Friday, August 31, 2012

Manicure of the week: Candy Nails

pink yellow blue purple marble nails

Candy nails... this is what happens when I start to play and let my imagination run wild. Enlarged collection of nail polishes and recently bought brush set (plus ordered boxes of nail decorations) threaten to become my new "obsession" in the future period!

Candy nails... evo sta se desava kada se zaigram i pustim masti na volju. Uvecana kolekcija lakova i nedavno kupljen set cetkica (plus narucene kutijice dekorativnih ukrasa za nokte) prete da postanu moja nova "opsesija" u buducem periodu!

pastel colors makeup and nails, spring easter colors makeup and nails

Thursday, August 30, 2012

My shop decoration

ceramic statues of elephants

Most of you who follow and read my blog know that over the summer I always work somewhere "close to the sea", with no exceptions. This and last one I've started helping G in one of the seasonal shops (main), because he needs to take care of the other two in the place where we live that are open all year round. Here you can find all kinds of souvenirs: books about Greece, statues and jars, postcards, pictures, magnets and similar, as well as some "fashionable accessories" such as: handbags, scarves, sunglasses, jewelry (including silver and gold). Maybe you can guess maybe not, but my favorite part has always been and will be- decoration. It's something I enormously enjoy doing, so much that during the sorting, stacking and putting things in a certain (conceived in my mind) place, I often lose track of time. Here is how one part looks like...

Vecina vas koji pratite i citate moj blog znate da preko leta uvek radim "na moru", bez izuzetaka. Ove kao i prosle godine pocela sam da pomazem J u jednoj od sezonskih radnji (glavna), jer on vodi racuna o druge dve u mestu gde zivimo koje su otvorene cele godine. Dakle tu mozete pronaci raznorazne suvenire: knjige o Grckoj, statue i cupove, razglednice, slike, magnete i slicno, ali i brojne "modne dodatke" kao sto su: torbe, marame, naocare, nakit (ukljucujuci srebro i zlato). Mozda pretpostavljate mozda ne, ali moj omiljeni deo je uvek bila i ostala dekoracija. To je nesto u cemu neizmerno uzivam, toliko da tokom razvrstavanja, slaganja i stavljanja stvari na odredjeno (iliti zamisljeno u mom umu) mesto, cesto izgubim pojam o vremenu. Evo kako izgleda jedan deo...

bags and scarves shop decoration and organizing

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

outfit: Orange & Turquoise

orange knitted top turquoise linen pants outfit

"Go bold or go home" is always my motto and choice when it comes to the colorful outfit combining! I love colors too much, I love my life, I love taking risks (from time to time), I love being proactive, energetic and optimistic and there is no point in hiding my vibrational mood which I'm consistently and diligently working on. I embrace all this, every day of my life, and enthusiastically express it through my looks, clothes, jewelry, make-up, basically everything that can help us in creating our personal "visual effect"...

"Budite hrabri ili idite kuci" je moj moto i izbor kada su u pitanju koloristicke outfit kombinacije! Obozavam boje, obozavam svoj zivot, volim da rizikujem (s vremena na vreme), volim kada sam proaktivna, energicna i optimisticna, i ne vidim nikakvu poentu u sakrivanju mog vibracionog raspolozenja na kojem konstantno i marljivo radim! Zahvalna sam za sve ovo svakog dana svog zivota i sa entuzijazmom to ispoljavam kroz izbor garderobe, nakita, make up-a, prakticno sve ono sto nam pomaze da stvorimo nas licni "vizuelni efekat"...

how to mix blue and orange, blue and orange outfit combinations

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

outfit: Black, white, touch of red

black mini skirt white loose top red open toe shoes

When I take a look at these pictures, I realize how much Laki is growing overnight, but literally! We captured those moments like two weeks ago, and he's two times bigger now! His teeth grow and he's chewing all things (because of that each pair of my shoes is completely out of the reach!) including wooden doors; his nails grow and I'm wearing marks (read: scratches!) on my hands with such a dignity and elegance. But well, it's all a natural process of growth, maturation and change, for both of us... we learn something new every day, and we're looking forward to it...

