Wednesday, November 29, 2017

20 Inspirational Life Quotes about Embracing CHANGE

Printed vacation maxi dress and beige wedges, best vacation looks

"All changes, even the most longed for, have their melancholy, for what we leave behind us is a part of ourselves. We must die to one life before we can enter into another." (Anatole France)

"The secret of change is to focus all of your energy, not on fighting the old, but on building the new." (Socrates)

"You must be the change you wish to see in the world." (Mahatma Gandhi)

"You can't change what's going on around you until you start changing what's going on within you."

how to embrace life changes inspiring quotes

"They always say time changes things, but you actually have to change them yourself." (Andy Warhol)

"Pain can change you, but that doesn't mean it has to be a bad change. Take that pain and turn it into wisdom."

"Growth is painful. Change is painful. But nothing is as painful as staying stuck somewhere you don't belong."

"To exist is to change, to change is to mature, to mature is to go on creating oneself endlessly." (Henri Bergson)

Duga haljina sa grafickim printom, outfit za letovanje i more

"Change is inevitable but personal growth is a choice." (Bob Proctor)

"I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination." (Jimmy Dean)

"Those who expect moments of change to be comfortable and free of conflict have not learned their history." (Joan Wallach Scott)

"When we are no longer able to change a situation, we are challenged to change ourselves." (Victor Frankl)

Karakikes Φορέματα maxi printed dress with open back

"Life is a series of natural and spontaneous changes. Don't resist them, that only creates sorrow. Let reality be reality. Let things flow naturally forward in whatever way they like." (Lao Tzu)

"Your life does not get better by chance, it gets better by change." (Jim Rohn)

"One reason people resist change is because they focus on what they have to give up instead of what they have to gain."

"If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change." (Wayne Dyer)

vacation healthy glow

"Yesterday I was clever so I wanted to change the world. Today I am wise, so I'm changing myself." (Rumi)

"If you don't' like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude." (Maya Angelou)

"Change is never painful, only the resistance to change is painful." (Buddha)

"The price of doing the same old thing is far higher than the price of change." (Bill Clinton)

20 Inspirational Life Quotes about Embracing CHANGE

Monday, November 20, 2017

MARGOT MCKINNEY's dazzling jewelry

Margot McKinney most beautiful jewelry pieces

I am not a fan of dainty/minimal/classic jewelry, never was. Also not a fan of too much layering, it just feels heavy. I love statement jewelry pieces, something that has a special touch. Even something that can be worn on its own, as a central piece (see my Pinterest jewelry board). For example I prefer wearing one bigger ring over 10 tiny ones (these days usually worn) on both hands. And these words are coming from a person who herself designs and creates jewelry...
There are a lot of jewelry brands and designers whose work I really like and appreciate, and one of them is Margot McKinney. This lovely Australian lady creates unique, eye-catching, dazzling pieces, made from the finest materials and colorful gems, and inspired by her never-ending traveling adventures...

Nisam ljubitelj minimalnog/klasicnog tzv. "dainty" nakita, nikada nisam ni bila. Takodje nisam ljubitelj slojevitog nosenja nakita, nekako mi se cini previse. Volim smelije komade nakita, nesto sto nosi notu posebnosti. Cak i nesto sto se moze nositi samostalno, kao centralni komad (pogledajte moju Pinterest inspiraciju nakita). Na primer, preferiram da nosim jedan veci prsten nego 10 tanusnih (ovih dana obicno nosenih) na obe ruke. I ove reci dolazi od osobe koja i sama dizajnira i kreira nakit...
Postoji puno izvrsnih dizajnera nakita i brendova ciji rad zaista postujem, a jedan od dizajnera je i Margot McKinney. Ova ljupka dama iz Australije kreira jedinstvene, briljantne komade nakita koji neizostavno privlace paznju. Napravljeni su od najfinijih materijala i dragocenog kamenja, i inspirisani njenim avanturistickim putovanjima kojima nema kraja...

Margot McKinney luxury jewelry designs
Margot McKinney fine colorful gemstone jewelry designs
Margot McKinney earrings and rings
Margot McKinney jewelry with precious stones and gems
Margot McKinney best jewelry designers 2017
Margot McKinney nakit od dragocenog kamenja


Sunday, November 19, 2017

GFH Lifestyle #11

The body shop Chocomania set: lip balm shower gel body scrub body butter

"A bird sitting on a tree is never afraid of the brunch breaking, because her trust is not on the brunch but on its own wings. Always believe in yourself!"
A bit of inspiration this Sunday morning, I believe we all need to hear something like this... And of course, a bit of visual Instagram inspiration.

