Sunday, December 29, 2013

Mykonos mix 5

Jackie O bar Mykonos

Mykonos climate is a typical Mediterranean climate, and yet in some way a specific one. Summers are very hot and sunny, and winters are chilly and rainy. The hottest month is July and the coldest are January and February. The only "discomfort" are the winds, and they can be also very strong in the summer period. The air currents which don't even stop during the summer significantly reduce the impact of high temperature. Symbolic winds are meltemi that blow from the north and usually in the afternoon hours, and they are typical for Mykonos island...
All of this should be the "normal weather conditions". But as the weather on our entire planet Earth is disturbed, at the beginning of October we had: constant winds (fortunately we were escaping to the opposite side of the island) and more than five days of rain. While smart Englishmen came to breakfast in winter jackets and jeans, I was "proudly" walking in my denim mini skirt. Luckily the friendly staff of Bill & Coo hotel always had some saved blanket (and softest one, lol!) for me during the breakfast time... And luckily the weather improved after those few days...

Klima Mikonosa je tipicna za mediteransko podneblje, a opet na neki nacin i specificna. Leta su vrlo topla i suncana, a zime prohladne i kisne. Najtopliji mesec je juli, a najhladniji su januar i februar. Jedina "nelagodnost" jesu vetrovi, koji mogu biti vrlo jaki cak i tokom letnjeg perioda. Ta vazdusna strujanja koja ni leti ne prestaju znatno umanjuju uticaj visoke temperature. Simbolicna vrsta vetrova jesu meltemije koji duvaju sa severa i obicno u popodnevnim casovima, i karakteristicni su upravo za ostrvo Mikonos...
Sve navedeno bi trebalo da budu "normalni klimatski uslovi". Medjutim kako su vremenske prilike na citavoj nasoj planeti Zemlji poremecene, mi smo pocetkom oktobra meseca imali sledece: konstantne vetrove (srecom bezali smo na suprotnu stranu ostrva) i vise od pet dana kise. Dok su pametni Englezi dolazili na dorucak u zimskim jaknama i farmerkama, ja sam se "ponosno" setkala u teksas mini suknjici. Srecom ljubazno osoblje Bill & Coo hotela je uvek imalo spremljeno cebence (i to najmekse, haha!) za mene tokom dorucka... I srecom vreme se popravilo nakon tih par dana...

Mikonos ostrvo barovi
Mikonos vetrenjace

Saturday, December 28, 2013

Bill & Coo Suites and Lounge (Mykonos) :: pool

Bill & Coo Suites and Lounge pool

One of the most typical symbols of the luxury when it comes to Bill & Coo Suites and Lounge, is definitely the infinity pool. But to distance myself immediately: I don't speak about its size, depth, water color, shape, etc.. Except of being "infinity" and having a beautiful view on the bay and the sea, anything else related to this pool is not so spectacular... Except for one thing: its look when the dark evening hours come. In one second it turns from an "ugly duckling into a beautiful swan," and it looks like someone sprinkled a million shining stars over the calm water's surface... It is this magic that makes Bill & Coo lounge bar to be one of the favorite places for the evening relaxation and cocktails, on the whole island...

Jedan od najkarakteristicnijih simbola luksuza kada se radi o Bill & Coo Suites and Lounge, je definitivno "infinity" bazen. Ali da se ogradim odmah: ne spominjem njegovu velicinu, dubinu, boju vode, oblik i sl. Osim sto je infinity i sto pruza predivan pogled na zaliv i more, nista drugo vezano za ovaj bazen nije toliko spektakularno... Izuzev jedne stvari: njegovog izgleda kada dodju vecernji casovi i padne mrak. U jednoj sekundi se pretvori iz "ruznog paceta u divnog labuda", i izgleda kao da je neko posuo milion sjajnih zvezdica po mirnoj povrsini vode... Upravo ta carolija cini da Bill & Coo lounge bar bude jedno od omiljenih mesta za vecernje opustanje uz koktel, i to na citavom ostrvu...

