Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Travel video | 48h in Budapest: Heroes' Square and around

Travel video 48h in Budapest, Heroes' Square.Trg Heroja u Budimpesti video.

Sharing one new travel video today! Sorry it's a bit "shaky", but it was a bus tour so I was filming while the bus was moving. And don't blame the driver- he did the best he could!:D
You could see in this post the photos (and some info) of Heroes' Square in beautiful Budapest, if you haven't I warmly suggest you to check it. And if you wish to see more travel videos, simply go to my YouTube channel!
Danas delim jedan novi travel snimak! Izvinjavam se sto se malo "drma", ali u pitanju je bila tura autobusom tako da sam ja snimala dok se bus pomerao. I ne krivite vozaca- uradio je najbolje sto je mogao!:D 
Mogli ste da vidite u ovom postu fotografije Trga Heroja u lepoj Budimpesti, a ako niste toplo vam preporucujem da proverite. A ako zelite da pogledate jos koji travel video, jednostavno skoknite do mog YouTube kanala!


Saturday, December 24, 2016

My Christmas Tree | Merry Christmas

Best white and gold Christmas tree decoration

I love love love how my Christmas tree turned out this year!! I already mentioned I decided to switch from "red-gold theme" to "white-gold", and that was one of the best decisions ever, lol!:D Now it's time to put some presents under that tree, 'cause it still looks a bit "naked".;) Wishing you all Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays! Have fun, be happy and bright, spread love and positive emotions, and smile a lot!!!
Mnogo mnogo mnogo volim kako je Novogodisnja tj. Bozicna jelka ispala ove godine! Vec sam spomenula da sam odlucila da zamenim "crveno-zlatnu tematiku" sa "zlatno-belom", i to je bila jedna od najboljih odluka ikada, haha!:D Sad je vreme da stavimo neke poklone ispod drveta, zato sto jos uvek izgleda nekako "golo"!;) Iskoristicu ovu priliku da cestitam svima koji slave Katolicki Bozic! Zabavite se, budite nasmejani i radosni, sirite ljubav i pozitivne emocije!

Beautiful white and gold Christmas home decoration

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Winter makeup: Nude/Neutral lips

Best drugstore nude neutral lip products lipstics lip glosses lip liners

Nude lips trend... Basically "nude lips" should look good on everyone 'cause the shades imitate the natural color of our lips. Yet there are so many neutral shades of lip products, and we all have different skin color as well as the undertones. That's all a part of the game, so the whole thing can be quite confusing! For example, I look like a corps when I apply lipstick that is few shades lighter than my lips (if I want to pull it off, I need to have heavier eye makeup). Also darker brown lipstick shades (very often) make me look "not-at-all-fresh" or what I like to call "muddy"...
So since my skin has neutral undertone, what works best for me are the neutral/nude shades which are a bit darker than my lips: pink-brown shades, peaches, lighter cinnamon shades and similar. Here are some lip products (lipsticks, lipglosses and lip liners) that I'm experimenting with- some look really nice when I apply them, and some I'll simply skip...:)

Trend nazvan "nude usne"... Prakticno ovaj trend bi trebalo da pristaje svima zato sto nude nijanse imitiraju prirodnu boju nasih usana. Ali postoji toliko neutralnih nijansi proizvoda za sminkanje, i svi mi imamo drugaciju boju tena kao i podtona. To je sve deo igre, tako da citava prica moze postati zbunjujuca. Na primer, ja izgledam kao zivi les kada nanesem karmin koji je nekoliko tonova svetliji od boje mojih usana (ako hocu da mi uspe, onda moram imati jaci mejkap ociju). Takodje tamnije nijanse braon karmina (vrlo cesto) cine da izgledam "ne-tako-sveze" ili sto ja volim da kazem "blatnjavo"...
S obzirom da moja koza ima neutralan podton, nude nijanse koje mi najbolje pristaju jesu: rozikasto-braon, nijanse breskve, svetlije nijanse cimeta i slicno. Evo nekih proizvoda za sminkanje usana (karmini, sjajevi za usne i olovke za usne) sa kojima sam eksperimentisala u poslednje vreme- neki super izgledaju kad ih nanesem, a neke cu ubuduce zaobici...:)

Monday, December 19, 2016

Glam & Fab WeekS (05.12.-18.12.)

visiting Grand Bazaar Istanbul

My oh my! I still haven't decorated my Christmas tree, nor the home, I'm gonna do it tomorrow!:) I've decided to change a bit the colors: until now it was a gold-red theme, and now I'm gonna do everything gold-white! Can't wait to see how the things will turn up! But for now I'm leaving you some photos which I was posting on Instagram over the last two weeks...