"Ptica koja sedi na drvetu se nikada ne plasi da ce grana puci, jer njeno poverenje nije u grani vec u sopstvenim krilima. Uvek veruj u sebe!"
Malo inspiracije ovog nedeljnog jutra, verujem da nam je svima potrebno da cujemo ovakve reci... I naravno malo vizuelne Instagram inspiracije.
H&M maxi striped multicolor dress
more outfit photos here
vise outfit slika ovde
local shop in Sirmione
local shop in Sirmione (Italy)
lokalna radnja u mestu Sirmione (Italija)
how a female travel blogger travels and explors Greece and Cyclades
IOS hot spot: Erego beach club & restaurant (more photos here / vise slika ovde)
Liostasi luxury Ios hotel summer 2017 2018
coral maxi dress and handmade seashell necklace
coral maxi dress & seashell necklace (more photos)
koralna maxi haljina & ogrlica od skoljki (vise slika)
Beautiful Venice photos.Lepe slike Venecije.
Sephora best-selling Cream lip stain in Watermelon slice
 my type of red lipstick: Sephora "Cream  lip stain" in Watermelon slice
 moja vrsta crvenog karmina: Sephora "Cream  lip stain" u nijansi Watermelon slice
How to spend one day in Venice.Sta videti u Veneciji.
72h in Italy: Trip to Venice (in the morning)- more photos here
72h u Italiji: Put do Venecije (jutarnji casovi)- vise slika ovde
Inspirational summer vacation looks.What to wear in Greece.
Home decoration best of Oliver Gal art and prints.
Home decor: Oliver Gal art & prints (see here)
Dekoracija doma: Oliver Gal umetnicka dela i printovi (pogledajte ovde)
Saint Mark's Basilica in Venice outside.Bazilika Svetog Marka u Veneciji.
St. Mark's Basilica, Venice
Katedrala Sv. Marka, Venecija

Friday, November 17, 2017


72h in ITALY: Trip to GARDA LAKE and SIRMIONE.72h u Italiji, izlet do jezera Garda i Sirmionea. 
The second day in Italy started early again. After the breakfast, we headed to the largest lake in Italy- Garda lake, located at the foot of the Alps. I knew that the lake is pretty, but I didn't know that it keeps another jewel. That jewel is a place called Sirmione... 

Drugi dan u Italiji je opet rano poceo. Nakon dorucka smo se uputili ka najvecem jezeru Italije- jezeru Garda, koje se nalazi u podnozju Alpa. Znala sam da je jezero lepo, ali da cuva jos jedan dragulj nisam znala. Taj dragulj je mesto Sirmione...
Hotel Sirmione Garda lake Italy

Sirmione is a beautiful little place, very picturesque and charming! Colorful facades of the hotels and houses, adorable balconies full of flowers, a bunch of small shops with souvenirs, few modern-type shops, several coffee shops and restaurants that were full of people on that sunny day... And how many places that sell ice-cream, with every possible color and flavor available- you just don't know what to choose!

Sirmione je predivno mestasce, vrlo zivopisno i sarmantno! Sarenolike kuce i fasade hotela, neodoljive terasice pune cveca, nacickane male radnjice sa suvenirima, par radnji modernijeg tipa, nekoliko kafica i restorana koji su tog suncanog dana bili puni ljudi... A koliko je samo mesta gde se prodaje sladoled, sve zive boje i ukusi da prosto ne znate sta da izaberete!

Sirmione cute traditional shops
Home villa of Maria Callas in Sirmione Italy.Kuca Marije Kalas

When you start to stroll the central street, somewhere near its end you'll reach a little mound that leads to the house of the opera singer and diva Maria Callas. Opposite of the house is a park full of greenery where she reportedly spent a lot of time...

Kada krenete da se setate centralnom ulicom, negde pri kraju nailazite na jedno malo uzvisenje koje vodi do kuce operske pevacice i dive Marije Kalas. Preko puta kuce se nalazi i park pun zelenila gde je ona navodno provodila dosta vremena...

Maria Callas park in Sirmione Italy.Park Marije Kalas.
Tradicionalne radnje u Mestu Sirmione u Italiji.
Gaius Valerius Catullus bust sculpture in Sirmione

Several celebrities stayed and temporarily lived in Sirmione. One of them is the Roman poet Gaius Valerius Catullus, born in Verona, who lived in the first century BC. His family owned a villa in this place, and today there is one sculpture (bust) dedicated to the poet at the beginning of the small harbor.

Nekoliko poznatih licnosti je boravilo i privremeno zivelo u Sirmioneu. Jedan od njih je i rimski pesnik Gaj Valerije Katul, rodom iz Verone, koji je ziveo u prvom veku p.n.e. Njegova porodica je posedovala jednu vilu u ovom mestu. U znak secanja podignut mu je spomenik (bista) na pocetku malog pristanista.