Bill & Coo Suites and Lounge
Bill & Coo Suites and Lounge pool in night

Friday, December 27, 2013

Bill & Coo Suites and Lounge (Mykonos) :: room 216

Bill & Coo Suites and Lounge room 216

As I mentioned in the previous post, Bill & Coo Suites and Lounge has 24 suites of different looks and content. The options are: classic suites (sea view), deluxe suites, deluxe honeymoon suite, superior suite, executive suite, Bill & Coo Suites. All are bigger than 38m2, and some of them also have a private outdoor swimming pool, private Jacuzzi, spacious verandas, lounge area...
The first few days due to the hotel's overbooking, we stayed in the suite with a beautiful sea view (you'll see a few pictures below), very close to the pool. After that we were "upgraded": room number 216!

Kao sto sam vec spomenula u prethodnom postu, Bill & Coo Suites and Lounge raspolaze sa 24 apartmana, razlicitog izgleda i sadrzaja. Na raspolaganju su: classic suites (sa pogledom na more), deluxe suites, honeymoon deluxe suite, superior suite, executive suite, Bill & Coo suite. Svi su veci od 38m2, a neki od njih imaju i privatan bazen, privatan djakuzi, velike terase, lounge prostor... 
Mi smo prvih par dana, zbog prebukiranosti hotela, bili smesteni u apartmanu sa divnim pogledom na more (videcete par slika u nastavku), blizu bazena. Nakon toga smo bili "apgrejdovani": soba broj 216!

Bill & Coo hotel room 216
Bill & Coo room 216

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Bill & Coo Suites and Lounge (Megali Ammos, Mykonos)

Bill & Coo Suites and Lounge

Bill & Coo Suites and Lounge is a luxurious five-star boutique hotel located in a place called Megali Ammos. Here we unexpectedly spent the last few days of our stay in Mykonos...
Bill & Coo Suites and Lounge belongs to the SLH (Small Luxury Hotels) hotel chain, and it consists of 24 private suites. Modern, with elements of wood and stone, and renovated lobby that exudes Italian design.
This hotel is widely respected and praised for its Bill & Coo restaurant, which proudly holds the title of the "Hotel Restaurant Greek Cuisine" in 2012 and 2013! Awarded chef who is the human embodiment of calm and graceful energy, Athinagoras Kostakos, is responsible for a new type of creative Greek cuisine based on the seasonal local products, with an emphasis on organically grown fruits and vegetables. Real visual and tasting experience for all connoisseurs of fine food...

Bill & Coo Suites and Lounge je luksuzan boutique hotel sa pet zvezdica koji se nalazi u mestu zvanom Megali Ammos. Ovde smo neplanirano proveli poslednjih nekoliko dana naseg boravka na Mikonosu...
Bill & Coo suites and lounge pripada SLH (Small Luxury Hotels) lancu hotela, i u svom sastavu ima 24 privatna apartmana. Moderno opremljen, sa elementima drveta i kamena, i renoviranim lobijem koji odise italijanskim dizajnom.
Ovaj hotel je nasiroko cenjen i hvaljen zbog svog Bill & Coo restorana, koji ponosno drzi titulu "Hotelskog restorana grcke kuhinje" 2012 i 2013-te! Nagradjeni sef koji je ljudsko otelotvorenje mirne i graciozne energije, Athinagoras Kostakos, je zaduzen za novi kreativan tip grcke kuhinje zasnovan na sezonskim lokalnim proizvodima, sa posebnim akcentom na organski uzgajanom vocu i povrcu. Pravo vizuelno i degustativno iskustvo za sve poznavaoce prefinjene hrane...

Bill & Coo Suites
Bill & Coo Suites and Lounge restaurant

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Mykonos mix 4

Harmony hotel Mykonos

One of the most famous Mykonos symbols are the windmills! Their importance and popularity are linked to the 16th century, when the island played an important role in the production of wheat and bread. Easy access to the port, the geographical location of the island, and the presence of winds throughout the year, have increased the financial value of windmills in the period between the 17th and 19th century. After the First World War, due to the technological development, they lost that worth, yet gain a new value as a colossal monuments of Mykonos.
Kato Myloi is the most famous group of windmills. It is located on a small hill southwest of Chora overlooking the sea. Out of the former ten, only seven windmills exist today, but each equally attracts the attention of tourists... 

