Half of 2020 is behind us. Is it just me, or these past few months passed even faster now that we've been forced to slow down?! I guess it's because days are almost the same. Anyway I'm sure nobody planned nor wanted this year to go in the direction it actually went...
Personally my days, as a new mum, are identical- I'm trying to keep this kid alive.:D He's almost 9 months old, bubbling and moving all day long, unable to sit in one place. Now I'm waiting him to start walking, so at least I know why I'm chasing after him, lol.
p.s. For more lifestyle photos, visit my Instagram!
Pola 2020-te je proslo. Da li se samo meni cini, ili su prethodnih par meseci prosli jos brze nego inace, sad kad smo bili prinudjeni da usporimo ritam?! Pretpostavljam da je to zbog toga sto su dani istovetni. U svakom slucaju, niko od nas nije planirao niti zeleo da ova godina ide tokom koji ide...
Moji dani, kao novoj mami, su delimicno isti- pokusavam da odrzim ovo dete zivim!:D Skoro je 9 meseci star, samo brblja i pomera se po ceo dan, ne drzi ga mesto. Sad cekam da prohoda, makar da znam zasto jurim za njim, haha.
p.s. Za vise lifestyle fotografija, posetite moj Instagram nalog...
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