Thursday, October 17, 2019

What I packed in my HOSPITAL BAG (for me and baby boy)

what I packed in my hospital bag for me and baby boy, hospital bag checklist

The day I'll give birth to my baby boy is approaching. Actually it's going to happen in the next 2-3 days, lol. I have had my hospital bag packed (starring at me wide open) for two weeks or so, as my doctor said I should be prepared. And I was, we all thought baby would be here by now! But my boy feels quite comfortable inside, it's warm, he's kicking all day long, showing me his small yet strong legs and hands, well having real party in my belly.:D I guess we both have out-of-the-box rhythms, for example I'm up writing this post and it's past 4am, I couldn't 
Anyway I wanted to share some items I packed, both for me and baby. I saw some checklists online, but I mostly focused on a checklist my doctor gave me for the specific hospital where I'll stay 3 days. I got it all written down in my trusty agenda/planner which has so many lists and notes (it's also packed as for sure I'll need to write some new things). But let's get back to today's topic and the content of the hospital bag!

Dan kada ce moja beba doci na svet se priblizava. Zapravo dogodice se u naredna 2-3 dana, haha. Kofer za bolnicu je spremljen (zuri u mene svaki dan sirom otvoren) vec vise od dve nedelje, jer je moj doktor rekao da budem spremna. I jesam, svi smo mislili da ce beba vec uveliko biti sa nama. Ali maleckom je bas udobno unutra, toplo je, sutira po ceo dan, pokazuje mi mala ali jaka stopala i ruke, ma pravi zurku u mom stomaku!:D Izgleda da oboje imamo nas autentican ritam, evo sad je na primer 4 sata ujutru a ja budna i pisem ovaj post, probudila sam se, haha...
Elem, zelela sam da podelim listu stvari koje sam spakovala u kofer, za bebu i za mene. Pronasla sam bezbroj listi na internetu, ali sam se fokusirala na listu koju mi je moj doktor dao za bolnicu u kojoj cu biti tri dana. Sve sam zapisala u poverljivu agendu (i ona ide u kofer jer ce sigurno biti stvari koje treba zapamtiti tj. zapisati) koja ima bezbroj listi i beleski. Nego da mi predjemo na poentu danasnje teme i sadrzaj bolnicke torbe!

hospital bag checklist for baby, what to pack for a baby boy in hospital bag


- going home outfit: super cute set (bodysuit + pants + hat) I got from H&M conscious line; mittens, 2 pairs of socks. I also packed one additional bodysuit. 
- 3 swaddles/blankets (one muslin, one thicker, one knitted blanket) just in case 'cause I don't know what kind of weather we'll have (it should be warm)
- wet wipes
- newborn car seat (already installed)

I was told that the hospital will provide everything baby needs, so no need to pack: diapers, pacifiers, bottles, additional clothes and similar...


- odeca za izlazak iz bolnice: super sladak set (bodi + pantalonice + kapica) iz H&M conscious linije; rukavice, 2 para carapica. Spakovala sam i jedan dodatni bodi.
- 3 pelene/pokrivaca za uvijanje (dve pamucne pelene za uvijanje i jedan pleteni pokrivac), za svaki slucaj jer ne znam kakvo ce tacno vreme biti (trebalo bi da bude toplo)
- vlazne maramice za bebe
- sediste za novorodjencad (vec je montirano u kolima)

Receno mi je da ce bolnica obezbediti sve neophodno za bebu, tako da nema potrebe za: pelenama, cuclama, bocicama, dodatnom odecom i sl...

hospital bag checklist for new mum, what to pack in hospital bag


- for labor: vitamin water, body mist, phone, phone charger, lip balm
- one protein bar (well to have)
- personal documents + folder with my pregnancy history
- 2 PJs: one strappy nightgown and night robe (set), one long sleeve pyjama with front buttons
- 1 nursing bra, 2 sporty cotton bras for sleeping, cotton undies 
- going out outfit: comfy cotton pants, t-shirt, light denim jacket, sneakers
- warm socks
- slippers and flip flops (for shower)
- book (Paulo Coelho "Brida"), sudoku, pen
- my everyday supplements with iron and folic acid
- pads (thinner and thicker), Carriwell "Washable hospital panties"
- Medela "Purelan 100" lanolin nipple cream; few nipple pads
- hair bands and pins, comb, dry shampoo
- Nuxe "My beauty essentials" travel kit (shower gel, moisturizing cream, exfoliating gel, hand cream, dry oil); few skincare samples; deodorant; additional travel size shower gels and body lotions; toothbrush and toothpaste
- basic makeup, makeup wipes