Jedan od najpoznatijih simbola Mikonosa jesu vetrenjace! Njihov znacaj i popularnost se vezuje za 16-ti vek, kada je ostrvo imalo vaznu ulogu u proizvodnji psenice i hleba. Lak pristup luci, geografski polozaj ostrva, kao i prisustvo vetrova tokom citave godine, samo su povecale finansijsku vrednost vetrenjaca u periodu izmedju 17-og i 19-og veka. Nakon Prvog svetskog rata, usled razvoja tehnologije, one gube taj znacaj, ali sticu novu vrednost kao monumentalni spomenici Mikonosa.
Kato Myloi jeste najpoznatija grupa vetrenjaca. Nalazi se na malom brdu jugozapadno od Hore i gleda na more. Od nekadasnjih deset danas je sacuvano sedam vetrenjaca, ali svaka podjednako privlaci paznju turista... 

pretty white and blue Mykonos hotels
Rocabella hotel sea view

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Mamalouka restaurant | Mykonos town

Mamalouka restaurant Mykonos

When it comes to the food, I can not say that it was easy for me in Mykonos. Due to my sensitive digestive system, I was barely finding something that wouldn't give me problems... Mykonos island is in every aspect a perfect location for all lovers of the "gourmet" food and specific tastes, but for me it's a no-no...
Mamalouka restaurant is, I can freely say, a gem that we discovered (unfortunately) three days before the end of the holiday. The only place on the entire island, where I ate a decent and really tasty portion of grilled vegetables!
This restaurant is crowded during the season! Our advantage is that we were in the low season, and we literally had the whole restaurant only for us! Very friendly atmosphere blended into the natural surrounding, with understated and visually pleasant decoration. As for service, best remarks!

Ne mogu da se pohvalim da mi je bilo lako na Mikonosu, sto se ishrane tice. S obzirom na moj osetljivi digestivni sistem, jedva sam pronalazila ono sto mi ne bi stvaralo probleme... Mikonos ostrvo je u svakom pogledu savrsena lokacija za sve ljubitelje "gourmet" hrane i specificnih ukusa, ali za mene je no-no...
Mamalouka restoran je, mogu slobodno reci, dragulj koji smo otkrili (na zalost) 3 dana pred kraj odmora. Jedino mesto na citavom ostrvu gde sam pojela pristojnu i zaista ukusnu porciju grilovanog povrca!!
Ovaj restoran je krcat tokom sezone! Nasa prednost je sto smo bili u vansezoni te smo bukvalno imali ceo restoran samo za nas! Jako prijatan ambijent uklopljen u prirodnu celinu, sa nenametljivom i vizuelno ugodnom dekoracijom. Sto se tice usluge, cista desetka!

Mamalouka restaurant
Mamalouka Mykonos

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Super Paradise beach | Mykonos island

Super Paradise beach Mykonos island

Super Paradise beach is, thanks to the turquoise water and golden (slightly gravelly) sand, one of the most beautiful beaches of Mykonos. For many years, also a favorite spot among members of the gay population. They say that there is a plan of sitting on this beach, in my opinion comically cute one: gays on the right, tourists in the middle and fancy socialites on the left.:)
Super Paradise beach is a valuable source of the material for the yellow press as in the air (besides the divine scents of the sea and summer) you can constantly feel the smell of the scandal. In the peak summer season here you can meet TV stars, models, stars on the rise, actors, singers, paparazzi and of course special stars are nudists! I saw a few topless ladies, and one grandpa of about 70 years walking around in his "birthday suit"...

