Tuesday, February 10, 2015

AHAVA: Essential Day Moisturizer

AHAVA Essential Day Moisturizer for dry and normal skin

Until recently I made ​​a mistake with my skincare routine, trying out all sorts of creams that I was constantly changing (sometimes daily). So I decided to simplify the things and to give a chance to each product (as well as to my face so it can "experience" the product) using it at least two or three weeks. 
I also told myself that I will take into account the quality of these products because I'm approaching my 30's. So today I share with you some information about the daily cream that I currently use regularly, and that's AHAVA "Essential Day Moisturizer".

Do nedavno sam pravila gresku kod nege lica, isprobavajuci raznorazne kreme koje sam neprestano menjala (cesto i svakodnevno). Stoga sam odlucila da pojednostavim stvari i da dam sansu svakom proizvodu (kao i mom licu da se "upozna" sa proizvodom) koristeci ga barem dve-tri nedelje. 
Takodje rekla sam sebi da cu povesti racuna i o kvalitetu tih proizvoda jer se blizim 30-oj. Te danas delim sa vama par informacija o dnevnoj kremi koju trenutno koristim redovno, a to je AHAVA "Essential Day Moisturizer".

AHAVA Essential Day dnevna krema za suvu i normalnu kozu lica

This cream is intended for normal and dry (as well as sensitive) face skin. Like all products of the brand AHAVA, the cream contains a so-called Osmoter (which is simply said the mixture of minerals from the Dead Sea), that reinforces the skin cells and increases the moisture. It also contains vitamin E and aloe vera that is known for its calming effect.

Ova krema je namenjena normalnoj i suvoj (kao i osetljivoj) kozi lica. Kao i svi proizvodi brenda AHAVA, krema sadrzi takozvani Osmoter (sto je jednostavnije receno mesavina minerala iz Mrtvog mora) koji ojacava celije koze i utice na povecanje vlaznosti. Takodje sadrzi vitamin E i aloju koja je poznata po svom umirujucem dejstvu.

Dead sea minerals face skincare products
Ahava Osmoter products and Ahava best face creams

"Essential Day Moisturizer" is a day cream that has a neutral scent and light texture which the skin rapidly absorbs. At the beginning this absorption rate really bothered me, until I realized that this does not mean that the cream is bad and too light, but it means that's my skin is too dehydrated, especially the area of cheeks. So I decided to apply this cream every morning on the entire face (after cleansing), and if I feel the tension in the mentioned area- then I can add a bit of the most ordinary type of cream like Nivea...

"Essential day moisturizer" je dnevna krema neutralnog mirisa i lagane teksture koju koza vrlo brzo upije. Ta brzina upijanja mi je na pocetku zaista smetala, dok nisam shvatila da to ne znaci da je krema losa i previse lagana, vec da je moja koza isuvise dehidrirana, narocito podrucje obraza. Zato sam odlucila da svakog jutra nanosim ovu kremu na citavo lice (nakon ciscenja), a ako osetim zatezanje u navedenom podrucju onda dodam i trunku neke najobicnije kreme tipa Nivea...

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