No matter how many of these potato carrot latkes I make, my kid (and everybody else) will eat them all. I made them first time when Stefanos started to regularly eat solid food, because they're soft, healthy and made from his favorite carrots. All recipes I've shared so far are suitable for toddlers and kids in general. But they're also good for all of you who like to try super easy and quick recipes for healthy and nutritionally rich things.
Koliko god ovih pljeskavica od krompira i sargarepe da napravim, nestace dok si rekao keks (tj. Stefan ce sve pojesti koliko god da mu das, ali i svi ostali). Pocela sam da ih pravim kad je krenuo regularno da jede solidnu/cvrstu hranu, jer su mekane, zdrave i pravljene od njemu omiljene sargarepe. Svi recepti koje sam do sad podelila jesu pogodni za malu i veliku decu, ali i za sve vas koji trazite jednostavne i brze recepte za zdrave i nutritivno bogate stvarcice.
You just need 4 ingredients, 10 minutes to make them (or less if you use some kind of electric grater), and 30 minutes or less to bake them. They're low-fat (no oil at all) and gluten-free (just make sure you use gluten-free oat flour). You can eat latkes for lunch or dinner, and serve them with anything you like. This time I had them with refreshing yogurt-cucumber dip. Try, you won't regret!
Treba vam samo 4 sastojaka, nekih 10tak minuta da napravite (ili 5 minuta ako koristite elektricne rende), i nekih pola sata ili manje da ispecete. Niskomasne bez trunke ulja i bez glutena (ako sigurno koristite bezglutensko ovseno brasno). Mozete ih jesti za rucak ili veceru, i servirati uz bilo sta sto vam se dopada. Ja sam na primer napravila osvezavajuci umak od jogurta i krastavca. Probajte, necete zazaliti!
300gr grated potato
200gr grated carrot
5 tbsp oat flour (gluten free)
1 egg
1 tsp salt
optional: 1 tbsp dry spices
In a bigger bowl mix grated potatoes and carrots. Separately whisk the egg, then add oat flour, salt and spices. Combine everything, leave it aside for 3-4 minutes.
Prepare a non-stick baking pan (this is what I prefer), or line a regular one with the baking paper. Spoon out 2 full tbsp of mixture for each latke. Latkes don't require perfect shape, but I loooove using round cookie cutter (bigger one) to get the shape you see on the photos. Bake them at 200 degrees Celsius, for 20-30 min, turn each latke after 15 minutes of baking. Enjoy!
300gr rendanog krompira
200gr rendane sargarepe
5 kasika ovsenog brasna
1 jaje
1 kasicica soli
po zelji: 1 kasika suvih zacina
U vecoj ciniji pomesati rendan krompir i sargarepu. Zasebno ulupati jaje, te dodati ovseno brasno, so i zacine. Sastaviti sve, ostaviti sa strane 3-4 minuta.
Spremiti pleh koji se ne lepi (to je ono sto ja preferiram), ili oblozite obican pleh pek papirom. Uzimajte po dve pune kasike smese za svaku pljeskavicu. Ove pljeskavice ne zahtevaju perfektnu formu (peku se kao pljeskavice od rendanih tikvica), ali ja volim da koristim okruglu modlu za keks da bih dobila oblik koji vidite na slikama. Peci pljeskavice na 200 stepeni, nekih 20-30 minuta (zavisi od jacine rerne), okrenuti svaku nakon 15 minuta pecenja. Uzivajte!
- Instead of oat flour you can use any flour you want, but the texture and taste will be a bit different. I tried baking with whole wheat flour, latkes were smoother and softer, but I think oat (or even corn) flour balance better the texture...
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