Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Captivating beauty of Xilobatis bay | Koufonisia island

Xilobatis bay Koufonisia island

I feel like I could spend hours sitting on the edge of any cliff of Xilobatis bay, despite the wind that was blowing that day in Koufonisia, watching the scene that I photographed for the blog. Ok tastes are different, maybe someone doesn't find fascinating this natural beauty, but I'm always captivated by the rock formations and deep blue waters of the sea mixed with the whiteness of the turbulent waves. Although that day we went to see Gala beach which I wrote about in this post, Xilobatis Bay which is located just across Pori beach and Pori bay (you can see more pictures here) equally enchanted me!

Imam osecaj da sam mogla sate da provedem sedeci na ivici bilo koje stene Xilobatis (Ksilobatis) zaliva, uprkos vetru koji je duvao tog dana na Kufonisiji, posmatrajuci prizor koji sam uslikala i za blog. Ok ukusi su razliciti, mozda neko ne pronalazi ovu prirodnu lepotu fascinantnom, ali mene uvek ocaravaju formacije stena i plavetnilo morske vode pomesano sa belinom nemirnih talasa. Iako smo tog dana krenuli da vidimo Gala plazu o kojoj sam pisala u ovom postu, Xilobatis zaliv koji se nalazi bas prekoputa Pori plaze i Pori zaliva (vidite vise slika ovde) me je podjednako zadivio!

What to see when you visit Koufonisia

Saturday, November 26, 2016

Exploring charming KOUFONISIA island

Koufonisia island traveler's photos

If you regularly visit my blog, it's likely that you've seen quite a number of images that show the stunning beauty of the small Cycladic island called Koufonisia. It covers the area of only 26km², so the entire island you can see in one day. Koufonisia as a whole actually consists of two islands: Pano Koufonisi (where is the main village and all the beaches) and Kato Koufonisi (uninhabited area where the nature is equally beautiful and slightly wild). Believe it or not, Koufonisia island is called "small Mykonos" and "Mykonos' sister", due to its specific cosmopolitan energy and charm...

Ako redovno posecujete moj blog, verovatnoca je da ste do sada videli prilican broj slika koje pokazuju ocaravajucu lepotu malog kikladskog ostrva pod imenom Kufonisija. Povrsine je svega 26km², i citavo ostrvo uzduz i popreko mozete obici za jedan dan. Kufonisija kao celina se zapravo sastoji iz dva ostrva: Pano Kufonisi (gde je glavno selo i sve plaze) i Kato Kufonisi (nenaseljeni deo gde je priroda podjednako lepa i pomalo divlja). Verovali ili ne, ostrvo Kufonisija nazivaju "malim Mikonosom" i "sestrom Mikonosa", zbog svoje specificne kosmopolitske energije i sarma...

small Cycladic island called Koufonisia

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Bright lips for fall: Pink, red and orange shades

best bright drugstore lipsticks and lipglosses in pink orange and red shades

Lip make-up... Usually the neutral shades of lipsticks and lip glosses are the imperative for the cold autumn and winter period. But isn't it fun sometimes to think outside-of-the-box, apply lipstick in a bubblegum pink color or perhaps in a red grapefruit shade, and to breathe a bit of excitement into a dull everyday life?! Here are a few lip products in lively colors that I've recently purchased. See below what I love and what I could easily skip!

Sminkanje usana... Obicno su neutralne nijanse karmina i sjajeva za usne imperativ za hladan jesenji i zimski period. Ali nije li zabavno ponekad iskociti iz sablona, naneti karmin u boji pink zvake ili recimo u boji crvenog grejpfruta, i time udahnuti malo zivota u sivilo svakodnevnice?! Evo nekoliko proizvoda za usne u zivahnim bojama koje sam pokupovala u poslednje vreme. Pogledajte u nastavku koje volim a koje sam mogla i da preskocim!

Sunday, November 20, 2016

Glam & Fab Week (14.11.-20.11.)

Nude beige suede lace pumps.Best fashion and shoes flatlays.

It's so sunny yet so chilly these days... I woke up earlier this morning, 'cause we're going for a ride with a motorbike and I need about half an hour to put my "armor" (not funny at all..)- pants and jacket with internal protectors, boots in which my feet can't move, gloves which help the things to slip from my hands, helmet which squeezes my brain- these are all lovely safety measures!:D So I'm going to prepare now and I leave you here with a couple of weekly Instagram pics!!