Sirmione travel photos on Garda lake in Italy.
Party travel Italija aranzman, izlet do jezera Garda i Sirmione.
Scaliger fortress in Sirmione Italy.

At the entrance of Sirmione, on the right, there is a high Scaliger fortress. Built in 13th century, it served as a defense against the enemy. We didn't go inside, but I know that in the main part is a small museum that preserves precious local finds dating back to the Roman era.

Na samom ulazu u Sirmione, sa desne strane, se nalazi visoka Skaliger tvrdjava. Sagradjena u 13om veku, sluzila je za odbranu od neprijatelja. Mi nismo usli unutra, ali znam da se u glavnom delu nalazi mali muzej koji cuva dragocene predmete pronadjene na ovoj teritoriji jos iz doba Rimskog carstva.

Best know Italian fortresses.
Scaliger tvrdjava u Italiji na jezeru Garda.
What to see in Sirmione and Garda lake.
Best and most beautiful Garda lake hotels.

We did not stay too long in Sirmione, because we had planned to visit Verona in the afternoon. But those three hours were sufficient to be impressed by all the things we saw. We left Sirmione and Garda lake with beautiful memories...

Nismo se previse zadrzavali u Sirmioneu, jer nas je cekao put i obilazak Verone u popodnevnim casovima. Ali ova tri sata su sasvim dovoljna bila da se odusevimo svime sto smo videli i da nam jezero ostane u dugom i lepom secanju...
Visit Garda lake.Poseta Garda jezeru.
Most famous nad most beautiful lakes in Italy.Najpoznatija i najlepsa jezera u Italiji.
How to spend 72h in ITALY Trip to GARDA LAKE and SIRMIONE

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Vacation outfit: Printed mini dress + 7 years of Blogging

Floral print off-the-shoulder open-back mini dress.Best vacation outfits.

7 years of blogging is, simply said, a lot! 7 years of anything is a lot. Every seven years, one cycle in human life completes and begins a new one (we all know that Saturn needs seven years to return to its natal position)- things inevitably change in our life, or they become better or they fall apart. I can't tell you specifically in which direction the future of this blog will move, 'cause it's useless to make any plans if the Universe has different intentions for us. What I do know for sure is that I'll write and create as long as I have the inspiration. More than ever, I care about the quality of the things that I share on the blog, and that's what I try to focus on lately.
Yet the most important thing at this moment is to thank all of you who always find the time to read some text, check some photos, and perhaps leave a comment. I hope that at least some of this added a value to your life!

7 godina blogovanja, je najjednostavnije receno, puno! 7 godina bilo cega je puno. Svakih sedam godina se zavrsava jedan ciklus u ljudskom zivotu i pocinje novi (podsetimo se ciklusa Saturna kome treba sedam godina da se vrati na svoju natalnu poziciju)- stvari se neizostavno menjaju u nasem zivotu, ili se krecu ka boljem ili se raspadaju. U kome smeru ce se konkretno kretati buducnost ovog bloga, to ne mogu znati, smesno je praviti bilo kakve planove ako Vaseljena za nas ima drugacije namere. Ono sto zasigurno znam je da cu pisati i stvarati sve dok imam inspiracije. Vise nego ikada mi je vazan kvalitet onoga sto delim ovde na blogu, i to je ono na sta se u poslednje vreme fokusiram.
Ipak najbitnije u ovom trenutku je da se od srca zahvalim svima vama koji ste uvek pronalazili vremena da procitate poneki tekst, pogledate neku sliku, mozda i ostavite koji komentar. Nadam se da je barem nesto od ovoga dodalo vrednost vasem zivotu!

Blue tassel statement earrings, tassel earrings trend
Cold shoulder off-the-shoulder trends.Trend otvorenih rukava.
how to wear open back printed dresses
Floral print mini dress.Mini haljina sa cvetnim printom.
Stradivarius blue purse.Stradivarius plava tasnica.


Monday, November 13, 2017

My Nighttime Skincare Routine

Nighttime skincare routine for fall and winter.Vecernja rutina nege koze lica za jesen i zimu.

A few days ago, I shared with you my morning skincare routine. I also mentioned that the evening routine is a little more thorough. In fact, the biggest difference is in the face cleansing: while the morning routine includes one product, the evening includes three! And of course the morning is focused on hydration and evening on regeneration and nutrition. See below all products and steps...

