Tuesday, March 24, 2020

GFH Lifestyle #33

Baby Bjorn baby carrier photos, nosiljka kengur za bebe

So many things changed lately, in our lives, in the world. Corona virus break made us all stay at home more (I won't speak about virus at all at this point). My life in that sense hasn't changed so much, I'm in the self-quarantine (willingly) from the moment I gave birth.:) I just reduced my movement even more (for example going to supermarket once per week). Just like I wrote this morning on Instagram, it's easy to be scared/fearful/overwhelmed/angry but we need to raise our vibration, it's for the greater good. We need to stay positive, open minded, strong, courageous, responsible. This is our chance to upgrade ourselves, our lives, systems we're living in... Step by step, day by day....

Toliko se stvari promenilo u poslednje vreme, u nasim zivotima, u citavom svetu. Korona virus nas tera da ostanemo vise kuci (necu ni zapocinjati pricu o virusu ovog trenutka). Moj zivot u tom konkretnom smislu se nije nesto preterano promenio, ja sam u samo-izolaciji (dobrovoljno) od trenutka kad sam se porodila.:) Sad sam samo ogranicila jos vise svoje kretanje (recimo idem u supermarket jedanput nedeljno). Kao sto sam jutros napisala na Instagramu, jako je lako da budemo uplaseni/negativni/besni ali potrebno je da podignemo svoju vibraciju na visi nivo, za svacije dobro. Moramo ostati pozitivni, otvorenog uma, jaki, hrabri, odgovorni. Ovo je nasa prilika da izdignemo sebe, svoje zivote, sisteme u kojima zivimo… Korak po korak, dan po dan...

4 months old baby boy fashion style, beba stara 4 meseca moda i stil
my 4 months old boy :)
moj deckic star 4 meseca :)
long blue coat with blue fur collar, statement winter coats outfit inspiration
Mykonos island travel photography, Mikonos ostrvo fotografije
"Now more than ever do I realize that I will never be content with a sedentary life, that I will always be haunted by thoughts of a sun-drenched elsewhere..." (Anais Nin)
"Sada vise nego ikada uvidjam da nikada necu biti zadovoljna sedecim nacinom zivotom, da ce me uvek proganjati misli o suncanim mestima nedge drugde..." (Anais Nin)
cute baby boy model photos, H&M Kids velvet blue onesie
If you weren’t that sweet, I’d already be on sedatives!:D
Da nisi tako sladak, vec bih bila na sedativima!:D
mother and son matching outfits, mother and son fashion style, mama i sin outfiti
matching outfits :)
slazu nam se outfiti :)
best mother winter outfits, best motherhood fashion style, motherhood style inspiration
Trying on the shoes with a baby in the carrier? Done... Result: two new pairs of booties...
Isprobavanje cipela sa bebom u nosiljci? Uradjeno! Rezultat: dva para novih cizmica...
Nescafe zasto, hot Nes coffee, coffee lovers
Weekend vibes, smell of fresh coffee and magnificent view! Life is made of small details, you just need to learn to appreciate them... (location: Plastira lake)
Vikend, miris sveze kafe i predivan pogled! Zivot je sacinjen od malih detalja, treba samo da naucimo da ih cenimo... (lokacija: Plastira jezero)
baby knitwear, baby boy white blue knitwear, handmade knitwear for babies
navy blue fur collar, plava teget krznena jakna
how to wear maxi coatt, blue padded long jacket outfit inspo
Plastira lake photos Karditsa, Limni Plastiras fotografies
Plastira lake
Plastira jezero
Orchestra baby boy clothes, Converse all star baby sneakers
cute mom and son photos, mum son matching looks
best activities with a newborn, Oyster 2 BabyStyle pram stroller
Weekend activities with my little family...
Vikend aktivnosti sa mojom malom porodicom...
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