Saturday, September 28, 2013

Pyrgos Mantania hotel's wine cellar + video

Pyrgos Mantania hotel wine cellar
Pyrgos Mantania hotel wine cellar decor

I've already expressed my impressions about Pyrgos Mantania hotel, but there is one special and unique part of this hotel that deserves a separate post. That part is the wine cellar with a small museum room where some old objects are peacefully resting. Purple aura in this cabin exudes mystery and causes you to curiously wonder what secrets are hiding a few feet below the surface of the ground... It is so nice to know that one hotel has something like this in its offer, especially if you have the opportunity to visit this chamber. The ultimate pleasure is guaranteed by opening and drinking a bottle of wine of your choice...

Vec sam izrazila svoje impresije o Pyrgos Mantania hotelu, ali postoji jedan specijalan i unikatan deo ovog hotela koji zasluzuje poseban post. Taj deo je vinski podrum sa odeljenom prostorijom gde je izlozeno par muzejskih eksponata. Ljubicasta aura kojom je obojena ova sobica odise misterioznoscu i navodi vas da se radoznalo zapitate kakve se tajne kriju par metara ispod povrsine zemlje... Toliko je prijatno saznati da jedan hotel ima nesto ovako u svom sastavu, narocito ako imate priliku da posetite ovu odaju. Krajnji uzitak je zagarantovan otvaranjem i ispijanjem boce vina po vasem izboru...


Friday, September 27, 2013

Printed dress + Pyrgos Mantania Hotel exterior

Pink Woman printed dress, Zara wooden wedges
Pink Woman dress/ Zara wedges

Weather is still warm during the day, even dough mornings and nights have become chillier... However prolonged summer allows me to still wear my favorite dresses and sandals, well at least for a few days more... this is the good side of living in the Mediterranean... I should take the advantage of it, right?

Vreme je i dalje toplo tokom dana, iako su veceri i jutra znatno hladnija... Kako god produzeno leto mi daje priliku da i dalje oblacim svoje omiljene haljine i sandale, makar jos par dana... to vam je jedna od prednosti zivota na Mediteranu. Trebalo bi je iskoristiti, zar ne?

Pyrgos Mantania Hotel exterior
pastel color bracelets, arm candy

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Pyrgos Mantania (Mantania Tower) hotel, Kalliroi, Greece

Pyrgos Mantania hotel

Pyrgos Mantania (Mantania Tower) hotel is located in the region of Aspropotamos, in the place called Kalliroi, and it belongs to the Prefecture of Trikala. Surrounded by the green forests, it's impossible to decide whether it is more beautiful in the winter under the white layers of snow or in the summer when the fresh mountain air cools the entire area and countless nearby villages. Thanks to the authentic architecture and building style, it is easy to find an escape from reality and urbanization, it is easy to go back to the past times while wandering between the high walls made of wood and stone...
The hotel consists of several buildings that make up one complementary entity. Within this section, there are two buildings with the accommodation capacities- Archontariki and Hayiati, outdoor swimming pool with a bar open during the summer months, beautifully decorated restaurant-tavern, breathtaking wine cellar...
Pyrgos Mantania hotel is definitely one of the most beautiful hotels I've visited so far, it's the hotel that thrilled and seduced me with its authenticity and interior decoration. I will always be more than happy to come back here... And now I leave you to enjoy the pictures!

Pyrgos Mantania (Mantania Kula) hotel se nalazi u Aspropotamos regiji, u mestu zvanom Kalliroi i pripada perfekturi Trikale. Okruzen zelenim sumama, ne zna se da li je lepsi zimi pod belim slojevima snega ili leti kada svez planinski vazduh prijatno rashladjuje citav predeo i brojna obliznja sela. U autenticnoj arhitekturi i stilu gradnje lako je pronaci beg od stvarnosti i urbanosti, lako je vratiti se u davna prohujala vremena dok koracate izmedju visokih zidova sacinjenih od kamena i drveta...
Hotel je sastavljen od nekoliko objekata koje cine jednu ukomponovanu celinu. U okviru ove celine se nalaze dve zgrade sa smestajnim kapacitetima- Archontariki i Hayiati, spoljasnji bazen sa barom otvoren tokom letnjih meseci, prelepo dekorisan restoran-taverna, vinski podrum koji oduzima dah...
Pyrgos Mantania hotel je definitivno jedan od najlepsih hotela u kojima sam boravila, hotel koji me je odusevio i zaveo svojom autenticnoscu i unutrasnjom dekoracijom, i uvek cu mu se rado vracati... A sada vas ostavljam da uzivate u slikama!

Pyrgos Mantania Kalliroi
Pyrgos Mantania hotel room

Friday, September 20, 2013

OOTN: Blue balloon mini dress

blue baloon mini dress outfit, ballon dresses outfit ideas

I had such a blast over the last 2-3 days. As I previously mentioned my mum was here in Greece and I spent these days with her, at the seaside...
The outfit you can see today I was wearing few days ago. Bronze sandals, clutch and jewelry matched so well with the dress and they added just a right ammount of summer glam...

