Tuesday, May 27, 2014

DIY Nail Polish Storage Idea (video)

DIY nail polish storage idea, how to storage and organize nail polishes

My collection of nail polishes has begun to grow again. Which makes me happy cause I love to paint my nails and play with the colors, but I just couldn't store them where all my make-up is. After a quick thinking the solution was found, and thanks to the most ordinary serving tray nail polishes are finally organized and in one place! Ok at least for now....;)

Moja kolekcija lakova za nokte je ponovo pocela da raste. Sto me cini srecnom jer volim da mackam  noktice i da se igram bojama, ali jednostavno vise nisam mogla da ih smestim gde mi sva sminka stoji. Nakon kratkog razmisljanja resenje je pronadjeno, i zahvaljujuci najobicnijoj tacni za posluzivanje lakovi za nokte su konacno organizovani i na jednom mestu! Ok barem za sada....;)



  1. Mmm ... kakva divna kolekcija!

  2. I guess nail polish is like shoes- a girl can never have enough. It is great to have your nail polishes MUCH better sorted than in that basket. I'd probably be fearful or lost trying to find a certain nail polish I'd want to use out of about 40 or 50 nail polishes. You have a nice voice (and a nice accent) as well as very nice nails. Cool video and nice post! Greetings from the United States! :)



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