Super Paradise plaza je, zahvaljujuci tirkiznoj vodi i zlatnom (pomalo sljunkovitom) pesku, jedna od najlepsih plaza Mikonosa. Vec godinama unazad takodje i omiljena medju pripadnicima gej populacije. Kazu da postoji odredjen plan sedenja na ovoj plazi, po meni komicno sladak: gej sa desne strane, turisti u sredini a fenseri sa leve.:)
Super Paradise plaza je dragoceni izvor materijala za zutu stampu jer se u vazduhu (pored opojnog mirisa mora i leta) konstantno oseca miris skandala. U jeku letnje sezone ovde se mogu sresti tv zvezde, modeli, zvezdice u usponu, glumci, pevaci, paparaci i naravno posebne zvezde su nudisti! Ja sam videla svega nekoliko pripadnica lepseg pola u toplesu, i jednog cikicu od oko 70 godina koji se setkao okolo "k'o od majke rodjen"...

Mykonos island beaches guide

Monday, December 16, 2013

Funny Monday :: funny quotes

funny quotes

No matter what happens to us in the life, for the laughter and fun we should always find some space! This is what heals us, what prolongs our vitality and youth... Therefore, the beginning of the week, and specifically the day Monday, is the perfect timing for a bit of fun and good mood. Today's quotes put a smile on my face this morning, I hope they will have the same effect on you! Have a wonderful start of the week!

Bez obzira sta nam se desava u zivotu, za smeh i zabavu uvek treba odvojiti mesta! To je ono sto nas leci, ono sto produzava zivost i mladost... Zato je pocetak nedelje, i konkretno dan ponedeljak, savrsen tajming za malo zabave i dobrog raspolozenja. Danasnji citati su meni izmamili osmeh ovog jutra, nadam se da ce imati isti uticaj i na vas!!! Zelim vam divan pocetak nedelje!!!

hilarious quotes

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Mykonos mix 3

Mykonos prettiest hotels

Archaeological findings indicate that the first settlers of the island Mykonos were members of the Neolithic tribe Kares, in 3000 BC. But the historical sources suggest that the first settlers were probably Ionians from Athens who lived here in the 11th century BC. This nation along with its leader, known as Ippokli, inhabited the territory which is today the capital city, Chora.
The distance from the island of Delos (only 2 km away), which was greatly developed, had the influence and Mykonos became a member of the Delian Alliance. Thanks to that Mykonos experienced economic prosperity, although the island itself was quite a poor agricultural source. The downside is that with the collapse of Delos, Mykonos had some critical moments as well...
from excavations in the ancient site of Ftelia, that the first inhabitants of the island were Cares, succeeded by Phoenicians, Egyptians and then Minoans who were followed by the Ionians. The ancient Mykonos developed a great culture and in fact the earliest amphora of the ancient times has been discovered on Mykonos and it is known as the Mykonos vase. In 1207, like the rest of the Cyclades, Mykonos came under Venetian rule. The Gizi dynasty took the authority of the island and built a Castle for its protection. A century later, Georgios Gizi, the last Venetian ruler, concede the island of Mykonos to Venice. In 1537 Mykonos, with most of the Cycladic islands, came under Turkish domination. Source:
from excavations in the ancient site of Ftelia, that the first inhabitants of the island were Cares, succeeded by Phoenicians, Egyptians and then Minoans who were followed by the Ionians. The ancient Mykonos developed a great culture and in fact the earliest amphora of the ancient times has been discovered on Mykonos and it is known as the Mykonos vase. In 1207, like the rest of the Cyclades, Mykonos came under Venetian rule. The Gizi dynasty took the authority of the island and built a Castle for its protection. A century later, Georgios Gizi, the last Venetian ruler, concede the island of Mykonos to Venice. In 1537 Mykonos, with most of the Cycladic islands, came under Turkish domination. Source:
Arheoloski nalazi ukazuju da su prvi naseljenici ostrva Mikonos bili pripadnici neolitskog plemena Kares, i to 3000 p.n.e.! Medjutim istorijski podaci navode da su prvi naseljenici najverovatnije bili Jonjani iz Atine koji su ovde ziveli u 11-om veku p.n.e.! Ovaj narod je na celu sa liderom, poznatijim pod imenom Ipokli, naseljavao terotoriju koja je danasnji glavni grad, Hora. 
Blizina ostrva Delos (svega 2km udaljenog) koji je uveliko bio razvijen, je imala znacajan uticaj i Mikonos postaje clan alijanse Delosa. Zahvaljujuci tome Mikonos dozivljava ekonomski prosperitet iako je samo ostrvo bilo poprilicno siromasno agrikulturom. Losa strana je ta sto je propascu Delosa, i Mikonos zapao u krizu...