- za porodjaj: vitaminska vodica, vodica za telo, telefon, punjac za telefon, labelo
- jedan proteinski bar (cisto da imam)
- neophodna dokumentacija i istorija trudnoce
- 2 pidzame: jedna spavacica na bretele i bademantil (set), jedna pidzama sa raskopcavanjem napred
- 1 brus za dojilje, 2 sportska brusa za spavanje, pamucne gacice
- odeca za izlazak: udobne pamucne pantalone, majica, tanja teksas jakna, patike
- toplije carape
- papuce i japanke (za tusiranje)
- knjiga (Paulo Coelho "Brida"), sudoku, olovka
- tablete gvozdja i folne kiseline koje svakodnevno uzimam
- ulosci (tanji i deblji), Carriwell "Mrezaste bolnicke gacice"
- Medela "Purelan 100" krema za grudi/bradavice sa lanolinom; nekoliko tufera za dojilje
- gumice i snalice za kosu, cesalj, sampon za suvo pranje kose
- Nuxe "My beauty essentials" travel set (gel za tusiranje, krema za lice, krema za ruke, piling gel, suvo ulje); dezodorans; nekoliko uzoraka za negu lica; dodatne travel size bocice gela za tusiranja i losiona za telo; cetkica i pasta za zube
- osnovni mejkap, maramice za skidanje sminke

sta treba spakovati u torbu za porodiliste za mamu i dete, trudnicki saveti za porodjaj

I think I'll get back to this post (or actually write a new one) when I come home from the hospital. I'm curious to see which items I needed or not, what I should but didn't bring, what was useful/helpful... So stay tuned!;)

** Back from the hospital, and I'm glad to say that I almost used and needed everything I packed. The only things I didn't need were pads and hospital panties (they gave me at the hospital), socks (it was warm enough) and bras for sleeping (I wore nursing bra). Also I had no time to read the book or play sudoku, I preferred staring at my baby!:)

Mislim da cu se vratiti ovom postu (ili zapravo napisati novi) kada dodjem kuci iz bolnice. Radoznala sam da vidim koje stvari ce mi trebati a koje nece, sta sam trebala da ponesem a nisam, sta je bilo korisno…

** Izasli smo iz porodilista, i drago mi je da kazem da mi je skoro sve bilo potrebno od stvari koje sam spakovala. Jedino mi nisu trebali ulosci i bolnicke gacice (imali su na odeljenju), carape (bilo je zaista toplo) i brushalteri za spavanje (nosila sam brus za dojilje). Takodje nisam imala vremena da citam knjigu ili resavam sudoku, vise mi se svidelo da piljim u bebu!:)

Thursday, October 10, 2019

My PREGNANCY experience: 3rd trimester

third trimester pregnancy experince, tips, nutrition, skincare, labor plan

Rainy October day today... And we're officially 39 weeks! It's just the matter of a moment now... Possible date for labor is 15th of October, but doctor told me two weeks ago to be prepared... We have regular check up tomorrow, so we'll see if there are any news.
There are things in life you can't precisely plan, as much as you want, which also goes for the pregnancy... So let's get back to the point of the story, and my third trimester.

