Friday, May 29, 2020

GFH Lifestyle #34

mom and son matching style/outfit; mother and son style; motherhood fashion style

Quarantine is done here in Greece, there are still safety measures, luckily. Summer is coming, people are trying to get back to their "regular/normal" life. In my opinion, things started to be normal when we were in quarantine: less noise, less pollution, less drama, less low vibes and go-go-go-until-you-die philosophy. That's the problem, not everyone is ok with the conscious/mindful way of living...
Anyway let's keep this post on a brighter side. Here's how my life looked like lately, especially during the quarantine period. For more details and lifestyle photos visit my Instagram...

Karantin je zavrsen ovde u Grckoj, naravno i dalje postoje mere opreza, srecom. Leto je pred nama, ljudi pokusavaju da se vrate svom "normalnom/regularnom" zivotu. Po mom misljenju, stvari su pocele da budu normalne dok smo bili u karantinu: manje buke, manje zagadjenja, manje drame, manje niskih vibracija i juri-juri-juri-dok-ne-umres filozofije. To je i problem, nisu svi ok sa "svesnim" nacinom zivljenja…
Nego da mi zadrzimo pozitivnu energiju ovog posta. Evo kako je izgledao moj zivot u poslednje vreme, narocito tokom karantina. Za vise detalja i lifestyle fotografija posetite moj Instagram nalog...

5 months old baby boy; 5 meseci beba; baby boy cute outfit idea
5 months old :)
5 meseci star :)
evening skincare routine for tired mom, Korres Wild Rose, glowy complexion products
evening skincare routine
vecernja nega koze
Korres Wild Rose vitamin C serum, night cream, foaming cleanser. Korres proizvodi za negu koze.
Zara kids outfit idea for baby boy.Zara kids baby boy clothes.Zara decija garderoba.
today is the perfect day to be happy coffee mug; inspirational quote mug; high vibe lifestyle
self-car eroutine for sleep-deprived new mom; new mum self-care tips; saveti za novu mamu
self-care for sleep-deprived mum
nega za neispavanu mamu
Origins "Bare-faced glow" Original Skin Glow-Boosting Trio; Origins prirodna kozmetika nega koze
Origins "Bare-faced glow" Original Skin Glow-Boosting Trio
cute 3-6 months baby boy outfit idea, baby boy fashion style; baby boy model
quarantine activities with baby/kids; prolecne aktivnosti sa bebom/decom; motherhood activities
quarantine activities
karantin aktivnosti
6 months old baby boy photography; 6 months old baby boy fashion style; 6 meseci stara beba
6 months old ;)
6 meseci star ;)
Koufonisia island travel guide to best beaches and beautiful locations; Kufonisija vodic i saveti
KOUFONISIA island travel guide: read here
KUFONISIJA ostrvo turisticki vodic: procitajte ovde
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wellness influencer/blogger, wellbeing quotes, how to glow and grow
Grow from the inside so you can glow from the outside!
(location: Paros island)
Rastite iznutra da biste sijali spolja!
(lokacija: Paros ostrvo)
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white blue striped velvet baby set, mother and baby fashion, mama i beba stil/moda


Friday, May 22, 2020

What is FREEDOM + 33 best freedom quotes

What is FREEDOM, 33 best freedom quotes, inspirational quotes about freedom. Citati o slobodi, sta je sloboda.

FREEDOM. Core value for me. And such a little tricky word for so many, 'cause it's easy to misinterpret its meaning. It's also "funny" to think about the freedom now when most of the world is in quarantine due to the pandemic...
So what exactly is the freedom? Simply said: freedom is to be whatever the hell who you are, where you are, at any given moment. No matter the trends, mainstream things, social rules, all those "musts/do's and don'ts". That means: to love man or woman (yes no matter your own gender), to be vegan or carnivore, to love dogs or snakes, to lift weights or do yoga, to choose your own religion or be atheist, to love luxury or not to care about branded things, to work from home or surrounded by dozens of co-workers, to have kids or cats, to love silence or loud music... Or anything between those defined things. Because it just feels right, not because you care about what other people will say or how they will see your choice. It means to hear that little wise voice inside of you (also called intuition) that we so successfully learned to shut down, and to follow its guidance. To be the grandest, the biggest, the strongest, the best you can be, because that's how you serve the world.
Most people associate freedom with money and they are so wrong. Yes more money can give you the freedom to enhance and up-level your life, but only if you already have some direction and wholesome personality (or at least you work on it). It will never be enough to compensate the lack of the same. It's not about the external material things, it's about the felling that certain things awake in us.
Preferring freedom doesn't mean being irresponsible or immature. Rebellious yes, in a certain way, but only if your life choices don't hurt physically/emotionally others (to be clear: their true self not their ego!). When you accept to be all that you are, you instantly accept other people exactly the way they are. They don't bug you, they don't bother you, you're cool with them no matter how different they are...
Personally I could speak/write for days about freedom and its meaning, but you also came here to read some inspiring quotes. So let yourself be inspired by the words you'll see below, and feel the new level of freedom!

