I've already expressed my impressions about Pyrgos Mantania hotel, but there is one special and unique part of this hotel that deserves a separate post. That part is the wine cellar with a small museum room where some old objects are peacefully resting. Purple
aura in this cabin exudes mystery and causes you to
curiously wonder what secrets are hiding a few feet below the surface of
the ground... It is so nice to know that one hotel has
something like this in its offer, especially if you have the
opportunity to visit this chamber. The ultimate pleasure is guaranteed by opening and drinking a bottle of wine of your choice...
Vec sam izrazila svoje impresije o Pyrgos Mantania hotelu, ali postoji jedan specijalan i unikatan deo ovog hotela koji zasluzuje poseban post. Taj deo je vinski podrum sa odeljenom prostorijom gde je izlozeno par muzejskih eksponata. Ljubicasta aura kojom je obojena ova sobica odise misterioznoscu i navodi vas da se radoznalo zapitate kakve se tajne kriju par metara ispod povrsine zemlje... Toliko je prijatno saznati da jedan hotel ima nesto ovako u svom sastavu, narocito ako imate priliku da posetite ovu odaju. Krajnji uzitak je zagarantovan otvaranjem i ispijanjem boce vina po vasem izboru...