Friday, July 24, 2015

KATOGI Tapas bar: Gem of IOS island

Katogi tapas bar Ios town

I'm deeply grateful for being able to travel all around Greece over the past few years (hopefully I'll be able to enjoy in that sweet pleasure of mine for many more years cause there's so much more I want to see in this beautiful country). I visited many places and saw a lot of things, so I formed my opinion and polished my preferences when it comes to all "travel and tourism" things.
In my humble opinion, Ios island has 3 gems: 1. beaches, 2. Liostasi Hotel & Spa (I wrote many posts about this hotel) and 3. Katogi tapas bar! I'm definitively not a specialist when it comes to food, as I love the simplest things (give me a hearty salad and I'm good to go!). But my hedonistic side awakens when I see something aesthetically beautiful. I love visually beautiful things, beautiful people, beautiful places and yes beautifully decorated: restaurants, bars, hotels and all other fancy spots! So you might understand now why I fell in love with Katogi, and you'll understand more when you see all the photos below...

Zahvalna sam sto sam bila u mogucnosti da putujem po citavoj Grckoj u proteklih nekoliko godina (nadam se da cu i dalje biti u mogucnosti da uzivam u toj svojoj slatkoj pasiji jer ima jos puno mesta koja zelim da vidim u ovoj lepoj zemlji). Posetila sam mnoga mesta i videla puno stvari, tako da sam formirala svoje misljenje i "ispolirala" svoje preferencije kada se radi o "turizmu i putovanjima"...
Po mom skromnom misljenju, Ios ostrvo ima 3 dragulja: 1. plaze, 2. Liostasi Hotel & Spa (o kojem mozete pronaci sve ovde na blogu) i 3. Katogi tapas bar! Ja definitivno nisam specijalista kada se radi o hrani, s obzirom da volim najjednostavnije stvari (dajte mi finu salatu i spremna sam za pokret!). Ali moja hedonisticka strana se budi kada vidim nesto estetski lepo. Volim vizuelno lepe stvari, lepe ljude, lepa mesta i svakako da volim lepo dekorisane: restorane, barove, hotele i druge fensi objekte! Tako da sad mozete razumeti zasto sam se zaljubila u Katogi, i razumecete vise kada vidite fotografije u nastavku...

Katogi restaurant Ios
Katogi tapas bar photos with people

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Achlada beach

Achlada beach, Sarti, Sithonia

Achlada beach is located in the northern part (we can even say at the beginning, when you're coming from Thessaloniki) of Sarti. It consists of two parts (take a look at the photo below): a part where's the beach and another part which serves as a port. It's easily accessible by car until certain point and then you have 3-4 minutes to walk to reach the main beach, a little bit uphill a little bit downhill...
Achlada is actually classified as one of the "camping-beaches" of this region, and you will often see a couple of nudists when there are not so many visitors. The water is very calm and clean, which makes this sandy beach a perfect choice on days when there are larger waves at other beaches of Sarti. And just in the case you did not know, a Greek word "achlada" means pear!;)

Achlada plaza se nalazi na severnom delu (mozemo reci i pocetku, kada dolazite iz pravca Soluna) Sartija. Sastoji se iz dva dela (bacite pogled na fotografiju dole): deo koji je plaza i deo koji sluzi kao luka/pristaniste. Prilaz kolima je lako dostupan do odredjenog dela, a nakon toga vas ceka 3-4 minuta hoda do glavne plaze, malo uzbrdo malo nizbrdo...
Achlada (cita se: ahlada!) se zapravo svrstava u "kamping-plaze" ovog regiona, i uvek postoji par nudista u danima kada nema preterano mnogo ljudi. Voda je izuzetno mirna i cista, sto ovu pescanu plazu cini savrsenim izborom kada su veci talasi na drugim plazama Sartija.  I da u slucaju da ne znate, grcka rec "achlada" u prevodu znaci kruska!;)

most beautiful beaches in Sithonia in Greece
Sithonia camping beaches

Thursday, July 16, 2015

SARTI beach bars & Sunny summer day

Sarti beach, Sithonia, Greece

I already wrote about Sarti beach in this post, yet you could see only the photos of the beach, on a cloudy summer day. Now you can see some beach bars along the coastline that have their own sun beds and umbrellas, and also how Sarti beach looks like on a normal (read: sunny!) day...

Vec sam pisala o Sarti plazi u ovom postu, ali ste mogli videti samo fotografije plaze, po oblacnom letnjem danu. Sada mozete videti i nekoliko beach barova nanizanih duz obale koji imaju sopstvene lezaljke i suncobrane, i kako Sarti plaza izgleda po normalnom (citaj: suncanom!) danu...

Best beaches in Sithonia and Chalkidiki

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Portokali (Orange) beach in Sithonia: Enjoy on your own

Portokali (Orange) beach in Sithonia

Portokali beach, in translation Orange beach, is one of the loveliest beaches of Sithonia! It practically consists of two parts: one that has umbrellas, sun beds and beach bar (I'll show you that in another post); and the other unorganized part where you can find your own space, chill out on your own towel and even enjoy being naked (if that's what you prefer cause there are always some nudists, positioned on a distant rock/cliff, to keep you company)...

Portokali plaza, od miloste nazvana Orange plaza (iliti po slobodnom srpskom prevodu Pomorandza), je jedna od najljupkijih plaza Sitonije! Prakticno se sastoji iz dva dela: jedan koji ima beach bar, lezaljke i suncobrane (to cu vam pokazati u drugom postu); i drugi neorganizovani deo gde mozete sami pronaci svoje mesto, izlezavati se na vasem peskiru i cak uzivati "kao od majke rodjeni" (ako to preferirate, zato sto ce se uvek naci neki nudista, pozicioniran na udaljenoj steni, da vam pravi drustvo)...

Mermaid in rocks Portokali beach

Portokali beach is 10min away from Sarti, and during the summer the whole area gets completely crowded. The water is mostly clean, there are no big waves, and the depth of the sea increases gradually, so you can suppose there are kids around.;)
What I found fascinating here is the formation of the rocks and cliffs!! Nature has always been the most wonderful creator, can't deny it!

Monday, July 6, 2015

Sarti (Sithonia) at night

Sarti (Sithonia) at night Sarti nocu

Sarti is not a big place, and the main pedestrian zone you can pass in 15 minutes if you don't stop in front of the little shops. Everything is concentrated in the first two streets parallel to the sea, and in some cross streets. In the first street that leads you to the beach, and all in one row you can see bars, cafes and restaurants/taverns. In the second street there are some shops with souvenirs, clothes and accessories, as well as a couple of shops that sell fast food, ice cream... The same situation is with the cross streets where you can see more or less tourist-type shops... In the evening and under the lights, Sarti has a certain charm...

Sarti nije veliko mesto, i glavnu setalisnu zonu mozete proci i za 15min ukoliko se ne zaustavljate ispred radnjica. Sve je skoncentrisano u prve dve, paralelne sa morem, ulice i par poprecnih ulicica. U prvoj ulici koja izlazi na more su nacickani u nizu barovi, kafici i restorani/taverne. U drugoj ulici se nalazi nekoliko prodavnica sa suvenirima, garderobom i aksesoarima, ali i par lokala gde se prodaje brza hrana, sladoled i sl... Ista situacija je i sa ostalim poprecnim ulicicama gde su mogu videti manje prodavnice turistickog tipa. U vecernjim casovima i pod svetlima, Sarti deluje sarmantno...

Baradise Sarti
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