SLOBODA. Vrednost koju cenim iznad svega. I pomalo zeznuta rec, zato sto je lako pobrkati tj. pogresno protumaciti njeno znacenje. Takodje je "zabavno" razmisljati o slobodi sad kada je vecina sveta u karantinu zbog pandemije...
Pa sta je zapravo sloboda? Jednostavno receno: sloboda je biti sve sto jesi, tu gde jesi, u svakom trenutku. Bez obzira na trendove, mejnstrim stvari, socijalna pravila, sva ona "smeti/morati i ne smeti". To znaci: voleti muskarce ili zene (da, bez obzira na vas licni pol), biti vegetarijanac ili "carnivore" (tj. jesti samo meso), voleti pse ili zmije, dizati tegove ili raditi jogu, izabrati religiju ili biti ateist, voleti luksuz ili ne mariti za brendirane stvari, raditi od kuce ili biti okruzen desetinama saradnika, imati decu ili macke, voleti tisinu ili glasnu muziku… Ili bilo sta izmedju ovih definisanih stvari. Zato sto je osecaj ispravan, ne zato sto vas je briga sta ce drugi reci ili kako ce videti vas izbor. Znaci cuti onaj mali mudri glas u nama (takodje zvan intuicija) koji smo uspesno naucili da zakopavamo, i da pratimo njegove direkcije. Znaci biti najgrandiozniji, najveci, najsnazniji, najbolji sto mozemo biti, jer tako sluzimo ovom svetu.
Vecina ljudi asocira slobodu sa novcem, i skroz grese. Da, vise novca vam moze dati slobodu da unapredite i upotpunite svoj zivot, ali samo kada vec imate neki pravac i kada ste celovita osoba (ili barem radite na tome). Ali novac nikada nece biti dovoljan da kompenzuje nedostatak istih. Zato sto se ne radi o spoljasnjim materijalnim stvarima, radi se o osecaju koji te stvari bude u nama...
Preferirati slobodu ne znaci biti neodgovoran ili nezreo. Buntovnik mozda, u odredjenom smislu, ali samo ako vas zivotni izbor ne povredjuje druge fizicki ili emotivno (da rascistimo: njihovu istinu a ne ego). Kada prihvatite da budete sve sto jeste, momentalno prihvatate i druge ljude takvi kakvi jesu. Ne smaraju vas, ne smetaju vam, prosto ste ok sa svima ma koliko drugaciji bili…
Ja bih licno mogla danima da pricam i pisem na temu slobode, ali vi ste ovde dosli i da procitate neke inspirativne citate, za ne? Tako da vas sada pustam da se inspirisete recima u nastavku, i da osetite novi nivo slobode u svom zivotu!

being free inspirational motivational quotes, inspirational life quotes

"The secret to happiness is freedom. And the secret to freedom is courage."

"Happiness and freedom begin with a clear understanding of one principle. Some things are within your control. And some things are not." (Epictetus)

"Freedom is being yourself without permission."

"Conformity is the jailer of freedom and the enemy of growth." (JFK)

"And then there is the most dangerous risk of all- the risk of spending your life not doing what you want on the bet you can buy yourself the freedom to do it later." (Randy Komisar)

"True freedom is impossible without a mind made free by discipline." (Mortimer J. Adler)

"The meaning of happiness consists in three elements: freedom, gratitude and the sense of wonder." (Alan Watts)

"It's not the money I'm after. It's the freedom. My goal is to live the life on my own terms."

"Freedom isn't what we are looking for. It's what we already are deep inside."

"Many will choose the stability of slavery over the uncertainty of freedom."

"Just living is not enough. One must have sunshine, freedom and a little flower." (Hans Christian Anderson)

There is freedom waiting for you, on the breezes of the sky, and you ask "What if I fall?". Oh but my darling, what if you fly?

"Sometimes you have to loose your mind to find your freedom."

"You don't give up freedom in relationship. You gain the freedom to be your best self." (Evan Marc Katz)

"Those who deny freedom to others deserve it not for themselves." (Abraham Lincoln)

"Freedom is not about the size of your cage or power of your wings or non-attachment to a person or a thing. Freedom is about being so truly, madly and deeply attached to your own soul that you can't bear, if only for a moment, a life that doesn't honour it." (Andrea Balt)

"I prefer dangerous freedom to peaceful slavery." (Thomas Jefferson)

"The path to freedom is illuminated by the bridges you have burned, adorned by the ties you have cut and cleared by the drama you have left behind. Let go. Be free." (Steve Maraboli)

"Only to those who have been in prison does freedom have such great meaning."

"Our ultimate freedom is the right and power to decide how anybody or anything outside ourselves will affect us." (Stephen Covey)

"Integrity gives you freedom because you have nothing to fear since you have nothing to hide."

