozic svima koji su slavili prethodnih dana! Nadam se da se divno provodite ovih dana, okruzeni voljenim osobama! Nije me bilo ova dva-tri dana na blogu jer sam vrlo malo i bila kuci! Prvo mi je jedno citavo popodne trebalo da izvadim Bozicno-Novogodisnju dekoraciju iz kutija, da ukrasim jelku i kucu. A kad sam to zavrsila, bila sam van kuce po citav dan! Elem evo kako izgleda jelka ove godine, vrlo slicno kao i protekle tri godine, ali ja ne menjam nasu zlatno-crvenu tematiku ni za sta, to mi je omiljena praznicna kombinacija!!

Red and gold Christmas decoraton

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Fighting winter blues with summer pics from Paros!

Paros island beauty

I know Christmas is in two days, New Year's Eve is next week, but I hate cold weather that inevitably comes with these beautiful celebrating days which I adore (contradictory I know!)! I miss summer, I miss warm sun, I miss sea, I miss that every winter! So if you've been following my blog for some time you know how I fight it (for years)- by posting summer photos on the blog! It definitely helps me, because these pictures make me happy! I once read that you can fight the winter blues and depression by using the blue light. And there's so much "blue" in these photos from Paros!

Znam da je (katolicki) Bozic za dva dana, Novogodisnja proslava sledece nedelje, ali ja mrzim hladno vreme koje neizbezno dolazi sa ovim predivnim slavljenickim danima koje zapravo obozavam (kontradiktorna misao, znam)! Nedostaje mi leto, nedostaje mi toplo sunce, nedostaje mi more, sve ovo mi nedostaje svake zime! Ako pratite moj blog duze vreme, znate kako se ja borim sa ovim (godinama)- postavljajuci letnje slike na blogu! To mi definitivno pomaze, jer me ove slike cine srecnom! Jednom sam procitala da mozete pobedite zimsku depresiju koristeci plavu svetlost. A toliko je "plavetnila" na ovim slikama sa Parosa!

What to see in Paros

Saturday, December 19, 2015

Glam & Fab WeekS (07.12.-20.12.)

Benefit So hooked on Carmella Plam Sajks knjiga

Today I'm covering two "glam & fab weeks" with these photos, cause I couldn't post anything last Sunday as I was in Poland with no laptop! Wishing you a lovely weekend!! I'm gonna decorate Christmas tree and our home, or today or tomorrow! Btw if you want to see more pics like these ones, go to my Instagram!

Danas pokrivam dve "glam & fab nedelje" ovim slikama, zato sto prethodne nedelje nisam nista mogla da objavim na blogu jer sam bila u Poljskoj bez laptopa! Zelim vam lep vikend!! Ja cu kititi jelkicu i kucicu, ili danas ili sutra!! I da, ako zelite da vidite jos slika kao sto su ove, skoknite do mog Instagrama!

white and beige Guiseppe Zanotti mules
Loving my heels: light & bright, sleek & chic!
Volim svoje stiklice: light & bright, sleek & chic!

Thursday, December 17, 2015

How to see the whole Warsaw city from 30th floor!!

The Palace of Culture and Science Warsaw Poland

I'm back from Warsaw!! We went there on Friday, and we returned to Greece on Monday. We participated in the exhibition called "Grecka Panorama" (11.12.-13.12.), but unfortunately I barely got to see the city! Anyway the last day, three of us grabbed one hour to go to the center of Warsaw. We went straight to "The Palace of Culture and Science" which is the tallest building in Poland, and whose construction was completed in 1955! On the 30th floor (I could not believe how fast the elevator goes!!) and at a height of 114m there is an open terrace and from there you can see entire Warsaw!! That day was terribly windy and rainy, but it was sooooo worth to go! Here are some pictures that I quickly took, because the wind gave me so much trouble!