Ovih dana je bas suncano i bas hladno... Jutros sam se ranije probudila jer idemo na voznju motorom i treba mi sigurno pola sata da navucem svoj "oklop" (nimalo zabavno...)- pantalone i jakna sa unutrasnjim stitnicima, cizme u kojima se noga ne pokrece, rukavice od kojih mi sve ispada iz ruku, kaciga koja mi stiska mozak- sve su ovo divne mere sigurnosti!:D Odoh ja da se spremam polako, a vama ostavljam nekoliko ovonedeljnih Instagram slicica!!

Cobalt blue trend.Zara blue bodysuit.Fullah sugah tsanta.Voi&Noi γοβες.

Friday, November 18, 2016

outfit: Fresh pop of coral color

coral pink loose sweater outfit with beige jeans and beige sandals

Here's one casual and comfy yet chic everyday look which I haven't shared here on the blog! It's all about neutrals and a fresh pop of coral color... Hope you like it!:)

Evo jednog outfita za svaki dan koji nisam podelila na blogu! Kezual, udobno i pomalo trendi. Sve se svodi na neutralne nijanse uz osvezavajuci dodatak koralne boje... Nadam se da vam se dopada!;)

Stradivarius coral knitwear loose sweater

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Koufonisia's stunning spot: Gala beach

Gala beach Koufonisia island

Wherever you travel, especially for the first time, the unwritten rule is that there is always a location/spot which you must visit and see. Let's take Koufonisia for example- everybody told us that we shouldn't leave the island without seeing Gala beach! So one morning we started a walk from Pori beach, following the path that forks into two parts: one part leads to the beach, and the other part leads to the hill which offers a fascinating view- and that is the path we quite spontaneously followed...

Gde god da putujete, narocito po prvi put, nepisano pravilo je da uvek postoji neka lokacija koju morate posetiti i videti. Evo na primer na Kufonisiji, svi su nam rekli da ne smemo otici sa ostrva a da ne vidimo Gala plazu! Tako da smo mi jednog prepodneva krenuli peske od Pori plaze, sljunkovitom stazom koja se racva na dva dela: jedan deo vodi do plaze, a drugi deo do uzvisenja sa kojeg se pruza fascinantan pogled- kuda smo se i mi potpuno spontano uputili...

most beautiful Koufonisia island beaches

Sunday, November 13, 2016

Glam & Fab Week (07.11.-13.11)

Mirror Greece.Cobalt blue shoes.Best blue fashion flatlays.

I woke up at 7am, and I immediately saw that it's going to be a sunny day, luckily 'cause it was raining all day yesterday- boring! But again luckily I've started to bring back some happy colors into my life (as you can see in today's post, lol)- dark and muted shades piss me off now!:D Anyway here are some weekly Instagram photos...

Danas sam ustala u sedam, i odmah sam videla da ce biti suncan dan, srecom jer je juce kisa padala citav dan- dosadno! Ali opet kazem srecom pa sam pocela da unosim malo vedrine u svoj zivot kroz veselije boje (sto jasno mozete videti danas, haha)- tamne i isprane nijanse me nerviraju sada!:D Kako god evo nekih nedeljnih Instagram slicica...

Orange bikini and orange sunglasses.Tally Weijl sunglasses.

Thursday, November 10, 2016

Fall beauty haul: Nail polishes

Fall beauty haul nail polishes Revlon Sally Hansen Manhattan she.stylezone

Here's my approach to fall and winter beauty trends: there are always neutral shades (like cream, beige, taupe), but there must be some happy colors as well (including my lovely pastel shades)- otherwise life is really boring when it's cold outside!:D These nail polishes that I recently bought are the perfect example: we have three "calmer" shades plus three "party" colors!

Moj pristup jesenjim i zimskim beauty trendovima je sledeci: tu su uvek neutralne nijanse (npr. bez, krem), ali obavezno mora postojati i neka vesela boja (ukljucujuci i meni drage pastelne nijanse)- u suprotnom zivot je bas dosadan kada je napolju hladno!:D Evo primer su lakovi za nokte koje sam kupila u poslednje vreme: tri "smirenije" nijanse plus tri "party" boje!

Monday, November 7, 2016

Vacation outfit: White Dress, Happy Flowers

White maxi dress with floral print outfit

Here's the last holiday look, and it might be the cutest one! This is one of the prettiest dresses in my closet, and I feel like a bride when I wear it (and everybody else tells me the same, lol)!:D As you can see it's a maxi dress, and it's a super long one so high heels or high platforms are the only option!

