For sure you remember the dress I wore some time ago? The
same evening I had an event to attend and the opportunity required chic appearance. The call came suddenly during the day and there was no time. So what did I do? Improvised
as always- kept the dress, added high heels, picked up the hair in a
bun, enhanced the make up, and as a finishing touch "decorated" the whole look with crystal jewelry in warm amber color. And now tell me it's easy to be a woman!:)
Sigurna sam da se secate ove haljine koju sam nosila pre izvesnog vremena? Isto to vece sam morala da prisustvujem jednom dogadjaju a prilika je zahtevala zenstven izgled. Elem poziv je dosao iznenada tokom dana, a vremena nije bilo. I sta sam uradila?! Improvizovala kao i uvek- zadrzala haljinu, dodala vrtoglave potpetice, pokupila kosu u pundju, pojacala make up, i na kraju sve to "dekorisala" nakitom od kristala u toploj boji cilibara. I sad mi recite da je lako biti zena!:)