Tuesday, May 27, 2014

DIY Nail Polish Storage Idea (video)

DIY nail polish storage idea, how to storage and organize nail polishes

My collection of nail polishes has begun to grow again. Which makes me happy cause I love to paint my nails and play with the colors, but I just couldn't store them where all my make-up is. After a quick thinking the solution was found, and thanks to the most ordinary serving tray nail polishes are finally organized and in one place! Ok at least for now....;)

Moja kolekcija lakova za nokte je ponovo pocela da raste. Sto me cini srecnom jer volim da mackam  noktice i da se igram bojama, ali jednostavno vise nisam mogla da ih smestim gde mi sva sminka stoji. Nakon kratkog razmisljanja resenje je pronadjeno, i zahvaljujuci najobicnijoj tacni za posluzivanje lakovi za nokte su konacno organizovani i na jednom mestu! Ok barem za sada....;)


Monday, May 19, 2014

OOTD: DressLily fuchsia dress

DressLily fuchsia wrap dress outfit

Good morning, everyone, it's time for the outfit post! This time the main "star" is the feminine dress with long sleeves in a beautiful fuchsia color that I chose from DressLily's site. I wanted real spring look- bold and fresh, so I paired the dress with the heels and the details in a seafoam green color which matches perfectly with a vibrating pink hue. I can honestly say that this is one of my favorite outfits lately!

Dobro jutro svima, vreme je za outfit post! Ovoga puta glavna "zvezda" je zenstvena haljina dugih rukava u divnoj boji fuksije koju sam izabrala sa DressLily sajta. Htela sam pravi prolecni look, te sam haljinu uparila sa cipelama i detaljima u seafoam zelenoj boji koja se perfektno slaze sa vibrirajucom pink nijansom. Mogu slobodno da kazem da mi je ovo jedan od omiljenih outfita u poslednje vreme!

colorful accessories and jewelry outfit ideas

Friday, May 16, 2014

Wellness center Zdrelo (Mlavske terme)

During my recent short stay in Serbia I spent one Sunday in the spa center Zdrelo. It was a full spa day for mom and me...
At the foot of the mountain Homolje and near Petrovac, on a two-hour drive from Belgrade, is a Wellness Center Zdrelo otherwise called Mlavske terme. This whole area is rich in natural resources and cultural-historic monuments such as the monasteries of Gornjak, Sveta Trojica (Holy Trinity), Blagovestenje, Reskovica...
The thermal waters of the spa Zdrelo are especially known for their healing properties when it comes to the treatment of psoriasis and other skin diseases, as well as rheumatic diseases. This water is also good for drinking as it has a beneficial effect on diseases of the digestive tract...

Tokom mog nedavnog i kratkog boravka u Srbiji provela sam jedan nedeljni dan u banji Zdrelo. Bio je to celodnevni spa dan za mamu i mene...
U podnozju Homoljskih planina i blizini Petrovca na Mlavi, na neka dva sata voznje od Beograda, nalazi se Wellness centar Zdrelo drugacije nazvan Mlavske terme. Citavo ovo podrucje je bogato prirodnim resursima ali i kulturno-istorijskim spomenicima kao sto su manastiri: Gornjak, Blagovestenje, Sveta Trojica, Reskovica...
Termalne vode banje Zdrelo su narocito poznate po lekovitim svojstvima kada je u pitanju lecenje psorijaze i drugih koznih bolesti, kao i reumatskih bolesti. Ova voda je dobra i za pice jer blagotvorno deluje na bolesti digestivnog trakta...

Zdrelo bazen sa termalnom vodom 40 stepeni

Friday, May 9, 2014

One day on Corfu island (part III)

Corfu island trip

It's time for another travel post! Surely you already know the traveling is a great and important part of my life (that's why I studied tourism although I don't work in that field, at least not directly!), and therefore it's also an integral part of the content of my dear blog where I so happily share all the things with you! And since we speak about that, exactly today I have to travel again and to change two flights!:) Anyways there are still some remaining pics from Corfu that I haven't shared and to leave them for "my eyes" only- it would be a sin! I know it looks like I spent a week on Corfu island if judging by the number of photos, but the reality is that it was only one whole day!
If you missed previous posts from Corfu, here are the links: post 1 and post 2!