Vratila sam se iz Varsave!! Otisli smo tamo u petak, i vratili smo se u Grcku u ponedeljak. Ucestvovali smo na izlozbi koja se zove "Grecka Panorama" (11.12.-13.12.), ali na svu zalost vrlo malo sam stigla da vidim grad! Elem zadnji dan, nas tri devojke smo ugrabile sat i po vremena, i skoknule do centra Varsave. Otisle smo pravo do "Palate kulture i nauke" koja je najvisa zgrada u Poljskoj, i cija je izgradnja zavrsena 1955.! Na 30-om spratu (nisam mogla da verujem koliko je lift brz!!) i na visini od 114m postoji otvorena terasa sa koje se pruza neverovatan pogled na citavu Varsavu!! Taj dan je bilo uzasno vetrovito, i kisovito, ali je vredelo otici! Evo nekih slika koje sam na brzinu uslikala, jer mi je vetar zadavao prave muke!

View from the Palace of culture and science

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

VIVA PUNDA Summer Beach Club (travel video)

VIVA PUNDA Summer Beach Club Paros island, travel video

Here's a new travel video for you!:) Some of you may remember that I already wrote about VIVA PUNDA Summer Beach Club, which is located on the island of Paros! If you haven't, you can read about the club here, and about the beach here! Enjoy the clip, and don't forget to visit my YouTube channel if you want to see more videos from the trips!

Evo novog travel snimka za vas!!:) Neki od vas se mozda secaju da sam vec pisala o VIVA PUNDA Summer Beach Club-u koji se nalazi na Paros ostrvu! Ako niste mozete procitati o klubu ovde, a o samoj plazi ovde! Uzivajte u klipu, i ne zaboravite da posetite moj YouTube kanal ako zelite da vidite jos snimaka sa putovanja!


Wednesday, December 2, 2015

IOS beaches (video): Agia Theodoti, Psathi, Mylopotas

IOS beaches travel video: Agia Theodoti, Psathi, Mylopotas

Here's a new travel video for you! Even dough we were in Ios last year, as I already mentioned on the blog, there are some beaches we skipped to see. So we visited them this year! I wrote about these beaches, so if you want you can read about Agia Theodoti beach here, about Psathi beach here and about Mylopotas beach (including "Almyra by the sea" beach bar) here. Also if you skipped to see my previous video where I showed you the biggest and most famous Ios beaches, you can see it here! Enjoy this video, and don't forget to visit my YouTube channel for more entertaining videos!

Evo novog travel klipa za vas! Iako smo i prosle godine bili na Iosu, kao sto sam vec spomenula na blogu, neke plaze nismo videli! Tako da smo ih posetili ove godine! O ovim plazama sam pisala, tako da ako zelite mozete procitati o Agia Theodoti plazi ovde, o Psathi plazi ovde, i o Milopotas plazi (ukljucujuci i "Almyra by the sea" beach bar) ovde. Takodje u slucaju da niste videli prethodan video gde sam vam pokazala najvece i najpoznatije plaze Ios ostrva, mozete ga videti ovde! Uzivajte u klipu, i ne zaboravite da posetite moj YouTube kanal za vise zabavnih snimaka!


Friday, November 27, 2015

Psathi beach | Best Ios beaches

Psathi beach Ios island Greece

Psathi beach (Ios island) we visited right after Agia Theodoti beach (read about it here), because it is near, some 17km east of Hora. The beach is beautiful, large, sandy but upon entering the water there are stones/rocks. It is not organized in terms of tourism, so it is considered to be a "wild" beach, but it's a favorite among those who seek isolation as well as among those who love water sports. We stayed only 20min at Psathi beach cause of the wind, but that's all we needed- we were playing and jumping like kids!

Psathi plazu na Ios ostrvu smo obisli odmah nakon Agia Theodoti plaze (o kojoj sam pisala ovde), jer je blizu, nekih 17km istocno od Hore. Plaza je divna, velika, pescana ali po ulasku u vodu ima kamenja. Nije organizovana u turistickom smislu, tako da je smatraju "divljom" plazom, ali je omiljena medju onima koji traze izolaciju kao i medju onima koji vole sportove na vodi. Mi nismo planirali da ostanemo na Psathi plazi zbog vetra, ali smo se za tih 20min koliko smo bili izigrali i iskakali kao mala deca!

