Tuesday, December 14, 2021

HEALTHY APPLE PIE (vegan, sugar-free, low-fat, kid-friendly)

HEALTHY APPLE PIE vegan sugar-free low-fat kid-friendly recipe, healthy pie for whole family

Cinnamon, apples, winter... Nothing can beat this classic yet timeless combination. And can we even skip the winter season without eating at least one piece of apple pie?? Here's my healthy version: sugar-free (naturally sweetened), low-fat, vegan, relatively easy to make. Everyone can eat it, including small kids. Medium sweet dough, soft apple filling, few crushed walnuts for unexpected crunch and some raisins for extra sweetness...

Cimet, jabuke, zima... Nista ne moze da pobedi ovu klasicnu ali zauvek voljenu kombinaciju. A da li moze zima da prodje a da ne pojedemo barem jedno parce pite od jabuka? Evo moje zdrave verzije: bez secera (prirodno zasladjena), niskomasna, vegan, relativno laka za pravljenje. Svi je mogu jesti, ukljucujuci i malu decu. Srednje slatko testo, mekani fil od jabuka, nekoliko usitnjenih oraha za neocekivanu krckavost i kasika-dve suvog grozdja za extra slatkocu.

best apple pie recipe, healthy pie recipe, healthy baking recipe, Pinterest food pink

I don't have a sweet tooth, nor I eat too many fruits (for more reasons), but I do love apples. Especially sweet-sour ones. The same thing with sweets, if I do eat something I prefer it medium sweet. Anyway this pie I've made 3-4 times so far. Obviously I started to make it so my kid could eat as well.
First time I made the filling from two apples which I didn't like that much as I could taste more dough than apples. I added one more apple. Then I was missing something extra in the filling, so I added a few crushed walnuts and raisins. For now it's ok...

Slatkisi mi nisu slabost, niti nesto preterano jedem voce (iz vise razloga), ali jabuke volim. I to one slatko-kiselkaste. Tako je i sa poslasticama, ako nekada i pojedem onda bih da bude srednje slatko. Elem ovu zdravu i laganu pitu od jabuka sam napravila 3-4 puta do sada. I naravno da sam krenula da pravim da bi moje dete jelo.
Prvo sam stavljala samo jabuke (i to dve) u fil, ali mi se nije svidelo, vise sam osecala ukus testa nego jabuke te sam dodala jos jednu jabuku. Pa mi je onda falilo nesto u filu te sam dodala malo oraha i suvog grozdja. Za sad je ok takva kakva jeste...

zdrava pita od jabuke bez secera vegan niskomasna za citavu porodicu i malu decu, zdravi recepti


(for dough):
300gr whole-wheat flour
1 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp cinnamon
200ml apple-orange-carrot juice
3 tbsp oil

(for filling):
3 medium apples
2 tbsp raisins
2-3 tbsp chopped walnuts
1 tsp cinnamon

In a bowl mix flour, baking powder and cinnamon. Add oil and juice, make the dough with hands. Leave it aside until you make a filling. Clean the apples and grate them. Add chopped walnuts, raisins and cinnamon, mix well. Transfer dough onto a clean kitchen surface, cut it in half, then roll out one part (it should be thin). Cover the base and sides of a baking pan (or use a glass baking dish like I did) with the dough, and poke some holes with the fork. Add the apple filling, spread it evenly. Roll out the rest of the dough, cut into even thickness stripes, cover the pie as you wish. Optionally brush the top of pie with 1 tablespoon of nut/plant milk, so the upper pie crust don't get too dry. Bake it at 170 degrees Celsius for about 35 minutes. Enjoy!
* Check notes below for more details.

zdrav zivot i zdrava hrana, zdravi porodicni recepti, pita od jabuka recept


(za testo)
300gr integralnog brasna
1 kasicica praska za pecivo
1/2 kasicice cimeta
200ml soka od jabuke-narandze-sargarepe
3 kasike ulja

(za fil)
3 srednje jabuke
2 kasike suvog grozdja
2-3 kasike usitnjenih oraha
1 kasicica cimeta

U ciniji pomesati brasno, prasak za pecivo i cimet. Dodati ulje i sok, zamesiti testo rukama. Prekriti ga krpom dok ne spremite fil. Ocistiti jabuke i izrendati ih. Dodati suvo grozdje, sitno seckane orahe i cimet pa sve lepo promesati. Izruciti testo na pobrasnjenu kuhinjsku povrsinu, iseci na pola pa razvuci oklagijom jedan deo (treba biti tanje). Preneti testo u manji okrugli pleh oblozen pek-papirom ili vatrostalnu posudu (sto sam ja koristila) tako da testo prekriva i obod posude. Izbockati malo testo viljuskom. Usuti nadev, ravnomerno ga rasporediti. Razvuci drugi deo testa, iseci trakice podjednake debljine, pa po zeljenom dizajnu prekriti pitu. Opcionalno premazati pitu sa kasikom-dve biljnog mleka da korica ne bi bila suva. Peci na 170 stepeni nekih 35 minuta. Uzivajte u mirisu i ukusu!
* Pogledajte beleske u nastavku za vise detalja.

healthy baking recipe, healthy food blog, wholegrain apple pie, vegan pie recipe


- I used 100% natural apple-orange-carrot juice. I don't like the taste of the orange juice in this specific dough, and most probably I would go for the plain natural apple juice if I didn't use the mentioned one.
- As I already said this pie is medium sweet. If you like sweeter things, you can add more agave/maple syrup or honey (if not vegan), or any other sweetener.
- Be patient with the whole-wheat flour, it's not so soft as the regular all-purpose flour so it might take 2-3 minutes more to work with it.
- When cutting the dough into half, I like to cut one part just a bit bigger than the half so I can roll it out easier into a circle form. Anything extra I remove with the knife, and add to the other half which is for the upper stripes.
- If you have a kid younger than one and a half or two years old, it's better to add ground walnuts and maybe to skip raisins.


- Koristila sam 100% prirodan sok od jabuke-pomorandze-sargarepe. Ne svidja mi se ukus cistog soka od pomorandze u ovom specificnom testu, i verovatno bih koristila prirodan sok od jabuke da nisam nasla spomenuti.
- Kao sto sam vec rekla, ova pita je srednje slatka. Ako volite sladje stvari, onda slobodno dodajte malo sirupa od agave, javorovog sirupa, meda (ako niste za vegan varijantu) ili bilo kog drugog zasladjivaca.
- Budite strpljivi sa integralnim brasnom, nije toliko mekano kao visenamensko brasno te je mozda potrebno 2-3 minuta dodatnog rada.
- Kada secem testo na dva dela, volim da isecem jedan deo malo vise od polovine da bih ga lakse razvukla oklagijom. Svaki visak uklonim nozem pa to spojim sa drugom polovinom testa koja sluzi za gornje trakice.
- Ako imate dete mladje od godinu i po ili dve, bolje je da dodate filu mlevene orahe i mozda da preskocite suvo grozdje.

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