Mykonos white and blue churches
Mykonos romantic photos

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Rocabella Mykonos Art Hotel & SPA :: pool

Rocabella Mykonos Art Hotel & SPA pool

Rocabella Mykonos Art Hotel & SPA has an interesting and asymmetrically shaped pool, outlined with the wide band in the middle of which some smooth decorative white stones are resting. It is surrounded by the elements in white, greyish and beige hues: wooden loungers and beds, umbrellas, small tables and chairs, sofas, decorative chandeliers and pots... And for all those who enjoy refreshments, cocktails and good food, there is a bar as well as the restaurant, far away just a few inches from the turquoise water surface! Maybe Rocabella doesn't have the "infinity" pool but the view that spreads out is equally worthy of the attention and admiration...

Rocabella Mykonos Art Hotel & SPA ima bazen interesantnog asimetricnog oblika, oivicen sirokom trakom u cijoj se sredini izlezavaju glatki ukrasni kamencici bele boje. Okruzen je elementima u belim, sivkastim i bez nijansama: drvene lezaljke i krevetici, suncobrani, stocici i stolice, sofe, dekorativni svecnjaci i saksije... A za sve one koji uzivaju u osvezavajucim napicima, koktelima ili dobroj hrani, tu su bar i restoran, udaljeni svega nekoliko pedalja od tirkizne vodene povrsine! Rocabella mozda nema "infinity" bazen ali je pogled koji se pruza odavde podjednako vredan paznje i divljenja...

Mykonos hotel pools
Rocabella Hotel & SPA pool

Friday, December 13, 2013

Rocabella Mykonos Art Hotel & SPA :: Honeymoon suite

Rocabella Hotel Honeymoon suite

Rocabella Mykonos Art Hotel & SPA, just like I mentioned in the previous post, has a few room types in its offer: honeymoon suits, superior sea view rooms with balcony, deluxe sea view rooms with balcony or terrace and deluxe sea view rooms with terraces and outdoor private spa.
Want to guess which kind of room we stayed in? It's The Honeymoon Suite!:) The colors of the snow and white coffee, a bit of greyish and earthy tones, but all blended in a fresh and modern unit. Pillows soft like the foam, comfy bed, and on it nearly every evening left and found a treat for a sweeter dream: bowl of fruit, chocolates, cereal bar... And when you go out on the balcony: two sun loungers, one small table and two chairs, and best of all- outdoor jacuzzi only for us... Ah if it was just a little bit less windy and rainy...

Rocabella Mykonos Art Hotel & SPA, kao sto sam spomenula u prethodnom postu, u svom sastavu ima nekoliko tipova soba: apartmani za mladence (honeymoon suits); superior sobe sa pogledom na more i balkonom; deluxe sobe sa pogledom na more, balkonom ili terasom; deluxe sobe sa pogledom na more, terasom i privatnim djakuzijem na otvorenom.
Zelite da pogodite u kojoj smo mi sobi odseli? U pitanju je Honeymoon suite!:) Boje snega i bele kafe, pomalo sivkastih i zemljanih tonova, ali sve blendirano u jednu svezu i modernu celinu. Jastuci mekani kao pena, krevet udoban, i na njemu skoro svako vece ostavljena i pronadjena neka poslastica za sladji san: cinijica voca, cokoladice, bonzita... A kada se izadje na terasu: dve lezaljke za sunce, stocic i dve stolice, i najbolje od svega- djakuzi na otvorenom samo za nas... Eh da je vetar samo malo manje duvao, i da kisa uopste nije padala, gde bi nam bio kraj...
Rocabella Hotel Honeymoon suite outdoor jacuzzi
Rocabella Hotel Honeymoon suite balcony

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Rocabella Mykonos Art Hotel & SPA