Best Ios island beaches

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Pool at night | Liostasi Hotel & Spa

Liostasi hotel & spa pool at night

Finally something I didn't do last summer- taking the photos of the hotel pool at night! I probably managed to do that this year because we went out almost every night! Anyway here are the results! The pool is equally beautiful by day (see here) and night!

Konacno nesto sto nisam uradila proslog leta- slikanje hotelskog bazena u kasnim vecernjim satima! Verovatno sam uspela ove godine zato sto smo se skoro svako vece svrckali negde! Kako god evo rezultata! Bazen je podjednako lep i danju (vidite ovde) i nocu!

Luxury hotels in Ios

Friday, November 20, 2015

Navy One Shoulder Golden Braid Maxi Dress

GCGme Kylie Navy One Shoulder Golden Braid Maxi Dress

I'm madly in love with this "Kylie" dress from GCGme! Navy color, one shoulder, golden braid, maxi length, beautiful material that falls so gracefully. It's chic, elegant, feminine, modern yet it has that antique/ancient (Greek inspired) touch that I'm always attracted to. And the best thing- you can wear it all year round (I personally can't wait for the summer, I have 100 ideas how to style this dress!)!!
New Year and Christmas holidays are slowly approaching and it's a perfect time to add a bit of glamour to your looks! My suggestion is an elegant maxi dress, party shoes/sandals, plus a fur stole or bolero! Play with the colors, play with the accessories, whatever makes you feel good!

Ludo sam zaljubljena u ovu "Kylie" haljinu iz GCGme! Teget boja, jedno rame, zlatna pletenica, maxi duzina, divan materijal koji graciozno pada. Sik, elegantna, zenstvena, moderna ali ipak ima onaj anticki (Grckom inspirisan) dodir koji me uvek privlaci. I najlepsa stvar- mozete je nositi tokom citave godine (ja licno ne mogu docekati leto, imam 100 ideja kako bih mogla stilizovati haljinu!)!
Novogodisnji i Bozicni praznici se polako priblizavaju, i ne postoji bolji trenutak da dodate malo glamura vasem outfitu. Moj predlog je elegantna maxi haljina, party cipele/sandale, plus krznena stola ili bolero! Igrajte se sa bojama, igrajte se sa aksesoarima, sta god cini da se dobro osecate!

navy blue outfit and makeup

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Minois Village Hotel & Spa | Luxury Paros hotel

Minois Village Hotel Suites & Spa,Paros

For our stay in Paros we chose "Minois Village Hotel Suites & Spa", via while checking the offer for the accommodation on the entire island. This hotel has 4 stars and is located on the phenomenal spot- right by the sea in Parasporos, which is approximately 3km far from the main port and capital Parikia. The hotel is pretty and attractive in terms of architecture and interior design, and the decoration itself matches really good with the island's vibe. The most beautiful part, in my opinion, is fascinating and breathtaking sea view which you can see in the pictures bellow...

Za nas boravak na Parosu izabrali smo "Minois Village Hotel Suites & Spa", i to preko razgledajuci ponudu smestaja na citavom ostrvu. Ovaj hotel ima 4 zvezdice, i nalazi se na fenomenalnoj lokaciji- odmah pored mora u mestu Parasporos koje je udaljeno otprilike 3km od glavne luke i prestonice (Parikia). Hotel je vrlo lep i privlacan u smislu dizajna i enterijera, a sama dekoracija je u skladu sa ostrvskim ambijentom. Najlepsi deo po mom misljenju je pogled na more, fascinantan pogled koji prosto oduzima dah, sto mozete videti na slikama u nastavku... 

Minois Village Hotel Suites & Spa sea view, Paros island

Friday, November 13, 2015

Agia Theodoti beach | Best Ios beaches

Agia Theodoti beach Ios island

Agia Theodoti is the beach on Ios island, which we skipped to see last summer, so logically it was the first one we visited this year! The beach is large, beautiful, quiet, perfect for relaxation, both during the summer season as well as in the off-season. Water is clean and often "restless". Sand is golden yellow, but when you enter the water you can see it's mixed with some sweet flat pebbles. This beach is located on the eastern part of Ios, some 10 km from Chora, and till a certain part you follow the same road that leads to Manganari beach. The beach is named after the small church of Agia Theodoti which is located nearby...

