I feel like I could spend hours sitting on the edge of any cliff of Xilobatis bay, despite the wind that was blowing that day in
Koufonisia, watching the scene that I photographed for the blog. Ok
tastes are different, maybe someone doesn't find fascinating this natural
beauty, but I'm always captivated by the rock formations and deep blue waters of the
sea mixed with the whiteness of the turbulent waves. Although
that day we went to see Gala beach which I wrote about in this post,
Xilobatis Bay which is located just across Pori beach and Pori bay (you can see
more pictures here) equally enchanted me!
Imam osecaj da sam mogla sate da provedem sedeci na ivici bilo koje stene Xilobatis (Ksilobatis) zaliva, uprkos vetru koji je duvao tog dana na Kufonisiji, posmatrajuci prizor koji sam uslikala i za blog. Ok ukusi su razliciti, mozda neko ne pronalazi ovu prirodnu lepotu fascinantnom, ali mene uvek ocaravaju formacije stena i plavetnilo morske vode pomesano sa belinom nemirnih talasa. Iako smo tog dana krenuli da vidimo Gala plazu o kojoj sam pisala u ovom postu, Xilobatis zaliv koji se nalazi bas prekoputa Pori plaze i Pori zaliva (vidite vise slika ovde) me je podjednako zadivio!