Kisovit oktobarski dan danas... I zvanicno smo usli u 39-tu nedelju! Sad je samo pitanje trenutka. Verovatan datum porodjaja je 15-ti oktobar, ali mi je ginekolog koji vodi trudnocu jos pre dve nedelje rekao da budem spremna. Sutra imamo regularan nedeljni pregled, pa cemo videti da li ima nesto novo.
U zivotu uvek postoje stvari koje ne mozes precizno da isplaniras, koliko god to zelis, sto je isti slucaj i sa trudnocom. Nego da se mi vratimo na poentu danasnje price, a to je treci trimester...

pregnancy fashion, maternity fashion and style, fit pregnancy

Basically now in the third trimester I started to look pregnant, lol. I might go into labor at any moment, and people think I'm six months pregnant. Baby boy started to grow faster in the 8th month, at 36 weeks he was 2700gr.  At 37 weeks he was 2800gr, and after just one week 3200gr (of course you can't measure baby's weight 100%). I stopped to put on more weight around 6th month (when I gained 100gr), it's just the baby weight and some light water retention at the end of the day. From the beginning of my pregnancy until 39 weeks, I gained around 7kg.

Prakticno tek sad u trecem trimestru sam pocela da izgledam trudno, haha. Mogu da se porodim svakog trenutka, a ljudi misle da sam sesti mesec. Beba je pocela da raste malo brze u osmom mesecu, u 36-oj nedelji je bio tezak 2700gr. U 37-oj nedelji 2800gr, a u 38-oj vec 3.200gr (naravno tezina bebe nikad ne moze da se 100% tacno odredi, uvek je 10% gore-dole). Ja sam prestala da dobijam na tezini negde u sestom mesecu (kad sam se ugojila 100gr, haha), sad je samo tezina bebe i tecnost koja se zadrzava na kraju dana. Od pocetka trudnoce do 39-te nedelje dobila sam oko 7kg.

nutrition and diet tips for a healthy pregnancy. dijeta i ishrana za zdravu trudnocu.

My nutrition didn't change, I have no cravings and my body still needs mostly proteins (I "pay" high price if I stay away from them and try to focus on healthy carbs, like fruits or whole grains or similar). During the hot days I want a bit colder and fresh food, and when the temperatures drop I want warmer and cooked food.

Ishrana se nije promenila. Ne trazi mi se nista specijalno, mom telu su i dalje potrebni vecinom proteini (istina je da "placam" visoku cenu kada ih ne jedem svaki dan i pokusam da se vise fokusiram na zdrave ugljene hidrate kao sto su voce, integralne zitarice i sl.). Tokom toplijih dana vise zelim hladniju i svezu hranu, kada temperature spadnu zelim topliju i kuvanu hranu.

third trimester pregnancy tips for expecting mums.saveti za treci trimestar u trudnoci.

Except of walking and light stretching I haven't done that much. Not because I'm pregnant, but because it's the same old story each summer. I'm pretty much active at work during the summer, so I can (at least over the last few years) dedicate more seriously to workouts after September.
Plus this summer I did an enormous amount of work at home. We gave all carpets and curtains for cleaning, we made one new closet, painted the walls... I cleaned every shelf, corner, door, drawer. Threw away a lot of things. I still clean, so there are barely days when I'm resting, which is bad but things need to be done (both at work and at home). I guess I'll rest at the hospital for those 3 days, lol!
I'm a bit sorry I couldn't focus more on my body and just being present, each summer is the same story- hectic. That's why I want to finish everything I have, so I can have my full focus on the baby, my recovery, as well as the new life stage...

Izuzev setnje i istezanja nisam nesto specijalno vezbala. Ali ne zato sto sam trudna, vec zato sto je ista situacija svako leto. Prilicno sam aktivna na poslu tokom leta, tako da mogu da se posvetim ozbiljnije vezbanju tek nakon septembra, barem ovih poslednjih nekoliko godina.
Plus ovog leta sam odradila bas dosta stvari u kuci. Dali smo na hemijsko ciscenje sve tepihe i zavese, dodali smo jedan novi plakar, okrecili zidove… Ja sam ocistila svaku policu, cosak, vrata, svaku fioku. Pobacala puno stvari. I dalje cistim, tako da su retki dani kada mirujem, sto sam svesna da nije sjajno, ali stvari moraju da se zavrse (i na poslu i u kuci). Valjda cu se odmoriti u porodilistu tokom 3 dana, haha.
Istina je da mi je pomalo zao sto nisam mogla da promenim nacin funkcionisanja tokom ovog leta i da se vise fokusiram na telo i prosto na sadasnji trenutak, ali svako leto je ista prica- uzurbanost. Zato hocu da zavrsim sve sto imam, da bih moja paznja bila potpuno usmerena ka bebi, oporavku, i novoj zivotnoj fazi...