Agia Theodoti je plaza na Ios ostrvu, koju proslog leta nismo uspeli da vidimo, tako da je logicno bila prva koju smo obisli ove godine! Plaza je velika, lepa, mirna, odlicna za relaksaciju, i u toku i van sezone. Voda je cista i cesto nemirna. Pesak je zlatno zut i pri ulasku u vodu pomesan za slatkim pljosnatim kamenim oblucima. Nalazi se na istocnom delu Iosa, nekih 10-tak km od Hore, i do odredjenog dela se ide istim putem kojim se ide i do Manganari plaze. Inace sama plaza je dobila ime po maloj crkvi Agia Theodoti koja se nalazi u blizini...

Agia Theodoti beach

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

How I prepared my skin for the cold weather!

How to prepare the skin for the cold weather

When a cold period comes, which means fall and winter, my skin (especially face skin) changes: it becomes drier and more sensitive, and it needs a richer skincare. So for me it's important to start with the proper skincare from the very beginning (immediately after the summer and our vacation), in order to prepare the skin for the autumn and winter days. Here are three products for the face and body that I was using during the month of October!

Kada nastupi hladan period, tj. tokom jeseni i zime, moja koza (narocito lica) se menja: postaje suvlja i osetljivija, i potrebna joj je bogatija nega. Zato mi je bitno da od samog pocetka (odmah nakon leta i godisnjeg odmora) zapocnem sa pravilnom negom, kako bih kozu pripremila za jesenje i zimske dane. Evo tri proizvoda za negu koze lica i tela koja sam koristila tokom oktobra meseca!

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Executive room | Liostasi Ios Hotel & Spa

Executive room (room 12) Liostasi Hotel & Spa Ios

This is actually the second room in "Liostasi hotel & spa" where we stayed, unplanned, because due to the bad weather we decided to extend our stay on Ios island for two days. The room number 12 which is called "executive room". The first room that we stayed in, or better to say the suite we booked from home was, just like the last year, Deluxe suite (room number 55) about which I wrote in detail in this post!

Ovo je zapravo druga soba u "Liostasi hotel & spa" u kojoj smo odseli, neplanirano, jer smo zbog loseg vremena odlucili da produzimo boravak na Ios ostrvu za dva dana. Soba broj 12 koja se drugim imenom zove "executive room". Prva soba u kojoj smo bili tj. apartman koji smo rezervisali za smestaj je, kao i prosle godine, Deluxe apartman (soba broj 55) o kojem sam detaljno pisala u ovom postu!

Executive room bedroom at Liostasi Hotel & Spa Ios

Friday, November 6, 2015

How to style camo army jacket!

How to style camo army jacket

Another "early fall look" I haven't shared with you!:) I accidentally found this green army jacket, which is kind of a masculine piece, and I instantly knew I wanted to mix it with a feminine piece. So I remembered my old white summer dress, and yes it was a perfect match! Bag and heels in a caramel brown color, as well as bronzed bangles, added some chicness to this otherwise casual outfit...

Jos jedan "rani jesenji look" koji nisam podelila sa vama! Slucajno sam pronasla ovu zelenu vojnicku jaknicu, koja bi pre mogla da se definise kao "masculine" komad garderobe, i odmah sam znala da zelim da je ukombinujem sa nekim zenstvenim komadom. Tako da sam iskopala svoju staru belu letnju haljinu, i da- bio je to pravi pogodak! Tasna i sandale u karamel braon boji, kao i bronzane metalne narukvice, dodale su malo chic-a ovom inace kezual outfitu...

Ray-Ban Aviator sunglasses

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Ecstatic beauty of Naoussa: sea, wind, salt, rocks...