Rocabella Mykonos Art Hotel & SPA

Rocabella Mykonos Art Hotel & Spa is located near the small town called Agios Stefanos, about 150 meters from the sandy beach. This boutique hotel has in its content different types of the rooms (more on that in another post), outdoor pool, pool bar, restaurant, spa...
Here we spent the first few days of our stay in Mykonos. We were greeted with a glass of champagne and a 15-minute massage, which is a hotel's gift to every guest tired from traveling. 
I do not want to go into details about Rocabella's facilities, because you can find everything on the internet. One part I will try to visually "evoke" with my photos. However, the most important to us was the kindness, friendliness and helpfulness that we felt coming from the employees, starting with the masseuse, over the wonderful guys who were serving us (huge greetings to all of them!), ending with the manager. Maybe many of you will think: "Well of course, it's all about the money", but no- there is something you can not fake or buy and that's the pure energy that came from the hearts of these people. We thank them for these memories!

Rocabella Mykonos Art Hotel & Spa je lociran blizu malog mesta pod nazivom Agios Stefanos, na oko 150 metara udaljenosti od pescane plaze. Ovaj boutique hotel u svom sastavu sadrzi sobe razlicitog tipa (vise o tome u drugom postu), otvoreni bazen, bar, restoran, spa centar...
Tu smo proveli prvih nekoliko dana naseg boravka na Mikonosu. Docekani smo casom sampanjca i 15-minutnom masazom koja je poklon hotela svakom gostu umornom od puta.
Ne zelim da zalazim u detalje o tome sta Rocabella hotel sadrzi, jer sve to mozete pronaci na internetu. Jedan deo cu pokusati da vam vizuelno docaram svojim slikama. Medjutim ono sto je nama najbitnije bilo jeste ljubaznost, druzeljubivost i predusretljivost koju smo osetili od strane zaposlenih, pocevsi od maserke, preko divnih momaka koji su nas uzluzivali (ogroman pozdrav svima!), pa sve do menadzera. Mozda ce vecina vas pomisliti: "Pa naravno kada su pare u pitanju", ali ne, postoji nesto sto ne mozete odglumiti niti kupiti a to je cista energija koja je dolazila iz srca ovih ljudi. Hvala im na ovim uspomenama!

Rocabella Mykonos Art Hotel & SPA white interior
modern design of Rocabella Mykonos Art Hotel & SPA

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Mykonos mix 2

Little Venice Mykonos travel photos

The island was, according to Greek mythology, named after Mykonos- its first ruler and a local hero, who was also the son of Anios (the king of Delos) and the grandson of the god Apollo. It is believed that the famous battle between Zeus and the Titans took place on this island.
Mykonos, according to the myth, is a big rock that Hercules (somewhere it's mentioned Poseidon, the god of the sea) threw on the Giants, killed them and buried under the blocks of granite. It's said that the rocks which exist around the island today are the petrified corpses of the Giants...

Ostrvo je, prema grckoj mitologiji, dobilo ime po svom prvom vladaru i lokalnom heroju Mikonosu koji je bio sin Aniosa (kralja Delosa) i unuk boga Apolona. Veruje se da se bas na ovom ostrvu odigrala cuvena bitka izmedju Zevsa i Titana.
Mikonos je, prema mitu, jedna velika stena koju je Herkul (negde se spominje i bog mora Posejdon) bacio na Gigante, usmrtio ih i zakopao ispod blokova granita. Za stene oko danasnjeg ostrva kazu da su okamenjena tela Giganata...

Mykonos confidential magazine
Avene high sun protection

Friday, December 6, 2013

Platis Gialos beach | Mykonos island

Platis Gialos beach Mykonos

Platis Gialos, one of the oldest and most visited beaches on the island, is situated about 6km from Mykonos town. Among tourists and locals it's known as a family beach, as well as a sport beach. Numerous bars and restaurants are lined next to each other in the front row of the beach, and behind them are small family, budget and luxury hotels, private rooms and apartments. 
Sun bed rent is very affordable (considering the prices on the island)- about 5e, although you have plenty of room for your own towel. The water is calm and clear. Jet-ski rent is always available, and this beach is the best option if you want to learn to water ski- trained instructors are here to help!

