"Liostasi hotel & spa" is located in the town of Ios, 6-7 minutes away from the port. It belongs
to the SLH (Small Luxury Hotels of the World) hotel chain which is a guarantee
for a certain uniqueness, exclusivity and luxury...
Interior design is a blend of modern and traditional, chic and rustic. A lot of
refreshing white paint mixed with beige and greyish hues, unique use
of wood in the details (sculptures, mirrors and
picture frames, chandeliers...), with a few additions of metallic
elements skillfully integrated in the whole...
This is how the main space at the entrance of the hotel (where is a reception desk) looks like...
"Liostasi hotel & spa" se nalazi u samom Ios gradu, nekih 6-7 minuta udaljenosti od luke. Pripada SLH (Small Luxury Hotels of the World) hotelskom lancu sto je garancija za odredjenu unikatnost, ekskluzivnost i luksuz...
Dizajn enterijera je spoj modernog i tradicionalnog, sik i rusticnog. Dosta bele osvezavajuce boje pomesane sa bez i sivkastim nijansama, jedinstvena upotreba drveta u izradi detalja (skulpture, okviri ogledala i slika, lusteri...), sa ponekim dodacima metalnih elemenata vesto integrisanih u celinu...
Evo kako izgleda glavna prostorija na samom ulazu u hotel (gde se nalazi i recepcija)...
Meni je ovo super.