Natural beauty of Naoussa town,sea,wind,rocks,salt

The first time we visited the town of Naoussa in Paros (you could see it here and here), we went to the old part of the port and in the walk noticed that after the row of small taverns, there is an exit that leads to the sea. You know that moment when you stop breathing 'cause of the beauty that is in front of you? Well exactly that happened to me! Rough sea that was spreading all over the paved surface, the smell of salty water in the air, the sound of waves hitting the rocks... Ecstasy of all senses, for which it was worth to go back to the same place for the second time (for this reason, and also because the first time my camera said: "please change the battery pack"!)!

Prvi put kada smo posetili gradic Naoussa na Parosu (a to ste mogli videti ovde i ovde), otisli smo do starog dela luke i u setnji primetili da nakon nacickanih tavernica postoji jedan izlaz koji vodi na more. Jel' znate onaj trenutak kada vam dah zastane od lepote koja se nalazi pred vama? E to je mene zadesilo! Nemirno more koje se razliva po poplocanoj povrsini, miris slane vode koja se rasprsuje u vazduhu, zvuk talasa koji se razbijaju od stene... Potpuna culna ekstaza, zbog koje je vredelo vratiti se na isto mesto po drugi put (zbog toga, ali i zato sto se baterija na fotoaparatu ispraznila prvog puta!)!

Old port of fishing village of Naoussa in Paros

Monday, November 2, 2015

Minois Village Hotel & Spa :: Pool

Minois village hotel suites & spa luxury pool

I always find the pool area to be one of the most fascinating and the most important parts when it comes to the contents/facilities of hotels, especially those with four and five stars. At least as far as I'm concerned, because I'm irresistibly attracted to the beauty and appearance of hotel pools! Here are some pictures of the pool of "Minois Village Hotel & Spa" on Paros island, though additional ones because you could already see a few photos in this post!

Uvek sam smatrala da je bazen jedan od najfascinantnijih i najbitnijih delova kada se radi o sadrzaju hotela, narocito onih sa cetiri i pet zvezdica. Barem sto se mene tice, jer me hotelski bazeni (ukljucujuci i podrucje oko njih) neodoljivo privlace svojom lepotom i izgledom! Evo nekih slika bazena "Minois Village Hotel & Spa" na ostrvu Paros, doduse dodatnih jer ste nekoliko fotografija vec mogli videti u ovom postu!

Minois village hotel and spa,luxury hotels in Paros

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Almyra by the sea | Mylopotas beach (Ios)

Almyra by the sea beach bar and restaurant

Another Ios beach from the last year (reminder is here): Mylopotas, yet other beach bar!:) "Almyra by the sea" is a restaurant and a beach bar, and actually a part of "Dionysos Seaside Resort" (4-star hotel). We went there one morning, out of the pure curiosity, and we returned twice! Reason: comfy sun beds, nice clientele, good cocktails and great service! If you plan to visit Ios island in the near future, this is my recommendation: both for beach bar and restaurant (I loved their fava!)!

Jos jedna Ios plaza od prosle godine (podsetnik je ovde): Milopotas, ali drugi beach bar!:) "Almyra by the sea" je restoran i beach bar, i zapravo deo "Dionysos Seaside Resort-a" (hotel sa 4 zvezdice). Iz ciste radoznalosti smo dosli ovde jednog prepodneva, i vratili se dva puta. Razlog: udobne lezaljke, fina klijentela, dobri kokteli i odlicna usluga! Ako se nadjete na Ios ostrvu, ovo je moja preporuka: i za beach bar i za restoran (mnogo mi se svidela njihova fava!)!;)

Mylopotas beach Ios island

Saturday, October 24, 2015

3/4 trend: Asymmetric culottes + Denim top

Outfit: Asymmetric navy culottes and denim top

The weather suddenly started to be "bad"- you know rains, winds, humidity, well ordinary fall days (I swear I could love the autumn if it wasn't for the rain!). And I still haven't pulled my fall/winter clothes because I need one full day for that... 
So here's one look from the sunny transitional period. These asymmetric navy culottes I got way before the whole "culottes trend" started. And denim top is also an old resident of my closet, just because good denim things are always stylish...

