You see, now is not exactly the brightest period in my life. And usually when you don't feel ok, it is easy to neglect yourself. This is counterproductive, both in the short and in the long run. Therefore
it helps me (as much as it's hard sometimes) to have a skincare routine,
something that I have to do and repeat every day, so I can keep myself "on the good track".
This is my current routine when it comes to the morning skincare. And it's much simpler than the evening/nighttime routine, which I'll also share in one of the next posts...
This is my current routine when it comes to the morning skincare. And it's much simpler than the evening/nighttime routine, which I'll also share in one of the next posts...
Vidite, trenutno mi nije bas najsjajniji period u zivotu. I obicno kada se ne osecate ok, vrlo je lako zanemariti sebe. Sto je kontraproduktivno, i na krace i na duze staze. Zato mi pomaze (koliko god da je nekad tesko) da imam rutinu nege koze, nesto sto moram raditi i ponavljati svaki dan, kako bih odrzavala sebe na "dobroj traci".
Ovo je moja trenutna rutina kada je jutarnja nega koze u pitanju. I mnogo je jednostavnija od vecernje rutine, koju cu takodje podeliti u jednom od narednih postova...
Maybe this first step I should call "refreshment" more than the ordinary cleansing. I thoroughly clean my face before bedtime, so it's impossible to accumulate so much dirt 'till the morning. So after splashing the face with water, I apply Sephora "Liquid moisturizing skin concentrate" with cotton pads. This is actually lotion and serum in one, and when applied to a face before the cream, it enhances its moisturizing effect by 25%.
Maybe this first step I should call "refreshment" more than the ordinary cleansing. I thoroughly clean my face before bedtime, so it's impossible to accumulate so much dirt 'till the morning. So after splashing the face with water, I apply Sephora "Liquid moisturizing skin concentrate" with cotton pads. This is actually lotion and serum in one, and when applied to a face before the cream, it enhances its moisturizing effect by 25%.
Mozda bih prvi korak pre trebala nazvati osvezavanje nego klasicno ciscenje lica. S obzirom da temeljno ocistim lice pre spavanja, koza ne stigne da nakupi necistoce do jutra. Tako da nakon umivanja, lepo i lagano nanesem na lice Sephora "Liquid moisturizing skin concentrate" tuferima. Inace ovo je losion i serum u jednom, i kada se nanese na lice pre kreme, pojacava njen hidrirajuci efekat za 25%.
Until I wait for the lotion to absorb, I move onto the eye cream. Currently I use Clinique "Pep-start eye cream" which I apply in circular motions in order to boost the circulation of the eye area.
Until I wait for the lotion to absorb, I move onto the eye cream. Currently I use Clinique "Pep-start eye cream" which I apply in circular motions in order to boost the circulation of the eye area.
2. korak: KREMA ZA OCI
I dok cekam da lice upije losion za ciscenje, ja predjem na kremu za oci. Trenutno koristim Clinique "Pep-start eye cream" koju nanosim kruznim pokretima kako bi se podstakla cirkulacija predela oko ociju.
Usually the third step is the serum and then the fourth is a face cream. But now instead of a serum, I use Clinique "Fresh pressed daily booster" with Vitamin C which should be mixed with the moisturizer, in my case- Clinique "Dramatically different moisturizing cream". A little more about these two products you can read in this post.
Usually the third step is the serum and then the fourth is a face cream. But now instead of a serum, I use Clinique "Fresh pressed daily booster" with Vitamin C which should be mixed with the moisturizer, in my case- Clinique "Dramatically different moisturizing cream". A little more about these two products you can read in this post.
Obicno bi treci korak bio serum pa cetvrti dnevna krema. Ali trenutno umesto seruma, koristim Clinique "Fresh pressed" koncentrat sa vitaminom C koji se mesa sa kremom za lice, u mom slucaju to je Clinique "Dramatically different" hidrantna krema za lice. Malo vise o ova dva proizvoda mozete procitati ovde.
Step 4: LIP BALM
This step I recently added to the skincare routine, because I noticed that my lips really need that extra step, especially if the next thing is applying makeup. These days I use Balea "Lip oil" with the coconut.
This step I recently added to the skincare routine, because I noticed that my lips really need that extra step, especially if the next thing is applying makeup. These days I use Balea "Lip oil" with the coconut.
4. korak: LABELO ZA USNE
Ovaj korak sam tek nedavno dodala rutini, zato sto sam primetila da je mojim usnama zaista potreban ovaj dodatni korak, narocito ako je sledeca stvar nanosenje sminke. Ovih dana koristim Balea "Ulje za usne" za kokosom.
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