Wednesday, February 12, 2020

GFH Lifestyle #32

fit summer bikini body, bikini model body, bikini fitspo

This photo was taken a few years ago. Not so many things changed since then (except of being new mum), and that's the worst part. Stagnation is such a silent killer; it keeps you stuck, unmotivated, depressed, angry, There's no new energy, no freedom, no flow. I was never afraid of the changes, especially big ones. Yet somehow during the last decade I was stagnating, sadly. Every time I stagnate it means I subconsciously want to fit in... I no longer want to fit in. In any way. New decade started with one big change... and that's the beginning of a new cycle... cycle of flow, cycle of freedom!
2020 is going to be all about feeling ALIVE and FREE! That’s my personal aim, that’s how I want to feel this year. I want to build a lifestyle that supports those feelings, by tweaking some small things each day, step by step. It all starts from the inside... 
p.s. Visit my Instagram account for more lifestyle photos...

Uvodna slika je nastala pre par godina. Malo stvari se promenilo od tada (izuzev sto sam postala mama), i to je "najgori" deo. Stagnacija je tihi ubica; cini da se osecamo zarobljeni, nemotivisani, depresivni, besni. Ne postoji nova energija, sloboda, protok. Ja se nikad nisam plasila promena, narocito ne velikih. Ali nekako tokom prethodne decenije pocela sam da stagniram, na svu zalost. Svaki put kada stagniram to znaci da podsvesno zelim da se "uklopim"... Sto vise ne zelim. Ni na koji nacin. Nova decenija je pocela sa jednom velikom promenom… I to je pocetak novog ciklusa… ciklusa protoka, ciklusa slobode!
Fokus 2020-te godine je na osecaju ZIVOSTI i SLOBODE! To je moj licni cilj, tako zelim da se osecam u ovoj godini. Zelim da izgradim stil zivota koji podrzava ova osecanja, menjanjem nekih malih stvari svakodnevno, korak po korak. Sve pocinje iznutra...
p.s. Posetite moj Instagram nalog za vise lifestyle fotografija...

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3 months old sugar <3
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New Year's Eve outfit :D
novogodisnji outfit :D
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location: Paros island
lokacija: Paros ostrvo
2 months old baby boy photos, newborn baby fashion clothes
2 months old here ;)
ovde imamo 2 meseca ;)
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We like stripes, they look good on us :D
Svidjaju nam se prugice, i dobro nam stoje!:D
KTM moto girl, KTM bike women's fashion
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Apparently I became a pro at "how to feel exhausted and look glowy".:)
"Kako se osecati iscrpljeno a izgledati blistavo", ocigledno sam postala ekspert na tom polju.:)
Mykonos island port photos, travel blogger in Greece
Vacation, summer, sun, sea.. that’s what I have on my mind these days... (location: Mykonos)
Odmor, leto, more, sunce... jedino mi to na umu ovih dana... (lokacija: Mikonos)
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gray white stripes velvet onesie, cute bay clothes, mayoral kids
gold and white Christmas tree decoration, zlatno bela jelka dekoracija
newborn baby diapers/nappies, best newborn diapers/nappies, motherhood blog post
How many diapers does a newborn need (0-3 months)? Read here!
Koliko pelena treba novorodjencetu (0-3 meseca)? Procitajte ovde!

Monday, February 3, 2020

How many DIAPERS does a NEWBORN need (0-3 months)?

how many diapers does a newborn need 0-3 months old; best diapers for small babies

How many diapers does a newborn need? That's the exact question I googled while I was pregnant. And I got no clear answer. Which pissed me off. But it also made me super ready to start to count how many diapers my baby needs so I can (maybe) help someone who seeks the same answer.
Why I even wanted to know "how many diapers a newborn needs"? Because I wanted to be prepared, at least for the beginning so I don't have to think about diapers. New mom's brain is like "scrambled eggs" sometimes, especially if you have no help (which happens to be my case). So any kind of preparation for the first baby saves you not only time but it also reduces the amount of stress which you're gonna definitely have each day. Also every month here at Greek supermarkets they have discounts for some kind of diapers. Since, as a new parent, you're going to give a small fortune on diapers, why not save some bucks if you can?