Vreme je iznenada pocelo da bude "lose"- znate vec- kise, vetrovi, vlaznost, pa uobicajeni jesenji dani (kunem se da bih mogla voleti jesen da nije kisa!). A ja jos uvek nisam izvukla garderobu za jesen/zimu, zato sto mi treba citav dan za taj poduhvat...
Evo jednog outfita iz suncanog prelaznog perioda. Ove asimetricne 3/4 pantalone sam uzela mnogo pre nego sto je citav "culottes trend" zapoceo. A denim top je takodje stari stanovnik mog ormana, samo zato sto dobre stvari od dzinsa uvek izgledaju stylish...

how to wear culottes trend

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Charming fishing village of Naoussa | Paros island

Charming fishing village of Naoussa Paros

Hello sugars! Just wanted to show you some random pictures of Naoussa, the second biggest village in Paros which is about 10km away from the capital, Parikia. This small town is incredibly charming during the summer! If you want to see more photos of the old port, check this post!

Zdravo seceri! Zelela sam da podelim sa vama par fotografija Naoussa-e, drugog po velicini gradica na Parosu, koji je udaljen nekih 10-tak km od glavnog grada pod imenom Parikia. Ovaj mali grad je neverovatno sarmantan tokom leta! Ako zelite da vidite jos slika stare luke, pogledajte ovaj post!

Naoussa village Paros

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Edgy Chic on a gloomy day

Edgy Chic outfit,Rocker chic looks

Unfortunately we couldn't take more photos of this outfit, cause it started to rain (really really heavy rain!!) exactly at the moment I wanted to capture my #ootd, and it didn't stop raining till the evening. However I absolutely love everything about this look! Faux-leather black skirt, some fringes on the top, completely matching caramel sandals and bag, way-too-pretty chocker, Aviators... It's cool, edgy, modern, chic, well all that I needed to make my mood on a gloomy day like this!

Na zalost nismo mogli da vise uslikamo ovaj outfit, zato sto nas je zadesila prava provala oblaka bas u trenutku kada smo poceli sa fotografisanjem, i kisa nije prestala sve do veceri. Kako god, sto se tice ovog look-a, pa meni se sve svidja! Faux-leather crna suknja, malo resica na bluzi, potpuno slagajuce sandale i tasna, i-vise-nego-lepa chocker ogrlica, avijatorke... Cool, edgy, moderno, chic, zapravo sve sto mi je bilo potrebno za bolje raspolozenje jednog oblacnog i tmurnog dana kao sto je ovaj...

Ray Ban "Aviator" sunglasses, mixed metals chocker

Monday, October 19, 2015

Mikri Santa beach | Paros island

Mikri Santa beach Paros island

On the third day on Paros island, after Kolimbithres beach (read/see here), we also managed to go to a separate part of Santa Maria beach which locals call Mikri Santa. There are two beach bars, located one next to each other, and one of them is actually called Mikri Santa. The beach is small and so cute! Quiet, even though there were people. The sand is golden, the sea is clean and much calmer comparing to larger Santa Maria beach (about which I wrote here). You can reach this beach by a vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc), and then you have some 100m to walk...

Treceg dana na Parosu smo uspeli da, nakon Kolimbithres plaze (procitajte/pogledajte ovde), odemo i do odvojenog dela Santa Maria plaze koju lokalci zovu Mikri Santa. Postoje dva beach bara, smestena jedan do drugog, i jedan od njih se bas i zove Mikri Santa. Plaza je mala i slatka! Mirna, iako je bilo ljudi. Pesak je zlatne boje, more cisto i neuporedivo mirnije nego na vecoj Santa Maria plazi (o kojoj sam pisala ovde). Inace do ove plaze se dolazi vozilom (kolima, motorom i sl.), a onda pesacite nekih 100m...

Best Paros island beaches

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Manganari beach | Best Ios beaches

Manganari beach,Ios island

Here's a beach to which I have devoted two posts (read them here and here)! So I will not write further about Manganari beach in Ios island, because nothing has changed since the last year.:) I'll just show you a few photos from this year... And who wants to see more pictures and read more about Manganari beach, everything can be found in the already mentioned posts!