Pre nekoliko dana, podelila sam sa vama jutarnju rutinu nege koze. I spomenula sam da je vecernja rutina malo temeljnija. Zapravo najveca razlika je u ciscenju koze: dok jutarnja ukljucuje jedan proizvod, ova vecernja ukljucuje cak tri! I naravno jutarnja je fokusirana na hidrataciju, a vecernja na regeneraciju i hranljivost. Pogledajte u nastavku sve proizvode i korake...

Best face cleansers:Sephora Supreme cleansing oil,Diadermine Micellar water,L'Oreal Fine flowers gel wash.

This step includes three products. Because a single product is not sufficient to remove makeup (although I don't wear layers of makeup every day). Because I like to see that the cotton pad is clean at the end of the process. And because a good cleansing creates the perfect base for applying the following skincare products, otherwise it's useless...
Anyway let's get back to these products. First I massage Sephora "Supreme cleansing oil" onto a dry face, with a special focus on the eye area (it seems to me that only cleansing oils and balms melt the mascara). Then I wet the face, massage it a bit more and rinse with warm water. Then I apply in circular motions L'Oreal "Fine flowers gel-cream wash" and rinse the face. And finally (although it's already quite clear) with a cotton pad soaked with Diadermine "Micellar water" I remove every last trace of dirt and makeup (this also adds a bit of refreshment).

Ovaj korak ukljucuje tri proizvoda. Zato sto mi jedan proizvod nije dovoljan da uklonim sminku (iako ne nosim slojeve sminke svaki dan). Zato sto volim da vidim da je tufer od vate cist na kraju procesa. I zato sto se dobrim ciscenjem stvara savrsena podloga za nanosenje sledecih proizvoda za negu koze, u suprotnom je uzaludno...
Elem da se vratimo na ove proizvode. Prvo na suvo lice umasiram Sephora "Supreme cleansing oil" (ulje za ciscenje) i posebno se fokusiram na podrucje ociju i trepavica (cini mi se da uljani proizvodi jedini tope maskaru). Onda pokvasim lice, pa dodatno umasiram i isperem toplom vodom. Onda utrljam kruznim pokretima L'Oreal "Fine flowers gel-cream wash" (tj. gel-kremu za umivanje) pa isperem vodom. I na kraju (iako je vec prilicno cisto) predjem tuferom natopljenim Diadermine "Micelarnom vodom" da uklonim i svaki poslednji trag, ali i da osvezim lice.

Sephora Super regenerating oil serum and Renew and peel super serum.Sephora serumi za lice.

Step 2: SERUM
Applying the serum on a cleansed face is a real pleasure. I must admit that Sephora "Super regenerating oil-serum" is one of the best serums I have ever used, I always see the difference in the morning.
Also, roughly every fourth day instead of this serum I use Sephora "Renew & peel super serum" with glycolic acid. The skin absorbs it immediately, while with the oil-serum I should wait a little before applying the face cream.

2. korak: SERUM
Na ocisceno lice pravo je zadovoljstvo naneti serum. I moram priznati da je Sephora "Super regenerating oil-serum" ("Regenerisuci serum u ulju") jedan od najboljih koji sam do sada koristila, ujutru uvek vidim razliku.
Takodje otprilike svakog cetvrtog dana, umesto ovog seruma nanesem Sephora "Renew & peel super serum" sa glikolnom kiselinom. Koza ga odmah upije, dok sa uljanim treba sacekati malo pre nanosenja kreme za lice.

Premier Dead Sea luxurious Eye serum and Garnier Miracle sleeping night cream.

Unfortunately, soon I'll be separating my ways with the magical bottle (second one btw) of Premier Dead Sea "Eye Serum". Applying only this serum should be a ritual in itself. I wrote more about it here.
So far, the skin absorbed the oil-serum and it's ready for a night cream. I use Garnier "Miracle sleeping cream", although it's near its end too.

3. korak: ANTIRID
Na svu zalost, zavrsavam sa magicnom bocicom (druga po redu) Premier Dead Sea "Eye serum" seruma za oci. Nanosenje samo ovog seruma bi trebalo da bude ritual po sebi. O njemu sam vise pisala ovde.
Do sada je koza vec upila uljani serum pa je lice spremno za nocnu kremu. Koristim Garnier "Miracle sleeping cream", mada je i ona pri kraju.

The Body Shop coconut lip butter.Body Shop kokos puter za usne.

This rounds off my nighttime skincare routine. Lip butter is like "the icing on the cake", especially 'cause this "Lip Butter" from The Body Shop smells on coconut!;)

5. korak: PUTER ZA USNE
Ovime zaokruzujem vecernju rutinu nege koze. Puter za usne je kao "slag na tortu", narocito sto ovaj "Lip butter" iz Body Shop-a mirise na kokos!;)
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