Evo poslednjeg "holiday look-a", i moze biti i najsladji! Ovo je jedna od najlepsih haljina koje imam u ormanu, i uvek kada je nosim osecam se kao mlada (i svi ostali mi isto to kazu, haha)!:D Kao sto vidite u pitanju je maxi haljina, ali je super duga tako da su visoke stikle ili platforme jedina opcija!

Fresh holiday makeup looks

Sunday, November 6, 2016

Glam & Fab WeekS (24.10.-06.11.)

Best fashion flatlays.Vogue September issue with Kendall Jenner.

Wow it's already November!! Less than two months more and this year will be gone; when did this happen?! Anyway enough with "philosophy"- the day just started and the sun is shining outside, and that should be celebrated!;) Have a lovely day, and drop by tomorrow 'cause I'll share the last holiday look!:) But for now check below what was happening on the blog these days, and some random Instagram pics!

Vau vec je novembar mesec! Jos nepuna dva meseca i ovoj godini je kraj; ne znas gde dani lete... Ali dosta "filozofiranja"- tek je poceo dan i napolju sija sunce, i to treba iskoristiti!;) Uzivajte danas, i svratite sutra jer cu vam pokazati poslednji "holiday look!:) A sad pogledajte sta se to desavalo na blogu u zadnje dve nedelje, plus neke slicice sa Instagrama!

Paroikia Paros photos
Paroikia, Paros

Thursday, November 3, 2016

Megali Ammos beach + Finikas beach | KOUFONISIA island

Megali Ammos beach Koufonisia island Cyclades Greece

If you go to Google and type the word "Koufonisia", the first image you will see is the photo of Megali Ammos beach, which is the beach of the main island's village and is located right next to the harbor. This also happens to be the first thing that I saw after leaving the ferry boat, so the first impression was striking!:)
All beaches in Koufonisia are sandy and very close to each other, which is logical because it's a small island. So if you go on foot from the main beach, in about 15-20 minutes you'll reach the next "bigger" beach called Finikas beach. And right next to Finikas beach is Fanos beach which I already wrote about in this post!

Ako ukucate na Google pretrazivacu rec "Koufonisia" prva slika koja ce vam izaci je slika Megali Ammos plaze koja je "gradska plaza" glavnog sela i nalazi se odmah pored glavne luke. Ovo je prvo sto sam i ja ugledala po izlasku sa trajekta, te je prvi utisak bio upecatljiv!:)
Sve plaze na Kufonisiji su pescane i vrlo blizu jedna druge, sto je i logicno jer je samo ostrvo vrlo malo. Pa ako krenete peske od gradske plaze, za nekih 15-20 minuta sticicete do sledece "vece" plaze koja se zove Finikas plaza. A odmah nakon Finikas plaze je Fanos plaza o kojoj sam vec pisala u ovom postu!

Best Koufonisia beaches

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

outfit: Navy Pinstripe Cigarette Trousers

Wardrobe basics navy pinstripe cropped cigarette trousers outfit

At some point, maybe 2-3 years ago I stopped wearing pants and jeans. Don't know why but I'm pretty convinced that it was because of the weight of the material and stiffness of the cut: I love light materials as they allow me to move more freely. The situation has fortunately changed this year when I found a few pairs of pants and jeans that successfully "fight" that heavy feeling: although as I said before it also has to do with the fit as well as with the color (very important factor). The example are these dark blue cropped pants which have that classic "cigarette" cut and almost invisible white stripes!

U jednom trenutku, mozda pre 2-3 godine, sam prestala da nosim pantalone i farmerke. Ne znam zasto ali sam prilicno ubedjena da je bilo zbog tezine materijala i krutosti kroja: volim lakse materijale jer dozvoljavaju da se slobodnije krecem. Situacija se srecom promenila ove godine kada sam pronasla nekoliko farmerki i pantalona koje pobedjuju taj "osecaj tezine", mada kao sto rekoh dosta se radi i o kroju kao i o boji (vrlo bitan faktor)! Primer su ove teget pantalone klasicnog "cigaret" kroja sa skoro nevidljivim belim prugicama koje se zavrsavaju iznad clanaka (tzv. "cropped" pantalone)!

Fresh makeup looks.White blazer and top.Beli blejzer.
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