If you have a "cold intolerance", perhaps I wouldn't recommend you Paul Mitchell "Tea Tree" line!:) That's why I was tempted whether I should use these shampoo and
treatment during the winter period when I'm already freezing thanks to
my chronically low basal body temperature... :)
But if you
love the refreshing scent of peppermint, or for example shampoos that have certain kind of cooling effect, or that your scalp refreshingly "tingles" after shampooing- then this is without any doubt a fantastic line of products perfect for you!:)
Ako ste "intolerantni na hladnocu" mozda vam ne bih preporucila Paul Mitchell "Tea Tree" liniju!:) Zato sam ja i bila u iskusenju da li da ovaj sampon i tretman koristim tokom zime kada se ionako smrzavam zbog hronicno niske bazalne temperature tela...:)
Ali ako volite osvezavajuci miris peperminta, ili recimo sampone koji izazivaju osecaj rashladjenosti, ili da vam teme glave osvezavajuce "treperi" nakon samponiranja- onda je ova bez svake sumnje fantasticna linija proizvoda savrsena za vas!:)