Jos nisam ukrasila jelku, niti kucu, ali cu to uraditi sutra!:) Odlucila sam da donekle promenim boje: do sada je bila zlatno-crvena tematika, a sad ce vecina biti zlatno-bela kombinacija! Jedva cekam da vidim kako ce sve ispasti! A za sada vam ostavljam slicice koje sam postavljala u protekle dve nedelje na Instagramu...

travel blogeer explores Gala Koufonisia.Best summer photos.

Saturday, December 17, 2016

48h in BUDAPEST: Heroes' Square

48h in Budapest: Heroes' Square.

Trip location: Hungary. We left Belgrade around midnight, and arrived in Budapest in the early morning hours. We'll ignore the slight pressure in the head from the lack of sleep in the bus, and perhaps weak coffee after the border, and we'll start our sightseeing tour of Budapest. The first thing they took us to see, and what I believe is the beginning of every classical tour, is the impressive Heroes' Square (Hősök Tere) near the Andrássy avenue and the City Park. It's always packed with people, most of whom are tourists, and I just don't know how I managed to take pictures like these ones which show the opposite (witty girl, lol)! Anyway, let's now share some information for the cute curious minds!;)

Za Madjarsku smo krenuli iz Beograda oko ponoci, turistickim autobusom, i u Budimpestu stigli u ranim jutarnjim casovima. Zanemaricemo neznatni pritisak u glavi od nespavanja, i mozda slabe kafe nakon granicnog prelaza, i krecemo u obilazak Budimpeste. Prvo sto su nas odveli da vidimo, a sto je verujem i pocetak svake klasicne turisticke ture, jeste impresivni Trg Heroja (Hősök Tere) u blizini Andrasi (Andrássy) bulevara i Gradskog parka. Uvek krcat ljudima od kojih su vecina turisti, i ne znam samo kako sam ja uspela da uslikam ove fotografije a da pokazuju suprotno (svaka mi cast, haha)! Elem hajde da sad podelim par informacija za slatke znatizeljne mozgice!;)

Budapest sightseeing tour images

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Premier Dead Sea: Eye serum | My 2016 skincare favorite

Premier dead sea Eye serum Eye contour age defying fluid

I smile a lot, really a lot! Due to that I have some cute "smiley wrinkles" around my eyes and lips, but I can't help it- nor I want, 'cause these smiley lines are the symbol of my cheerful spirit!:) Yet that doesn't mean I don't pay so much attention to my eye area when it comes the skincare, on the contrary!
Currently my favorite part of the night skincare routine is applying Premier Dead Sea's "Eye serum" ("Eye contour age defying fluid"). Magnificently rich and pleasantly oily formula is the ultimate luxury! This eye serum is definitely one of the best skincare products I've ever used, and for sure- best 2016 product!

Puno se smejem i osmehujem! Zbog toga imam slatke "borice smejalice", i ne mogu nista uraditi povodom toga, niti zelim jer su te linijice simbol mog veselog duha!:) Ali to ne znaci da zapostavljam predeo oko ociju kada je nega koze u pitanju, cak naprotiv!
Trenutno moj omiljeni deo nocne nege koze je nanosenje Premier Dead Sea "Seruma za oci" (Eye contour age defying fluid). Izuzetno bogata i prijatno uljana formula je apsolutni luksuz! Ovaj serum za oci je definitivno jedan od najboljih proizvoda za negu koze lica koje sam do sada koristila, i zasigurno najbolji proizvod 2016-te!

Saturday, December 10, 2016

Travel video: DANUBE River cruise

Travel video: Budapest Danube river cruise.Krstarenje Dunavom u Budimpesti, video snimak.

After quite some time, I finally uploaded a new travel video on my YouTube channel! In yesterday's post you could see photos of Danube river cruise I had a pleasure to experience, and now I'm sharing that experience with you! Thanks to the music I found, you'll have the feeling you were actually there with me!

Nakon poprilicnog vremena, konacno sam postavila novi travel video na mom YouTube kanalu! U jucerasnjem postu ste mogli videti slike krstarenja Dunavom koje sam imala zadovoljstvo da dozivim, a sada to iskustvo delim i sa vama! Zahvaljujuci muzici koju sam pronasla, imacete osecaj da ste zaista bili sa mnom!