Palmer's Tummy butter and massage lotion for stretch marks.Best pregnancy stretch marks body products.

I started to use specific body products for pregnancy stretch marks after the 4th month. That's when my bumpie started to grow a bit. Until then I was using regular lotions, body butters and oils. First I was using Palmer's "Massage lotion for stretch marks" which has lighter consistency and neutral smell. From 7th month when my belly started to show more I switched to Palmer's "Tummy butter for stretch marks" which I truly adore using in the evening after the shower. I like its rich consistency and I love its smell! In the morning I still put some of the same body lotion. And additionally I was using Balea's "5-in-1 Body oil" for other body parts, like boobs...;) So far no stretch marks!

Pocela sam da koristim specificne proizvode za strije u trudnoci nakon 4-og meseca, kada je moj stomak poceo polako da se uocava. Do tada sam koristila regularne losione, putere za telo i ulja. Prvo sam koristila Palmer's "Massage lotion for stretch marks", losion za strije za predeo stomaka koji je laganiji i ima neutralan miris. Od 7-og meseca, kada je moj stomak poceo da raste, presla sam na Palmer's "Tummy butter for stretch marks", puter za telo koji obozavam da koristim uvece nakon tusiranja. Svidja mi se bogata tekstura, a narocito miris. Ujutru i dalje stavim malo losiona za strije. Dodatno sam jedino koristila Balea "5-u-1 ulje za telo" za druge delove tela, kao sto su grudi…;) Za sada nema strija!

healthy pregnancy nutrition, fit pregnancy nutrition. zdrava ishrana u trudnoci.

I have been having sleeping issues for quite some years (waking up really early, like 4am, and not being able to sleep after), but there are again some changes. For the last three weeks I started to wake up in the middle of the night, like 2-3am, then I'm awake for one hour or so, then I go back to sleep for one or two hours. It's like my body is preparing me for all the nights I'll be up feeding the baby.:D

Vec nekoliko godina imam neke problemcice vezane za spavanje (ustajanje rano, oko 4-5 ujutru, i posle ne mogu da spavam), ali sad me spopalo nesto novo. U poslednje tri nedelje pocela sam da se budim u sred noci, oko 2-3 nocu, pa sam budna po sat i nesto, pa onda ponovo zaspim na sat ili dva. Kao da me telo sprema za buduce noci koje cu provesti budna hraneci bebu!:D

healthy pregnancy tips. zdrava trudnoca saveti i preporuke.

I have no plan. I'll just go with the flow. Is it irresponsible? I don't think so. You can plan your labor as much as you want, and the things might not go as planned, for million of reasons. Do I want natural birth? Yes, my doctor and I agree on that. Will I take epidural? Not my preference, but we'll decide there, depending from the pain level and other factors. But none of this is for sure, I just know I'm gonna do what's the best for my baby and me when the time comes.
From the 8th month, my baby boy took his position, with his head down. Didn't change it until now. During the normal check up at 36 weeks, doctor told me I was ready, his head was super low in my pelvis area. There was no surprise for me as I was feeling the pressure really low for days, yet other women had their opinion- he should get more down (well ladies a bit lower and he's out)! Speaking about opinions of others, I'm so glad I learned not to care, in general, about any kind of opinion! I mean I politely listen to people, then I brush their opinion over my shoulder and continue my day, lol.
Anyway I have my suitcase prepared with all and only the basic things for me and baby. I'm not obsessing over anything, I like to be prepared until certain level...