Evo jedne plaze kojoj sam posvetila dva posta (procitajte ih ovde i ovde)! Tako da necu dodatno pisati o Manganari plazi na Ios ostrvu, jer se nista nije promenilo od prosle godine.:) Samo cu vam pokazati nekoliko fotografija od ove godine...

Best and most beautiful Ios beaches

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Liostasi Hotel & Spa :: Pool

Liostasi Ios hotel & spa pool

I'm still convinced that this specific pool is one the main reasons why people choose "Liostasi Hotel & Spa", maybe even THE main reason! You could see the photos of the pool from the last summer (if not you can see them here, here and here), and today I'm sharing some photos from this year!

I dalje sam ubedjena da je konkretno ovaj bazen jedan od glavnih razloga zbog kojih ljudi biraju "Liostasi Hotel & Spa", mozda bas i glavni razlog! Vec ste mogli da vidite slike hotelskog bazena od proslog leta (ako niste pogledajte ovde, ovde i ovde), a ovo su neke fotografije od ove godine!

Where to stay in Ios

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Style tip: How to channel your inner Greek Goddess!

Lynne Top chiffon,Lynne Φούστα maxi

Aphrodite, Athena, Hera, Demeter, Persephone, Artemis... Isn't the term "Greek goddess" completely inspiring?! On the other hand it's believed that every girl/woman, has its own "inner goddess". Something that represents the ideal and the essence of her feminine personality; the source of her inner power; a symbol of light and life, love and creation; something that emerges in the moments when she's not wearing the masks and armors she has built over the years (for 1000 personal reasons, and sorry to say this- excuses)...

Afrodita, Atina, Hera, Demetra, Persefona, Artemida... Nije li pojam "grcke boginje" sam po sebi inspirativan?! S druge strane smatra se da svaka devojka/zena u sebi, ima i svoju "unutrasnju boginju". Nesto sto predstavlja ideal i esenciju njene zenske licnosti; izvor njene unutrasnje moci; simbol svetlosti i zivota, ljubavi i kreacije; ono sto ispliva u trenucima kada ona ne nosi maske i oklope koje je godinama vredno gradila (iz 1000 licnih razloga, i zao mi je sto cu ovo reci- izgovora)...

How to channel your inner Greek Goddess through clothes

Now concerning me, I don't know whether it is due to the fact that I live in Greece, but from time to time (especially in the summer!) I simply adore channeling my inner Greek goddess by wearing the clothes that resemble the ancient times. Something in the form of swaying toga or any loose fitting form, leather footwear like gladiator sandals, metallic statement jewelry, braids in the hair, bronze makeup... Here is one such moment, from the holiday (in Ios), when I wore dark green (something between olive and emerald) Lynne pieces that look like a set: maxi skirt and chiffon top... 

Monday, October 12, 2015

Kolimbithres beach | Best Paros beaches

Kolimbithres beach,Paros

On our third day on Paros island, we decided to first see Kolimbithres beach, which is located in the bay that directly overlooks the town of Naoussa! I absolutely had to see this beach because I liked a lot some photos of it (btw in the pics it looks much bigger, but ok, lol). Yes it is impressive, thanks to the rocky formation, and cause of that we gave it a new name: Small Meteora!:) There is one beach bar called "On the rocks" which has its own sun beds and umbrellas, so we can say that Kolimbithres beach is an organized one...

Treceg dana na ostrvu Paros, odlucili smo da prvo vidimo Kolimbithres plazu, koja se nalazi u zalivu koji direktno gleda na Naoussa gradic! Morala sam da uzivo vidim ovu plazu jer mi se mnogo svidela na slikama (na kojima inace izgleda mnogo vece, ali ok, haha). Impresivna jeste, zahvaljujuci stenovitoj formaciji, zbog koje smo joj tog dana dali i novo ime: Mali Meteori!:) Postoji jedan beach bar koji se zove "On the rocks", koji ima svoje lezaljke i suncobrane tako da mozemo reci da je Kolimbithres plaza organizovana...

Kolimbithres plaza,Paros
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