It's incredible how quickly the time passed from the moment I found out I was pregnant. It will pass even faster until the end of pregnancy, because the summer (as every summer) flies without me realizing that. That's why I wanted to take a look back and share my experience, as every woman has a different story and different experience during pregnancy...
Neverovatno koliko je vreme brzo prošlo od trenutka kada sam saznala da sam trudna. I još brže će proći do kraja trudnoće, zato što leto kao i svako leto proleti a da ja to ne ukapiram. Zato sam malo htela da se osvrnem na svoje iskustvo, jer svaka žena ima drugačiju priču i drugačija iskustva tokom trudnoće…
Let's start from the beginning... I got pregnant in January, but I found out when I was six weeks, "accidently". My period was late, but I scheduled the appointment at my gynaecologist here in Greece for another reason and not because I thought I was pregnant (that idea didn't even cross my mind). In fact, at the end of last year (while I was in Serbia) I was diagnosed with PCOS along with insulin resistance, and the doctor I saw at that point prescribed a treatment (I'll address this topic in another blog post). Anyway I thought there were some complications concerning cysts... So out of the blue I found out I was pregnant with the boy, without any other obvious pregnancy symptoms...
Very few people knew, not even all members of our families, which was our personal choice. Most people close to us found out when I entered second trimester (we told them), and the others when I was almost five months pregnant (actually I announced it on
Instagram, that's how most of them learned, lol). You couldn't say just by looking at me, I was functioning and working as usual, my body looked almost the same. This was one of the things I wanted to keep for myself as much as possible, knowing in what kind of environment we live and what sort of people we have around us. I wanted peace and freedom...
Da krenemo iz početka… Ostala sam trudna u januaru, a saznala sam nakon šest nedelja. Menstruacija mi je kasnila, ali sam pregled kod mog ginekologa ovde u Grčkoj zakazala iz drugog razloga, ne zato što sam pomislila da sam trudna (zapravo to mi uopšte nije bilo na pameti). Naime krajem prethodne godine (dok sam bila u Srbiji) dijagnostifikovan mi je sindrom policističnih jajnika, zajedno za insulinskom rezistencijom, i doktorka mi je prepisala terapiju (o svemu ovome ću pisati u drugom blog postu). Elem ono što sam pomislila je da imam ponovo neki problem sa cistama, ovoga puta ozbiljniji pa mi zbog toga kasni… I tako sam ja saznala da sam trudna iz vedra neba (i da ću imati dečaka), bez nekih naročitih propratnih simptoma…
Vrlo malo ljudi je znalo, čak nisu ni svi članovi porodice, što je bio naš lični izbor. Većina ljudi koji su nam bliski su saznali kada sam zašla u drugi trimestar (njima smo rekli), a ostali kada sam bila skoro pet meseci trudna (zapravo objavila sam to na Instagramu, većina njih je tako saznala, haha). Na meni se ništa nije primećivalo, funkcionisala sam i radila najnormalnije, sve po običaju, a ni stomak se nije primećivao. Prosto ovo je bila jedna od stvari koju sam htela da zadržim za sebe koliko je god moguće, znajući u kakvom okruženju živimo i kojom vrstom ljudi smo okruženi. Želela sam mir i slobodu…
Women usually feel a clear difference between the first and second trimester (of course it depends on so many factors). For me personally there wasn't so much difference over the period of six months. I never vomited, not even once. I felt "morning sickness" (name is BS 'cause this thing can last the whole day) for two weeks or so but nothing that would threw me off the balance (increased water intake helped a lot). No drastic change in behaviour/mood, except from the certain dose of clear determination to put limits to some people and things. But that comes down to taking care of yourself and your well-being, 'cause when pregnant woman passes through some stress- well baby feels it too...
The only thing (which I mentioned once on Instagram) that was and is "issue" are my energy levels and stamina. Even before pregnancy I had some problems with that, for different kind of reasons, so it wasn't something new, but I felt sorry for not being able to workout as much as before. I quit personal trainings, and started to workout on my own (I have some knowledge after so many years of physical activities). So depending from my energy levels during a specific day I choose between: walking, pilates/yoga moves, stretching, arm and leg exercises with the resistance band... I don't force anything, just trying to listen to my body...
Žene obično osećaju jasne razlike izmedju prvog trimestra i drugog (kažem obično jer zavisi od mnogih faktora). Kod mene nije bilo tolike razlike svih šest meseci. Nijednom nisam povratila. Jutarnju mučninu (inače ime je velika glupost zato što ova stvar može da traje i čitav dan) sam osećala neke dve nedelje, ali ništa što bi me izbacilo iz ravnoteže (povećan unos tečnosti je pomogao). Ni promene u ponašanju/raspoloženju, osim izvesne doze "drske" rešenosti da stavim granice odredjenim ljudima i stvarima. Ali to se svodi na brigu o sebi, jer stress kroz koji trudnica prolazi prosto rečeno oseti i beba…
Jedina stvar (a to sam jednom prilikom spomenula na Instagramu) sa kojom sam imala malo "problem" je nivo energije i stamina. Ja sam već duže vreme imala problema sa energijom zbog različitih razloga, i pre trudnoće, tako da ovo nije bilo ništa novo, ali mi je bilo žao što nisam mogla da vežbam koliko ranije. Prestala sam sa individualnim treninzima, i krenula sama da vežbam (nakon toliko godina fizičkih aktivnosti imam sasvim ok znanje). Tako da u zavisnosti od nivoa energije tokom specifičnog dana biram izmedju: šetnje, pilates/joga pokreta, istezanja, vežbi za ruke i noge/zadnjicu sa elastičnom trakom… Ništa ne forsiram, slušam telo...
