Tuesday, September 25, 2012

outfit: Printed navy maxi skirt

Printed navy maxi skirt and white shirt outfit

Another summerish look thanks to the sunny and warm weather we're still enjoying in here in Greece. As I heard good weather is expected in Serbia as well, at least for the next week. Suitcases are packed, a bit of summer/lighter and a bit of fall/warmer clothes. We'll be leaving at 6am the next morning...

Jos jedan "letnji" look zahvaljujuci suncanom i toplom vremenu u kome uzivamo i dalje ovde u Grckoj. Koliko sam cula lepo vreme me ocekuje i u Srbiji, barem u narednih nedelju dana. Koferi su spakovani, malo letnje/laganije malo jesenje/toplije garderobe. Na put krecemo u sest casova izjutra...

duga teget suknja sa printom i bela majica

Sunday, September 23, 2012

outfit: Green Snakeskin Print

Green snakeskin print mini dress

We arrived home (last night), our short but sweet holiday came to its end. It was magnificent in Santorini... Tomorrow I'll be packing my suitcases, again, and straight to Belgrade. I don't have a break, this is what happens when you live in two countries- Greece and Serbia in my case...
p.s. And until I sit down and arrange all photos, I'm leaving you some pictures from the beginning of this month...

Stigli smo kuci (nocas), dosao je kraj nasem kratkom ali slatkom odmoru. Bilo je fenomenalno na Santoriniju... Sutra me ponovo ceka pakovanje kofera, pa pravac Beograd. Nemam predaha, tako vam je kad zivite na relaciji Grcka-Srbija...
p.s. I dok ja ne sednem i ne sredim utiske i fotografije, ostavljam vam par slika s pocetka ovog meseca...

blue green snakeskin print sandals and metallic blue green nails

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

outfit: Santorini colors

navy mini skirt red top white-blue shoes and scarf blue purse

I love Santorini.  Beautiful memories connect me with this gorgeous Greek island, starting from the late summer of 2010. That's why I gave the name "Santorini" to one of the necklaces I made ​​just before the summer. Two layers of white agate, lapis lazuli and sodalite remind me on wonderful white and blue architecture and unusual field configuration typical for this volcanic island...

Volim Santorini. Prelepe uspomene me vezu za ovo bozanstveno grcko ostrvo, pocevsi od kasnog leta 2010-te godine. Upravo zbog toga sam i dala naziv "Santorini" jednoj od ogrlica koje sam neposredno pred leto napravila. Dva sloja belog ahata, lapis lazulija i sodalita asociraju me na divnu belo plavu arhitekturu i nepravilnu konfiguraciju terena tipicnu za ovo vulkansko ostrvo...

Glam Chameleon Jewelry Santorini two layer necklace from white agate and sodalite

Sunday, September 9, 2012

outfit: Sweet Lilac Dress

sweet printed pastel lilac mini dress with short sleeves

Did I already introduce you the dress that is my dear and secure choice during the summer days? I don't think so, and it certainly deserves... It is so light you can barely feel it on the skin, it has such a lovely pastel lavender shade and adorable print which is actually the best decoration...

Da li sam vam vec predstavila haljinicu koja je moj siguran i dragi izbor tokom letnjih dana? Mislim da nisam, a svakako to zasluzuje... Toliko je lagana da je jedva osecate na kozi, ima lepu pastelnu boju lavande i divan print koji je zapravo ukras svegat...

orange lilac turquoise accessories

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

outfit: Little black flirty dress

Little black satin dress satin multicolored sandals

It's been a while since I published some "evening look" here on the blog. I will certainly implement more of the same in the future... I find it very amusing to see what changes we can make in our morning, afternoon and evening outfits, if there is such a difference at all in someone's style. For me, it's primarily shown in the bolder make-up, maybe in the use of different and "mostly reserved for the night" materials and possibly in the jewelry choice. No other differences- I like to look pretty, chic, glam & fab from morning till night!:)

Proslo je izvesno vreme otkako sam objavila neki "vecernji look" ovde na blogu. Svakako cu ubuduce implementirati vise istih... Smatram da je vrlo zabavno videti kakvu promenu mozemo uciniti svojim jutarnjim, podnevnim i vecernjim odevnim kombinacijama, ako uopste i postoji takva razlika u necijem stilu. Kod mene se to primecuje prvenstveno u pojacanom make up-u, mozda koriscenju drugacijih i vecinom "rezervisanih" za vece materijala i eventualno izboru nakita. Druge razlike nema- volim da izgledam sredjeno, sik, glam & fab od jutra do sutra!:)

little black flirty dress evening outfit ideas

Saturday, September 1, 2012

outfit: Candy Girl

summer pastel trend candy colors outfit

It's such a lovely, lovely, lovely day today... It's my birthday! Tonight, my favorite singer Mixalis Hatzigiannis performs in the place where I am now, so you know where the celebration will take the place!!:) I couldn't believe when I heard that Mixalis is going to have his concert here and exactly on my birthday! Coincidence? I do not think so, there is no such a thing!;)

Danas nam je divan dan, divan dan, divan dan... Meni je rodjendan! Veceras moj omiljeni pevac Mixalis Hatzigiannis gostuje u mestu u kojem sam trenutno, tako da znate gde ce se slaviti!:) Nisam mogla da verujem kada sam cula da Mixalis ima nastup, ovde i to bas na moj rodjendan!! Slucajnost? Ne bih rekla, tako nesto ne postoji!;)
pastel colors makeup for blue green eyes
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