Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Trip around Skiathos: Lalaria beach

Lalaria beach Skiathos Greece

Next stop in our trip by boat was famous Lalaria beach, which is perhaps the main reason I agreed to this trip!:D It can be reached only by boat, as the high and steep cliffs block the beach and thus prevent the access by land. Strange experience these rocks offered me- as I was lying on the beach and watched the sky it seemed to me that the whole beach along with the cliffs was moving and not the clouds... I started to get dizzy at one point...
Lalaria is a beach known for its white and smooth pebbles (which locals call "lalaria" so the place is named after that), the enchanting light turquoise water, choppy waves caused by the winds from the north. The winds which are sometimes so strong that you can only dream of access to the beach. And one big rock with a natural passage (or we can simply say: the "hole") for which is believed that you will become younger if you swim twice through the passage. I did not swim that day so I skipped the opportunity to become "younger and sweeter", but the images of nature that takes your breath away- will forever remain in my memory...

Sledeca stanica tokom naseg putovanja brodicem je cuvena Lalaria plaza, koja je mozda i glavni razlog sto sam pristala na ovaj izlet!:D Do nje se moze doci samo brodom, jer visoke i strme litice zaklanjaju plazu i samim time onemogucavaju pristup sa kopna. Cudno iskustvo mi dadose ove stene- dok sam lezala na plazi i posmatrala nebo ucinilo mi se da se citava plaza sa sve liticama pomera a ne oblaci... zavrte mi se u glavi u jednom trenutku...
Lalaria je plaza poznata po svojim belim i glatkim kamenim oblucima (koje lokalci zovu "lalaria", te je po tome i dobila ime), ocaravajuce svetlo tirkiznoj vodi, nemirnim talasima koji nastaju usled vetrova sa severa. Vetrovi koji su ponekad toliko jaki da mozete samo sanjati o prilazu plazi. I jedna velika stena sa prirodnim prolazom (ili prostije receno "rupom") za koju se veruje da cete postati mladji ako dva puta preplivate kroz prolaz. Nisam plivala tog dana te preskocih priliku da postanem "mladja i sladja", ali slika prirode od koje zastaje dah ce mi zauvek ostati u secanju...

Lalaria beach Skiathos island
best Skiathos beaches, must visit Skiathos beaches
Skiathos beaches with turquoise water
Skiathos beaches travel guide and travel tips
what to see and visit in Skiathos
Lalarija plaza na ostrvu Skijatos
ostrvo Skijatos najlepse plaze sa tirkiznom vodom
Greek islands with turquoise waters
most beautiful beaches in whole Greece
Skiathos island beaches trips by boat
obilazak Skijatos plaza sa brodicem

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