This photo was taken a few years ago. Not so many things changed since then (except of being new mum), and that's the worst part. Stagnation is such a silent killer; it keeps you stuck, unmotivated, depressed, angry, There's no new energy, no freedom, no flow. I was never afraid of the changes, especially big ones. Yet somehow during the last decade I was stagnating, sadly. Every time I stagnate it means I subconsciously want to fit in... I no longer want to fit in. In any way. New decade started with one big change... and that's the beginning of a new cycle... cycle of flow, cycle of freedom!
2020 is going to be all about feeling ALIVE and FREE! That’s my personal aim, that’s how I want to feel this year. I want to build a lifestyle that supports those feelings, by tweaking some small things each day, step by step. It all starts from the inside...
2020 is going to be all about feeling ALIVE and FREE! That’s my personal aim, that’s how I want to feel this year. I want to build a lifestyle that supports those feelings, by tweaking some small things each day, step by step. It all starts from the inside...
p.s. Visit my Instagram account for more lifestyle photos...
Uvodna slika je nastala pre par godina. Malo stvari se promenilo od tada (izuzev sto sam postala mama), i to je "najgori" deo. Stagnacija je tihi ubica; cini da se osecamo zarobljeni, nemotivisani, depresivni, besni. Ne postoji nova energija, sloboda, protok. Ja se nikad nisam plasila promena, narocito ne velikih. Ali nekako tokom prethodne decenije pocela sam da stagniram, na svu zalost. Svaki put kada stagniram to znaci da podsvesno zelim da se "uklopim"... Sto vise ne zelim. Ni na koji nacin. Nova decenija je pocela sa jednom velikom promenom… I to je pocetak novog ciklusa… ciklusa protoka, ciklusa slobode!
Fokus 2020-te godine je na osecaju ZIVOSTI i SLOBODE! To je moj licni cilj, tako zelim da se osecam u ovoj godini. Zelim da izgradim stil zivota koji podrzava ova osecanja, menjanjem nekih malih stvari svakodnevno, korak po korak. Sve pocinje iznutra...
p.s. Posetite moj Instagram nalog za vise lifestyle fotografija...
p.s. Posetite moj Instagram nalog za vise lifestyle fotografija...
3 months old sugar <3
secer od 3 meseca <3
New Year's Eve outfit :D
novogodisnji outfit :D
location: Paros island
lokacija: Paros ostrvo
2 months old here ;)
ovde imamo 2 meseca ;)
luxury haircare: "Orofluido" beauty shampoo and hair mask with 3 natural oils
luksuzna nega kose: "Orofluido" beauty sampon i maska za kosu sa 3 prirodna ulja
We like stripes, they look good on us :D
Svidjaju nam se prugice, i dobro nam stoje!:D
Apparently I became a pro at "how to feel exhausted and look glowy".:)
"Kako se osecati iscrpljeno a izgledati blistavo", ocigledno sam postala ekspert na tom polju.:)
Vacation, summer, sun, sea.. that’s what I have on my mind these days... (location: Mykonos)
Odmor, leto, more, sunce... jedino mi to na umu ovih dana... (lokacija: Mikonos)
How many diapers does a newborn need (0-3 months)? Read here!
Koliko pelena treba novorodjencetu (0-3 meseca)? Procitajte ovde!