Nemam plan. Pusticu stvari da teku. Da li je to neodgovorno? Ne bih rekla. Mozes da planiras porodjaj koliko god zelis, a stvari cesto krenu u drugom smeru, zbog milion razloga. Da li zelim da se porodim prirodnim putem? I moj doktor i ja to zelimo. Da li cu se odluciti za epiduralnu? Nije moja preferencija, ali cemo odluciti na licu mesta, u zavisnosti od nivoa bola i drugih faktora. Ali nista od ovog nije zasigurno, znam samo da cu uraditi ono sto je najbolje za bebu i mene kada dodje taj trenutak.
Od osmog meseca, beba je zauzela svoj polozaj, sa glavom nadole. Nije se promenilo do sada. Tokom regularnog pregleda u 36-oj nedelji, doktor mi je rekao da sam spremna, bebina glava je bila super nisko, u karlicnom delu. To i nije bilo neko iznenadjenje za mene jer sam osecala pritisak vec nekoliko dana, ali neke zene u mom okruzenju su imale svoje misljenje- da mora jos da sidje (drage moje dame, malo nize i eto ga napolju). Kad vec govorimo o tudjem misljenju, drago mi je sto sam naucila da me ne zanima sta drugi imaju da kazu vezano za moj zivot. Naravno uvek ljubazno saslusam ljude, ali na jedno uvo udje a na drugo izadje, haha. 
U svakom slucaju, kofer za porodiliste je spreman, sa bazicnim stvarima za bebu i mene. Ne opterecujem se previse, spremna sam do normalnog nivoa...

velvet velour baby bodysuit and pjs, newborn velour clothes, Mayoral baby fashion

Just like with the birth plan, I have no expectation how the things will go once my baby boy is out. Do I plan on breastfeeding? No. That's what I truly want, but I don't plan as I said once. If I can that's awesome (I do have a nursing bra, nipple cream and nursing pads in my suitcase), if I can't I'll find another solution.
I didn't read any books, nor I took some lessons. I read some blogs and articles about basic things, asked 2-3 persons I trust, but I rely on my instinct as always. I learn by practice, not by reading the theory. And I can always call my doctor or midwife, if needed.
Do I have everything prepared at home for the baby? We got basic clothes: bodysuits, socks, mittens, hats, warmer onesies. I have bassinet ready, washed sheets and blankets. First stage car seat. Pram. Nappies (few packs in different sizes, until size 4) and water wipes. Baby bathtub, shampoo, diaper rush creams. Few bottles and pacifiers. The crib will be here during October. I have everything washed with baby detergent, and everything has its own place. Nothing overwhelming...
The only thing I know is that I don't want people or help for the first few days. I know it's strange but I need to find my own rhythm, better to say our rhythm...

Kao i sa planom porodjaja, nemam ocekivanja kako ce teci stvari nakon sto beba dodje na svet. Da li planiram da ga dojim? Ne. To je ono sto zaista zelim, ali kao sto sam vec rekla ne pravim planove. Ako mogu super (imam i grudnjak za dojenje, kremu za bradavice i uloske/tufere za dojilje u koferu), ako ne mogu nacicu drugo resenje. 
Nisam procitala nijednu knjigu na temu trudnoce/roditeljstva, niti uzimala neke casove pripreme. Procitala sam neke artikle i blogove na internetu o osnovnim stvarima, pitala 2-3 osobe kojima verujem, ali se oslanjam na svoj instinkt kao i uvek. Najbolje ucim u praksi, a ne citajuci teoriju. I naravno doktor i babica su mi uvek na raspolaganju, ako je potrebno. 
Da li je kuca spremna za bebu? Imamo osnovnu garderobu: benkice, bodiji, carapice, kapice, rukavice, toplije stvari. Prenosivi krevetac je spreman, posteljina i cebenca oprani. Sediste za kola. Kolica. Pelene (po nekoliko pakovanja u razlicitim velicinama, do velicine 4) i vlazne maramice. Kada za bebu, peskiri sa kapicom, samponi, Pavloviceva i druge kremice. Nekoliko flasica i cuclica. Krevetac ce biti ovde tokom oktobra. Sve sam oprala deterdzentom za bebe i sve ima svoje mesto. Nista previse, nista preterano...
Jedina stvar koju znam je da ne zelim toliko ljude u kuci iliti pomoc prvih dana. Znam da to zvuci super cudno ali uvek sam bila vrlo samostalna, i potrebno mi je da prvo pronadjem svoj ritam… ili bolje reci nas ritam...
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