Platis Gialos, jedna od najstarijih i najposecenijih plaza na ostrvu, nalazi se na oko 6km od grada Mikonosa. Medju turistima i mestanima je poznata kao porodicna plaza, ali i kao plaza za sport. Brojni barovi i restorani su nacickani jedni do drugih u prvom redu plaze, dok se iza njih nizu mali porodicni, budzet i luksuzni hoteli, privatne sobe i apartmani. 
Najam lezaljki je vrlo povoljan (uzimajuci u obzir cene na ostrvu)- oko 5e, mada imate dovoljno mesta i za sopstveni peskir. Voda je mirna i cista. Najam skutera je uvek dostupan, a ova plaza je i najbolja opcija ako zelite da naucite da skijate na vodi- obuceni instruktori su tu da vam pomognu!

Platis Gialos beach bars
Mykonos palace hotel pool

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Little Venice | Mykonos island

Little Venice Mykonos island

Little Venice is one of the most beautiful, most photographed and certainly the most romantic places in the whole Mykonos. Favorite activity (besides photographing) for all those who find themselves in the city's most western corner is watching the sunset with a mandatory cocktails sipping in one of the numerous bars and cafes, such as: Scarpa, Semeli, Gallery...
Little Venice consists of the rows of whitewashed houses with direct access to the sea. Their balconies, painted in vivid colors, cheerfully hang over the mischievous water. The first houses were built in the 18th century and they belonged to the wealthy merchants and captains. Pirating was a common phenomenon in the 16th and 17th century, and it is believed that the owners of these houses were secretly pirates. Most of the houses nowadays are turned into bars, galleries, small taverns and small shops...

Mala Venecija je jedno od najlepsih, najfotografisanijih i svakako najromanticnijih mesta na citavom Mikonosu. Omiljena aktivnost (pored fotografisanja) svih koji zadju u ovaj najzapadniji kutak grada jeste posmatranje zalaska sunca uz obaveznu degustaciju koktela u jednom od brojnih barova i kafea, kao sto su: Scarpa, Semeli, Gallery...
Mala Venecija se sastoji iz niza okrecenih kuca koje izlaze direktno na more. Njihovi balkoni, prefarbani u zivopisne boje, veselo se nadvijaju nad nestasnom vodom. Prve kuce su sagradjene tokom 18-og veka, i pripadale su bogatim trgovcima i kapetanima. Piraterija je u 16 i 17-om veku bila opste prisutna pojava, pa se veruje da su vlasnici ovih kuca u tajnosti bili pirati. Vecina ovih kuca je danas pretvorena u barove, galerije, male taverne i radnjice...

Semeli bar Mykonos

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Nammos bar & Psarou beach | Mykonos island

Psarou beach Mykonos island

Nammos bar is located on Psarou beach, one of the most beautiful beaches of Mykonos. Jet-set history of this place begins in 2003 when Nammos was publicly opened, and this year it celebrated its 10th anniversary. Each summer this spot gathers all "small and big stars" whose lives the tabloids are so curious about: actors and actresses, models, singers, tycoons, starlets, and all those who are "publicly known, for any reason"... Of course we're talking about the high season, because after September you can barely see them.
Nammos is often referred to as "the best beach restaurant in Europe." It has a restaurant with Mediterranean cuisine as well as a well known sushi bar...

Nammos bar se nalazi na Psarou plazi, jednoj od najlepsih plaza Mikonosa. Dzet-set istorija ovog mesta pocinje 2003. godine, kada je Nammos javno otvoren, i ove godine je proslavio svoju 10-godisnjicu. Iz leta u leto ovde se okupljaju sve zvezde i zvezdice cijim se zivotima tabloidi radoznalo bave: glumci i glumice, modeli i manekenke, pevaci i pevacice, tajkuni, starlete, i svi oni koji su "javno poznati iz bilo kog razloga"... Naravno sada govorimo o jeku sezone, jer ih nakon septembra skoro i nema.
Nammos se cesto spominje i kao "najbolji beach restoran u Evropi". U svom sastavu ima restoran sa mediteranskom kuhinjom kao i sirom poznati sushi bar...

Nammos bar Psarou beach Mykonos island
best and most expensive Mykonos island beaches
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