Vreme je za jos jedan "travel post"! Sigurno vec znate da su putovanja veliki i bitan deo mog zivota (zato sam i studirala turizam iako ne radim u toj struci, barem ne direktno!), a samim tim i sastavni deo sadrzaja ovog mog blogica na kojem tako rado delim stvari sa vama! I evo upravo danas ponovo putujem i menjam dva leta!:) Elem ostale su mi jos neke slike sa Krfa koje nisam podelila a ostaviti ih samo za "moje oci" bi bio greh! Znam da vam izgleda kao da sam provela nedelju dana na Krfu ako je sudeci po broju fotografija, iako je u pitanju zaista bio samo jedan celi dan!
Ako ste preskocili prethodne postove sa Krfa, evo linkova: post 1 i post 2!!

Corfu island nature
Krf ostrvo priroda

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Avon Planet Spa: African shea-butter & chocolate truffle silky body souffle

Avon Planet Spa African shea-butter & chocolate truffle silky body souffle

This cream is a real luxury for the skin! Avon definitely has great things in their "Planet Spa" line, and one of them is a Silky body souffle with African shea-butter and chocolate! Shea-butter deeply nourishes the skin, leaving it soft and smooth. Chocolate, or cocoa extract, awakens all your senses as it stimulates the satisfaction and ultimate pleasure in the moments when you apply the cream to your skin (well at least such an impact it has on me!)! In addition to these two ingredients it contains as well the macadamia and sesame oils. Slightly foamy texture allows easy application and smudging. In one word: 200ml of a yummy-yummy product which will tickle your hedonistic side!

Ova krema je pravi luksuz za kozu! Avon definitivno ima super stvari u svojoj "Planet Spa" liniji, a jedna od njih je i Svilenkasti body souffle sa africkim shea-puterom i cokoladom
Shea-puter dubinski hrani kozu cineci je mekom i glatkom. Cokolada, odnosno ekstrakt kakaa, budi sva vasa cula stimulisuci zadovoljstvo i vrhunski uzitak dok nanosite kremu na vasu kozu (barem takav uticaj ima na mene!)! Pored ova dva sastojka sadrzi i dodatna ulja makadamije i susama. Pomalo penusava tekstura omogucava lako nanosenje i razmazivanje. Jednom recju: 200gr njami-njami proizvoda koji ce zagolicati vasu hedonisticku stranu!

Avon planet spa Svilenkasti body souffle sa africkim shea-puterom i cokoladom

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Avon Planet Spa: African shea-butter nourishing face mask

Avon Planet Spa African shea-butter nourishing face mask

Another beneficial thing for my face is coming from Avon's "Planet Spa" line. Nourishing Mask with African shea-butter is a product that I often use these days. Especially after a long trip, climate changes, longer flights, in fact in all situations when my skin needs extra care as it becomes dehydrated and somehow grayish...

Jos jedna blagodet za moje lice stize iz Avonove "Planet Spa" linije. Hranljiva maska za lice sa africkim shea-puterom je proizvod koji cesto koristim ovih dana. Narocito nakon duzih putovanja, promene klimatske sredine, duzih letova, zapravo u svim situacijama kada je mojoj kozi potrebna ekstra nega jer postaje dehidrirana i nekako sivkasta...

Avon planet spa face masks

Thursday, May 1, 2014

SammyDress blue velvet & lace dress :: Evening option

dark blue velvet and lace dress

Some time ago I showed you a new dress that I got from SammyDress' site, and I even asked you for an advice: which shoes go better! But as I had to travel out of the country I packed the dress as well, just in a case I need some chic option for an evening out. Yet the shoes that I planned to wear stayed at home... however these navy patent ones are not bad at all, so we got another spontaneous option for the evening! What do you think of this combination?

Pre nekog vremena sam vam pokazala novu haljinu koju sam uzela preko SammyDress sajta, i cak sam vas pitala za savet: koje cipele bolje idu! Medjutim kako sam morala da otputujem van zemlje ja sam haljinu ponela sa sobom, za slucaj da se pojavi neka sik varijanta za vecernji izlazak. Ali cipele koje sam planirala ostadose kuci... elem ni ove teget lakovane uopste ne stoje lose, te dobismo jos jednu spontanu varijantu za vece!! Kako se vama cini ova kombinacija? 

tamno plava haljina od plisa i cipke
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