Nea Flogita has around 1520 permanent residents (according to the
2001 census) but the number of tourists and visitors reaches a
figure of 20,000 during the summer season.
This lovely coastal place is very lively in the peak season, thanks to the numerous
bars, cafes, taverns and restaurants from which you can hear the Greek music. Maybe during the slow evening stroll you'll be suddenly stopped by the cheerful voices of the locals that politely but skillfully "tempt" you to drink few sips of ouzo
or try some local specialties. Believe me, only in the case
if you are not a fan of sweets like me (I'm sorry, but that's not my
weakness), you will be able to resist not to try every night a new sweet treat
from the famous pastry shop run by the family in whose veins flows the
Turkish blood- and that speaks volumes about the talent for the pastries...
Nea Flogita ima oko 1520 stalnih stanovnika (prema popisu iz 2001. godine) ali broj turista i posetilaca dostize cifru od cak 20.000 tokom letnje sezone.
Ovo simpaticno obalsko mesto je vrlo zivo u jeku sezone, zahvaljujuci brojnim barovima, kaficima, tavernama i restoranima iz kojih dopire grcka muzika. Mozda vas tokom lagane vecernje setnje iznenada zaustavi veseli glas mestana koji vas gostoljubivo ali vesto "mame" da popijete casicu uza ili probate neki domaci specijalitet. Verujte mi, jedino u slucaju ako niste ljubitelj slatkisa kao ja (zao mi je ali to mi nije slabost), bicete u stanju da odolite a da ne probate svake veceri neki novi slatkis iz najpoznatije poslasticarnice koju vodi porodica u cijim venama tece turska krv- to dovoljno govori o talentu za poslasticarstvo...