Wednesday, October 23, 2013

From Nea Flogita to Dionisiou: walking by the sea

Nea Plagita Dionisiou

One of the things I enjoy the most is walking in the nature. I can add to that photographing landscapes as well. Many know that the sun is a source of joy for me. Now, can you imagine my delight when I walk by the sea coast, breath the fresh air and feel the warm sun on my bare skin while I'm photographing the open sea and dark golden sand? And all that in mum's company? 
That satisfaction I had during our two-hour slowly walk from Nea Flogita to the next place called Dionisiou. Road next to the sea, some sand and  gravel, some dirt and asphalt, some grass and plants, few cars and occasional passengers, one fishing boat in the distance and another one on the beach...

Jedna od stvari u kojoj najvise uzivam jeste setnja prirodom. Tome mogu pridodati i fotografisanje predela. Mnogi znaju da je sunce izvor radosti za mene. Mozete li sada da zamislite moje zadovoljstvo dok setam pored morske obale, udisem svez vazduh dok me sunce milo greje i pritom slikam morsku pucinu i tamno zlatni pesak? I to sve u drustvu mame?
To zadovoljstvo sam imala tokom nase dvocasovne lagane setnje od Nea Flogite do narednog mesta po imenu Dionisios. Putic pored mora, malo peska i sljunka, malo prasine i asfalta, malo trave i rastinja, pokoji automobil i prolaznik, jedan ribarski camac u daljini i jos jedan na obali...

Nea Plagita Dionisiou walking zone
Dionisiou Chalkidiki
vacation in Nea Flogita
Nea Plagita traveling
Nea Plagita Dionisiou pesacenje


  1. Bas su lepe slicice <3 nedostaje mi mooore! :))

    1. Hvala Marija!!! Bice jos puno "morske pucine" kod mene na blogu do kraja godine, ako nista drugo makar preko slicica mozes malo da osetis more blize... :)

  2. This is gorgeous...I can imagine how this is wonderful for walking by the ocean. And the houses with their palm trees so beautiful.


    1. True Andy, I felt really good there... nature is the best medicine for everything!;)

  3. I am familiar with Dionysus in Greek Mythology (I am a big fan of Greek Mythology), but I've never heard of Dionisiou. I am going to assume this location was named in honor of Dionysus. Anyhow... cool place! Nice job taking pictures! :)


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