"Freedom comes when you are able to be as you are and allow others to be as they are." (Abraham Hicks)

"Anxiety is the dizziness of freedom." (Soren Kier)

wellbeing quotes, wellness blogger lifestyle quotes, powerful life quotes

"You come home, make some tea, sit down in your armchair, and all around there's silence. Everyone decides for themselves whether that's loneliness or freedom."

"Measure your success by the growth of your freedom." (Yung Pueblo)

"Freedom means you are unobstructed in living your life as you choose. Anything less is a form of slavery." (Wayne Dyer)

"A hero is someone who understands the responsibility that comes with his freedom." (Bob Dylan)

"Freedom is actually a bigger game than power. Power is about what you can control. Freedom is about what you unleash." (Harriet Ruben)

"Tame birds sing of freedom. Free birds fly." (John Lenon)

"Everything that is really great and inspiring is created by the individual who can labor in freedom." (Albert Einstein)

"Freedom lies in being bold." (Robert Frost)

"There is freedom waiting for you, on the breezes of the sky, and you ask "What if I fall?". Oh but my darling, what if you fly?" (Erin Hansen)

"It is much harder to live a life of freedom and self-rule than to be ruled by others." (Mordechai Kaplan)

"You can't separate peace from freedom because no one can be at peace unless he has his freedom." (Malcolm X)

Pinterest freedom quotes, quotes to pin, how to be free, free lifestyle quotes


Tuesday, May 12, 2020

How many DIAPERS needs a 3-6 MONTHS old baby?

how many dipers/nappies needs a 3-6 months old baby; new mom baby essentials checklist

According to my Pinterest analytics, blog post "How many diapers does a newborn baby need (0-3 months)?" has a lot of views. Since it was/is helpful, I wanted to share another one. Babies grow super fast, so this time we'll speak about how many diapers your 3-6 months old baby needs!
I love sharing easier/simpler/faster ways of living, doing, being. I actually have a need to... not everything needs to be so complicated. Plus I believe certain preparation helps you to optimize your time, it gives you some kind of control, and (let's not lie) human beings loveeee control. Personally I couldn't care less about controlling things/people/life, but I'm all about flow, efficiency, freedom and reducing stress. Just imagine, as a new mom, how easier in general (especially during these corona-virus quarantine days) your life would be if you are prepared with some baby essentials?!

Sudeci prema Pinterest analitici, blog post "Koliko pelena treba novorodjencetu (0-3 meseca)?" ima dosta pregleda. S obzirom da je bio od pomoci, htela sam da podelim jos jedan. Bebe rastu izuzetno brzo, tako da cemo ovog puta pricati koliko pelena treba bebi staroj 3-6 meseca!
Volim da delim jednostavnije/brze nacine zivljenja, radjenja, bitisanja. Zapravo imam unutrasnju potrebu za tim… ne treba sve da bude komplikovano. Plus verujem da odredjena spremnost pomaze kod optimizacije vremena, daje vam jednu vrstu kontrole, a (da se ne lazemo) ljudska bica voleeee kontrolu. Licno mene bas briga za kontrolu, ali sam zato veliki pobornik protoka, efikasnosti, slobode i smanjenja stresa. Zamislite samo, koliko bi generalno jednostavniji bio zivot novoj mami (narocito tokom danasnjeg korona-virus karantina), da je opremljena neophodnim stvarima za bebu?

best baby diapers/nappies; koliko pelena treba bebi 3-6 meseci staroj; najbolje pelene za bebe. Agnotis nappies diapers.

Lets' get back to the subject. So how many diapers needs a 3-6 months old baby? Around 550! Mine needed 563. Yours might need much less or more, but this can be a good starting point. Of course a lot depends on baby's size/weight. My boy has above average height, and proportional weight. For reference I'm gonna give you his monthly measurements. 3 months old: 6.700gr/63.5cm; 4 months old: 7.340gr/65.5cm; 5 months old: 7.690gr/70cm. He continues to grow like a mushroom...
That's it, I truly hope this article will be helpful to new moms. Btw I stopped counting my baby's diapers after 6th month, there's no point, he's gonna wear size 4 for quite some time...:)

Nego da se mi vratimo na temu. Dakle koliko pelena je potrebno 3-6 meseca staroj bebi? Oko 550! Mojoj je trebalo 563. Vasoj moze biti potrebno manje ili vise, ali ovo je dobar start. Naravno mnogo toga zavisi od bebine velicine/tezine. Moj deckic ima visinu iznad proseka, i proporcionalnu tezinu. Cisto radi komparacije, dacu vam njegove mesecne mere. 3 meseca star: 6.700gr/63.5cm; 4 meseca star: 7.340gr/; 5 meseci star: 7.690gr/70cm. I nastavlja da raste kao pecurkica...
To je to, iskreno se nadam da ce ovaj clanak pomoci novim mamama. Inace prestala sam da brojim pelene nakon 6-og meseca jer nema poente, noiscemo velicinu 4 jos nekoliko meseci…:)

baby boy model for nappies/diapers; best Pampers dipers/nappies; Babylino sensitive nappies; best diaper pants;
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