Koliko pelena treba novorodjencetu? Tacno to pitanje sam ukucala u Google pretragu dok sam bila trudna. I naravno nisam dobila precizan odgovor. Sto me je izivciralo. Ali u isto vreme i ucinilo spremnom da pocnem sama da brojim koliko pelena treba mojoj bebi, ne bih li mozda pomogla nekom ko trazi isti odgovor.
Zasto sam uopste htela sa saznam odgovor na pitanje "koliko pelena treba novorodjencetu"? Zato sto sam zelela da budem pripremljena, barem na pocetku, da ne moram da mislim na pelene. Mozak nove mame je kao "kajgana" ponekad, narocito ako nemate pomoc sa strane (sto se zadesilo da bude moj slucaj). Tako da bilo koja vrsta pripreme za prvu bebu ne pomaze samo kod ustede vremena vec i smanjenja stresa sto je neizbezni propratni detalj svakodnevnice. Takodje ovde u Grckoj svakog meseca u supermarketima imaju neke pelene na snizenju. S obzirom da cete kao novi roditelj dati malo bogatstvo na pelene, zasto ne ustediti neki dinar (za dodatne sitnice) ako vec mozete?

koliko pelena treba novorodjencetu/bebi prva 3 meseca; Pampers premium care Babylino sensitive Agnotis

I started buying diapers when I was 5 months pregnant. Not in huge quantities, but each month I bought a few packs. In different sizes, from size 1 until size 4. Most of the diapers are/were Pampers "Premium care" line. I also took regular Pampers, and diapers from Greek brands Babylino and Agnotis. Of course I had to buy few packs more, but not in the rush, what I had was absolutely perfect as a base.
Here's the breakdown of the exact amount of diapers I used for my baby, from the 4th day when we got home from the hospital until the day he was 3 months old. For the reference, my boy was born 52cm and 3.450gr, which was average baby size, yet he grew quite fast over the next two months. One month old he was 58cm and 3.700gr, 2 months old 60cm and 5.900gr, and 3 months old 63.5cm and 6.700gr.

Pocela sam da kupujem pelene kad sam bila 5 meseci trudna. Ne u velikim kolicinama, ali svakog meseca sam kupovala po par pakovanja. U razlicitim velicinama, od velicine 1 do velicine 4. Vecina pelena je bila Pampers "Premium care" linija. Uzela sam i regularne Pampers pelene, kao i pelene grckih brendova Babylino i Agnotis. Naravno da sam morala da dokupim par pakovanja (ne u zurbi), ali ono sto sam imala je bila apsolutno savrsena baza.
Evo pregleda tacne kolicine pelena koje je moja beba iskoristila, od cetvrtog dana kada smo dosli kuci iz porodilista pa sve do dana kada je napunio 3 meseca. Radi poredjenja, moj decko je rodjen tezak 3.450gr i dug 52cm, sto je osrednja velicina bebe, ali je u naredna dva meseca poprilicno porastao. Mesec dana star bio je 58cm i 3.700gr, 2 meseca star 60cm i 5.900gr, 3 meseca star 63.5cm i 6.700gr.

how many diapers newborn needs graphic chart; baby needs 620 diapers first 3 months

So how many diapers exactly my baby boy needed during the first 3 months? 620! 288 diapers size 1, 206 diapers size 2 and 126 diapers size 3 (check the graphics above for details).
Keep in mind that there are some diapers which you can use in between, depending from the brand. For example before passing on Pampers "Premium care" size 2 (4-9kg) I used Babylino diapers size 2 which is for 3-6kg.
Of course, it all depends from case to case. Some baby will pee and poop more, some less; some baby will poop as soon as you change the diaper... In general they say you need around 8 diapers per day, but I never rely on general opinion, nor you should. Each baby is a story for itself...
There you have, I hope I helped someone with this post and specific answer. If there's something else connected to motherhood you would like to know/read, feel free to contact me...

Dakle koliko je mojoj bebi trebalo pelena tokom prva tri meseca? 620! 288 pelena velicine broj 1, 206 pelena velicine broj 2 i 126 pelena velicine broj 3 (pogledajte graficki pregled na slici iznad za detalje).
Imajte na umu da neke pelene mozete da koristite tokom prelaska sa velicine na velicinu, u zavisnosti od brenda. Na primer, pre prelaska na Pampers "Premium care" broj 2 za 4-9kg, ja sam koristila Babylino pelene broj 2 za 3-6kg.
Naravno da broj pelena zavisi od bebe do bebe. Neka beba vise piski i kaki, neka manje; neka beba ce se ukakiti cim joj promenite pelenu… Generalno kazu da je oko 8 pelena dnevno prosecan broj, ali ja se licno nikad ne oslanjam na generalno misljenje, nemojte ni vi. Svaka beba je prica za sebe...
Eto nadam se da su ovaj post i konkretan odgovor bili nekom od pomoc. Ako postoji jos nesto vezano za majcinstvo sto biste zeleli da znate/procitate, slobodno me kontaktirajte...
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