Ja sam zaista uzivala u poslednja 2-3 dana. Kao sto sam prethodno pomenula moja mama je bila ovde u Grckoj i ove dane sam provela sa njom, pored morske obale...
Outfit koji vidite danas sam nosila pre par dana. Bronzane sandale, tasnica i nakit su se bas uklopili sa haljinom i dodali malo letnjeg glam dodira...

summer wedding guest dress ideas

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Cute and easy DIY: Embellished bikini tops: 1. Pink lace & 2. Shell details

DIY embellished bikini top with pink lace, diy lace bikini

Few days ago I mentioned I did one DIY project which I was supposed to show you this week. Additionally I did one more piece yesterday (even simpler and faster one) so I'm glad to share both ideas on the blog today. Here they are: embellished bikini tops, cute and trendy ones: DIY gifts for all my beach babes out there!;)
Lace covered bikinis are big hit this year (think about Beach Bunny brend!)! Since I haven't had any gem like this, the most logical was to actually create one. I used plain white bikini part, and with a help of a needle and light pink thread (plus scissors of course) I added girly pink lace. Approximately needed time was one hour and a half (just because I'm super cautious perfectionist!).
Brown bikini top is now embellished with some creamy shell pieces that I took from one baby blue beach bag decades ago... Again all it was needed was a needle, brown thread, shells and 10 minutes of my time. I sincerely hope today's creative post might give you as well some inspiring idea!

Pre nekoliko dana sam napomenula da sam uradila jedan DIY ("uradi sam") projekat koji je trebalo da vam pokazem u toku ove nedelje. Dodatno sam uradila jos jedan komad juce (cak jednostavniji i brzi) i drago mi je sto obe ideje mogu da podelim na blogu danas. Evo ih: ukraseni gornji delovi bikinija, slatki i trendi: DIY pokloni za sve moje bikini boginje!;)
Cipkom prekriveni bikiniji su veliki hit ove godine (setite se Beach Bunny brenda!)! S obzirom da nisam imala nijedan biser poput ovoga, najlogicnije je bilo da zapravo kreiram jedan. Iskoristila sam potpuno beli gornji deo, i uz pomoc igle i svetlo pink konca (plus makaze naravno) dodala girly pink cipku. U proseku je bilo potrebno sat i po vremena (samo zato sto sam super pazljivi perfekcionista!).
Braon bikini top je sada ukrasen krem skoljkicama koje sam skinula sa jedne svetlo plave torbe za plazu pre nekoliko decenija... I sve sto je ponovo bilo potrebno su igla, braon konac, skoljke i 10 min mog vremena.
Iskreno se nadam da danasnji kreativni post moze da i vama da neku inspirativnu ideju!

DIY embellished bikini top with shell details, diy bikini

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Sally Hansen Xtreme Wear nail polish in Petite pink

Sally Hansen Xtreme Wear nail polish in Petite pink

Here in Greece is still warm, still summer... I'm still in the phase of choosing our next holiday destination but not in the phase of choosing the clothes and accessories that I'll wear, I will think about it next week... Maybe my new Sally Hansen "Xtreme Wear" nail polish in the beautiful Petite pink shade, will give me an inspiring idea. And maybe it'll be my ally during the travel!

Ovde u Grckoj je i dalje toplo, i dalje je leto... Ja sam jos uvek u fazi odabira nase naredne destinacije za odmor ali ne i u fazi odabira garderobe i aksesoara koje bih nosila, o tome cu misliti naredne nedelje... Mozda ce mi novi Sally Hansen "Xtreme Wear" lak za nokte u prelepoj Petite pink nijansi pomoci i dati neku inspirativnu ideju. A mozda mi bude saveznik i u toku putovanja!

Sally Hansen Xtreme Wear lak za nokte u nijansi Petite pink

Monday, September 9, 2013

Vaseline Cocoa butter line: Body lotion, Body butter and Body oil

Vaseline Cocoa butter line Body lotion, Body butter and Body oil

What is essential for a beautiful and glowing skin? Proper nutrition is important, drinking enough liquids especially water is important, outer care is important but our emotions and thoughts are important as well...
The skin is our largest organ, and the "organ" through which we feel. Everything we think and feel (whether positive or negative) comes to the surface sooner or later, and we already know that the skin is actually the surface layer of our cells. I consider that if we think happy thoughts, if we work on ourselves and our personality, if we are satisfied with our life, if we are calm and loving beings-> we'll shine from the inside, and that will be easily reflected externally in the form of a healthy and vibrant body.
But in order to fully shine, we need the "outer glow" as well, which is now easily achieved by many cosmetic and beauty products. Day by day I take care of my body in this way. There are so many products I've tried and the ones I'll try, but the Vaseline brand I always recommend- generously. My favorite line among their rich assortment is "Cocoa butter" collection from which I used: body lotion, body butter and oil gel.

Sta je bitno za lep izgled koze? Bitna je pravilna ishrana, bitno je unosenje dovoljnih kolicina tecnosti prvenstveno vode, bitna je spoljasnja nega ali su i bitne i emocije i misli...
Koza je nas najrasprostranjeniji organ, kao i "organ" preko koga osecamo. Sve ono sto mislimo i osecamo (bilo to pozitivno ili negativno) izbija na povrsinu kad-tad, a dobro nam je poznato da je koza zapravo povrsinski sloj nasih celija. Smatram da ukoliko mislimo lepe misli, ako radimo na sebi i svojoj licnosti, ako smo zadovoljni svojim zivotom, ako smo spokojni i puni ljubavi-> sijacemo iznutra, a to ce se lako odraziti i spolja u vidu zdravog i negovanog tela.
Elem da bismo zasijali u potpunosti potreban nam je i "spoljasnji glanc" koji se danas vrlo lako postize brojnim kozmetickim preparatima i proizvodima za negu. Ja svakodnevno negujem svoje telo na taj nacin. Postoji mali milion proizvoda koje sam isprobala i koje cu tek probati, ali proizvode brenda Vaseline uvek sirokogrudo preporucujem. Moja omiljena linija medju njihovim bogatim asortimanom jeste "Cocoa butter" kolekcija od koje sam koristila: losion za telo, puter za telo i uljani gel.
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