Saturday, November 16, 2024

Fall skincare products :: morning & evening

I've always loved trying out new and different products when it comes to skincare and hair care. Yes sometimes I do return to the same products but honestly that happens rarely. Also the needs of my skin are completely different during the warmer and colder months....
Here are the exact skincare products I was using over the last two months. You can also see a short video of how a quick weekend morning pampering looks like for me....

Uvek sam volela da isprobavam nove i raznovrsne proizvode kada su u pitanju nega koze i kose. Da ponekad se vratim istim proizvodima ali iskreno to se retko desava. Takodje i same potrebe moje koze su razlicite tokom toplijih i hladnijih meseci...
U nastavku mozete videti koje sam proizvode za negu koze koristila u poslednja dva meseca. Takodje nacicete i kratak video kako dodatna nega moze izgledati za mene tokom vikenda... 

regenerating anti aging morning skincare products


ORIGINS "Checks and balances frothy face wash" 
GARNIER "Vitamin C glow boost serum"
BIOTEN "Skin defence regenerating day cream"
jade roller 

evening routine skincare products anti aging regenerating


BIOTEN "Micellar cleansing gel"
GARNIER "Micellar oil-infused cleansing water"
GARNIER "Restoring hemp sleeping oil"
REVOX "Retinol eye contour gel"
BIOTEN "Skin defence regenerating night cream"
rose quartz gua sha

beauty products organization bathroom organization


Wednesday, February 21, 2024

Organizing my healthy pantry

organizing healthy kitchen pantry, kitchen organization, home organization, organizacija kuhinje
I absolutely looooove having my things organized, especially at home and work! Closet, work space, shelves and drawers, kitchen pantry, fridge... Yes it's about having it all aesthetically pleasing, but its also about knowing what I actually have at home. It's simple: if I see it I know I have it, and I'll find a way to use it. 
So recently I organized my healthy pantry, where I keep all my "healthier" stuff: protein powders, super foods, nuts and seeds, healthier grains and flours, gluten-free things... I prefer having everything in similar glass jars and not in bags/packaging, it just looks more streamlined. Below I shared a short video, be sure to check it if you're interested...

Apsolutno obozavam da su mi stvari organizovane, narocito u kuci i na poslu! Orman, radni prostor, police i fioke, kuhinjski delovi, frizider... Naravno da je bitno sto je tako estetski privlacnije, ali se takodje radi o tome da zapravo znam sta imam u kuci. Jednostavno receno: ako vidim nesto znam da imam, i nacicu nacin da to iskoristim.
Tako sam nedavno organizovala kuhinjski deo gde drzim "zdravije" stvari: proteine, superhrana (super foods), orasaste plodove i semenke, zdravije zitarice i brasna, stvari bez glutena... Preferiram da mi sve stoji u slicnim teglicama nego u kesama/pakovanju, izgleda lepse i urednije. U nastavku imate kratak video, pa mozete pogledati ako ste zainteresovani...

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