Since we speak about "listening to the body's needs", let's address a bit nutrition/diet... My appetite and food preferences haven't changed that much. I had no need or cravings for a specific kind of food, nor I was disgusted with something. My diet before pregnancy was mostly high protein low carb, so the focus was on: meats, fish, eggs, some dairy products and abundance of vegetables. This is what my body personally needed over the last 2 years (in the past I was experimenting with a bunch of different nutrition approaches) and still needs. The only thing I stopped eating for about a month were eggs and raw spinach, I didn't feel like eating them, but now I eat eggs normally (mostly good boiled) as well as boiled/cooked spinach.
I'm truly fascinated how smart our bodies are, if we learn to listen. I listened when it needed me to eat more fruits, to cut all oils, to eat more of leaner meats and cut down on heavier ones, to increase my water intake. What did change a bit were "sweeter" things (generally everything that has that sweeter taste, even vegetables). I never had a sweet tooth (btw I adore making all kind of sweets for others). But now I simply can not stand that sweet taste in my mouth, it annoys and bothers me, I actually need to "wash it off" with some water or lemon juice. So these days when I want for example fruits, I mix them with some Greek yogurt that has a slightly sour taste...
Kad već pričamo o slušanju tela, hajde da se osvrnem malo i na ishranu. Moj apetit i preferencije što se tiče hrane se nisu promenili. Nisam imala potrebu/želju ni za jednom specifičnom hranom, niti mi se šta gadilo. Moja ishrana je i pre trudnoće bila bazirana na proteinima i manjem unosu ugljenih hidrata: meso, riba, jaja, poneki mlečni proizvod, i dostaaaaa povrća. To je ono što je lično mom telu bilo potrebno u poslednje 2 godine (u prošlosti sam isprobala mnoštvo drugačijih nutricionističkih pristupa), i ono što mu i danas treba. Jedino što sam prestala da jedem nekih mesec dana su bila jaja i sirov spanać, nije mi se tražilo, ali sada jaja jedem normalno (većinom kuvana), kao i kuvan/baren spanać.
Prosto sam fascinirana koliko je naše telo pametno, i koliko zna šta nam u svakom trenutku treba, ako naučimo da ga slušamo. Slušala sam kad je zatražilo da ponovo jedem voće, da izbacim ulja, da povećam unos lakih proteina i izbacim teže varijante, da pijem veću količinu tečnosti. Ono što se malo promenilo su slatke stvari, ne samo slatkiši već i bilo šta slatkastog ukusa (čak i povrće). Ja zapravo nikad nisam bila ljubitelj slatkiša, obožavam da ih pravim za druge, ali ih vrlo retko lično jedem. Samo što sada ne mogu da podnesem taj osećaj slatkoće u ustima, nervira me, smeta mi, i obično ga "isperem" limunadom/vodom. Tako da ovih dana kada mi se na primer jede voće, ja ga pomešam sa kiselkastim grčkim jogurtom…
Logically my weight has changed, but nothing so dramatically. Over the period of five months I gained around 4kg, most of that are fluids. During the big 5th month appointment, the scale showed I gained 100gr (yes the baby grew normally, his organs were perfect and almost completely developed). During the 6th month I gained 600gr, which is exactly how much my baby gained. I'm sure the baby will grow more over the next two months, as I noticed difference since I entered the last trimester.
What was funny for me was the look on other people's faces when I was telling them I was almost seven months pregnant, everybody thought I was third as my stomach just started to show.:D As long as my baby boy is healthy and good, I'm fine with the way my pregnancy has gone so far. Actually I never expected to have the same experience during pregnancy as everyone else, just like with everything in my life. My life was always a bit unconventional, as much as I was trying to make it look more "normal" (attempt to normalize things has always brought more chaos and pain into my life)...
As I said at the beginning, each pregnant women is a special story, that's why is really nice and somehow important to share our different and unique experiences, so we can all learn from each other... Over the next period I'll share more about third and last trimester. I have a lot of things to do this month, from purchasing essential things to preparing home for baby (we already started)…
Logično moja težina se promenila, ali ništa dramatično. Za pet meseci sam dobila neka 4kg, i to je većina tečnost. Tokom pregleda u petom mesecu vaga je pokazala 100gr više (beba je normalno rasla, njegovi organi su bili savršeni i skoro u potpunosti razvijeni). Tokom poslednjeg pregleda u šestom mesecu imala sam 600gr više što je tačno onoliko koliko je beba dobila na težini. Sigurna sam da će beba još više porasti tokom narednog perioda, jer sam primetila razliku čim sam zašla u poslednji trimester.
Ono što je meni bilo zabavno je izraz na licima ljudi kada su čuli da sam skoro sedam meseci trudna, svi su mislili da sam treći jer je moj stomak tek počeo da raste.:D Sve dok je malecki dobro i zdravo, ja sam ok sa načinom na koji je tekla i teče moja trudnoća do sada. Zapravo nikad nisam ni očekivala da imam isto iskustvo kao i druge žene, kao što nikad nisam imala ni za druge stvari. Moj život je uvek bio pomalo nekonvencionalan, koliko god bezveze pokušavala da ga "normalizujem" (pokušaj da normalizujem stvari mi uvek stvara više haosa i bola)…
Kao što sam rekla na početku, svaka trudnica je posebna priča, zato je i lepo i donekle važno podeliti svoja različita i jedinstvena iskustva, kako bismo svi učili jedni od drugih… U narednom periodu podeliću više o poslednjem trimestru. Imam dosta stvari da uradim ovog meseca, od kupovine neophodnih stvari do pripreme kuće (što je sve već započeto)...