In Kanapitsa bay there are three beaches. The first and the closest one is Nostos beach, where is also located one of the two biggest diving schools called "Dolphin Diving Center". Nicely organized beach with sunbeds, on which tourists and locals often come to enjoy the specialties of the nearby tavern.
Tucked away and surrounded by greenery, Kanapitsa beach lies on the other side of the cape. Reaching it requires a little more than a 10 min walk (uphill) from the bus station, or even easier if you rent a taxi. Hidden among the trees from the curious eyes of tourists, in this area you can find a
couple of hotels and villas, and another well-known tavern. The beach is somewhat narrower and finely organized, the water is crystal clear, the sand has golden color...
U Kanapitsa zalivu postoje tri plaze. Prva i najbliza je Nostos plaza, gde se nalazi jedna od dve najvece skole za ronjenje pod nazivom "Dolphin diving center". Uredjena plaza sa lezaljkama, na koju turisti i lokalci cesto svracaju i da bi uzivali u specijalitetima obliznje taverne.
Ususkana i okruzena zelenilom, Kanapitsa plaza lezi sa druge strane rta. Da bi se doslo do nje potrebno je malo vise od 10min hoda (uzbrdo) od autobuske stanice, ili jos lakse ako iznajmite taxi. Skriveni medju drvecem od radoznalih pogleda turista, u ovom podrucju se nalazi par hotela i vila, i jos jedna dobro poznata taverna na samoj obali. Plaza je nesto uza i lepo uredjena, voda kristalno cista, pesak zlatne boje...
Seems like a paradise! I wish I could go some day! Thanks for the beautiful pics! : )