Friday, December 9, 2016

Budapest at night: Danube River cruise

Budapest at night Danube River cruise

Some time ago, I had the opportunity to spend less than 48 hours in Budapest, capital of Hungary. Budapest is a beautiful European city, and there are countless pretty things that my mum and I saw, but definitely the most wonderful experience for me was the evening boat cruise on the river Danube! The cruise on a cute covered boat lasted one hour, accompanied by the sound of "The Blue Danube waltz". Beautifully illuminated buildings such as the Parliament and the famous bridges which are decorated with different lights: Chain Bridge, Liberty Bridge, Margaret Bridge, Elisabeth Bridge... It was a chilly night, it was even raining the whole evening, but fortunately none of that couldn't spoil the experience...

Pre nekog vremena, imala sam priliku da provedem nepunih 48h u Budimpesti, prestonici Madjarske. Budimpesta je divan evropski grad, i postoji bezbroj lepih stvari koje smo mama i ja videle, ali definitivno najlepse iskustvo za mene je bila vecernja voznja brodom po Dunavu! Voznja natkrivenim brodicem je trajala sat vremena, pracena zvukom valcera "Na lepom plavom Dunavu". Predivno osvetljene gradjevine kao sto je Parlament i znameniti mostovi od kojih je svaki dekorisan drugacijim svetiljkama: Lancani most, Most slobode, Margaretin most, Elizabetin most... Bilo je prohladno, cak je i kisica padala citavo vece, ali srecom nista od toga nije uspelo da pokvari dozivljaj...

Budimpesta nocu: voznja Dunavom brodom

Monday, December 5, 2016

Bye bye Koufonisia!

most beautiful Koufonisia island photos

These are the last travel photos from lovely Koufonisia island which I have to share with you... No I'm not sad, 'cause maybe I'll go there again, or maybe I'll go somewhere else. So there are always some funny options, you just need to have the adventurous spirit!:) I had great time exploring this small yet super cute island, and I loved each post and each photo I've shared here on the blog...

Ovo su poslednje travel fotografije ljupkog Kufonisija ostrva koje imam da podelim sa vama... Ne, nisam tuzna, zato sto cu mozda ponovo ici tamo, ili cu mozda ici negde drugde. Toliko zabavnih opcija postoji, potreban je samo avanturisticki duh!:) Sjajno sam se zabavljala istrazujuci ovo malo ali super slatko ostrvo, i volela sam svaki post i fotografiju koje sam podelila ovde na blogu...

Koufonisia travel guide

Sunday, December 4, 2016

Glam & Fab WeekS (21.11.-04.12.)

Green bikini top with flower embroidery

Morning morning!:) It's Sunday, and it's time for a fast Instagram recap! Wishing you a great day! See you tomorrow with a new travel post!!;)

Jutro jutro!:) Nedelja je, i vreme je za brzu Instagram rekapitulaciju! Zelim vam divan dan! Vidimo se sutra sa novim travel postom!;)

Koufonisia island Chora town photos

Friday, December 2, 2016

APIVITA: Natural serum- Radiance! Working on my skin's glow!

APIVITA Natural serum Radiance with bilberry and vitamin c.Best serums for radiant glowy skin.

After the age of 30, when it comes to the skincare, girls/women start to use the products that clearly say "fight" against: aging and wrinkles, which is ultimately the same thing 'cause it all comes down to the fight against something that is natural (because aging is a natural process, no matter how much we don't like it). Anyway I passed that famous "30", but what I have been focused on over the past few months is not a fight against the aging but achieving a certain level of radiance and luminosity! So my evening routine includes skincare products which are deeply nourishing, and my morning routine must contain at least one product with vitamin C or some similar ingredient that awakens the skin and enhances its natural glow...

Nakon 30-te godine zivota, kada je nega koze u pitanju, devojke/zene se okrecu proizvodima koji imaju za cilj "borbu": protiv starenja i protiv bora, sto je na kraju krajeva i isto jer se svodi na borbu protiv onoga sto je prirodno (jer starenje jeste prirodan proces, koliko god da se to ni meni ni vama ne dopada). Elem ja jesam presla tu famoznu 30-tu ali ono na sta sam ja bila usmerena tokom poslednjih nekoliko meseci nije borba protiv starenja vec postizanje viseg nivoa blistavosti i sjaja koze! Tako da moja vecernja rutina podrazumeva proizvode za negu koze koji povecavaju hranljivost koze, a jutarnja rutina obavezno sadrzi barem jedan proizvod sa vitaminom C ili nekim slicnim sastojkom koji budi kozu i povecava njen prirodni sjaj...
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