Kada bacim pogled na ove slike, shvatam koliko zapravo Laki poraste preko noci, ali bukvalno! Ove trenutke smo uslikali pre jedno dve nedelje, a on je sada dva puta veci! Zubi mu rastu pa gricka sve zivo (zato je svaki par mojih cipela apsolutno van domasaja!) ukljucujuci i drvena vrata; nokti mu rastu a ja vrlo dostojanstveno i elegantno nosim tragove (citaj: ogrebotine!) na svojim rukama. Ali dobro, sve je to proces odrastanja, sazrevanja i promene, i za jedno i drugo... ucimo i saznajemo nesto novo svakog dana, i radujemo se tome...

black Panama hat and leopard print purse

Thursday, August 16, 2012

outfit: Purple Floral Dress

purple floral print dress gold sandals yellow bag gold jewelry purple nails

Flower print has become my "weakness" this year, while as a kid I hated it. I'm glad that flowers are really popular this year, yet I'm more glad to know they will be equally popular the next year. This means that not even one thing embellished with this soft and romantic print won't end up in some paper box, but will continue to occupy a special place in my wardrobe...

Cvetni print je moja "slabost" ove godine, a kao mladja sam ga prezirala. Drago mi je sto znam da su ove godine cvetici u modi, ali jos mi je draze saznanje da ce i naredne godine biti podjednako popularni. To znaci da nijedna stvar ulepsana ovim neznim i romanticnim printom nece zavrsiti u nekoj papirnoj kutiji ili kesi, vec ce i dalje zauzimati pocasno mesto u mom garderoberu...

cvetna ljubicasta haljina zlatne sandale zuta tasna

Thursday, August 9, 2012

outfit: Black and white printed mix

black and white printed dress outfit

We all know that white and black color make a perfect match, both independently used in a combination or with a touch of another color- especially bright yellow and fiery red. No matter how much I consider myself to be a "coloristic type", from time to time I get struck by some "minimalistic moment" when I want to wear only one color from head to toe, or two/three moderate shades. To immediately "distance" myself- this refers to the colors, not the prints, it is quite another thing in my mind that doesn't fall under the same category! Exactly this look is a good example...

Svi znamo da se bela i crna boja fenomenalno slazu, kako samostalno tako i uz dasak neke druge boje- narocito blistavo zute i vatreno crvene. Ma koliko god ja bila "koloristicki tip", nekada mi prosto nadodje "minimalisticki trenutak" kada bih nosila samo jednu boju od glave do pete, ili pak dve/tri krajnje svedene nijanse. Da se odmah ogradim- ovo se odnosi na boje, ne i na printove, to je sasvim druga stvar koja u mom mozgu ne potpada pod istu kategoriju! Upravo ovaj look je pravi primer...

black and white printed bag

Friday, August 3, 2012

outfit: Flowers and snakeskin

Terranova sleeveless shirt with floral print

I managed to pack all my things yesterday, in a few hours! Two suitcases, one traveling bag with cosmetics and make up, one wooden box with jewelry- bracelets, rings and necklaces plus one small metallic case with earrings and few watches. I'll be away for one month, so I prefer to have a "few more" things at disposal when I get dress than to break my head with the question "why I didn't bring exactly that skirt with me cause it would match so good with the new shirt I've just bought?!"...

Juce sam uspela da popakujem sve stvari, i to za par sati! Dva kofera, jedna putna torba sa kozmetikom i sminkom, drvena kutija (bolje reci kofer) sa narukvicama, ogrlicama i prstenjem plus metalno koferce sa mindjusama i par satova. Dovoljno?! Idem na mesec dana tako da je bolje da imam "par stvari vise" na raspolaganju nego da "razbijam" glavu pitanjem "zasto nisam ponela bas tu suknju sa sobom jer bi odlicno isla uz novu majicu koju sam upravo kupila?!"...

floral print shirt pencil dark denim skirt blush pink sandals
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