Chocolate & fig, Hawaii pineapple... Sounds exotic, sounds like some super-tropical-energy-boosting-smoothie! I'm so sorry I won't discover you the recipe for this magical smoothie, I'm just gonna show you divinely scented body products from Balea's limited editions: shower gels, body lotions and deodorant. When I use them there is one idea consistently performing
mental attack on my mind: how to fight the urge to taste these
products 'cause according to all rules it would not be so "medically
appropriate" for my health?! Hmm, still fighting... does anyone have a solution?!
Cokolada & smokva, Hawaii ananas... Zvuci egzoticno, zvuci kao da je u pitanju neki super-tropski-energizujuci smoothie! Zao mi je sto vam necu otkriti recept za ovaj magican smoothie, samo cu vam pokazati proizvode za telo bozanstvenog mirisa iz Balea limitiranih serija: gelove za tusiranje, losione za telo i dezodorans. Dok ih koristim jedna ideja konstantno vrsi mentalni atak na moj um: kako obuzdati poriv za degustacijom ovih proizvoda, jer to po svim pravilima ne bi bilo bas "medicinski pogodno" za moje zdravlje?! Hm, i dalje se borim... imate li neko resenje?!
Probala sam taj cokoladno, smokvasti i divan je! Obozavam Baleine mirise.. :)