"Grandma's" restaurant, which is a part of "Liostasi hotel & spa", is one of the places on the island of Ios, that is
generously recommended to the tourists, especially when it comes to dinner.
Actually, exclusively when it comes to dinner as the restaurant works after 7pm...
"Grandma's" is located within the hotel where we
stayed at. In the morning the breakfast is served here
(more about that in this post). And up to 7pm there is another menu based on the lighter meals which can be served to hotel guests, so many
people decide to have a lunch here, especially when they spend the day by the pool. For example two times in the late afternoon I ordered my favorite
food- grilled eggplants.
Anyway, I wanted to show you the look of the restaurant before opening at 7pm, while it's still lit by
the sun that slowly sinks behind the horizon...
"Grandma's" restoran, koji je deo "Liostasi hotel & spa", je jedno od mesta na ostrvu Ios koje se velikodusno preporucuje turistima, narocito kada je vecera u pitanju. Zapravo i jedino kada je vecera u pitanju jer restoran radi tek nakon 19h...
"Grandma's" se nalazi u okviru hotela u kojem smo odsedali. Ujutru se recimo ovde sluzi dorucak (vise o tome u ovom postu). I sve do 19h casova postoji drugi jelovnik koji se bazira na laksim jelima koja se mogu servirati gostima hotela, te se mnogi odlucuju da rucaju ovde narocito kada provode dan pored bazena. Ja sam recimo dva puta u kasnim podnevnim casovima rucala moje omiljeno jelo- grilovane patlidzane.
Elem htela sam da vam pokazem kako restoran izgleda pred samo otvaranje u 19h, dok je jos obasjan suncem koje polako tone iza horizonta...