What is essential for a beautiful and glowing skin? Proper nutrition is important, drinking enough
liquids especially water is important, outer care is important but our emotions and thoughts are important as well...
The skin is our largest organ, and the "organ" through which we feel. Everything
we think and feel (whether positive or negative) comes to the surface sooner
or later, and we already know that the skin is actually the surface layer of
our cells. I consider that if we think happy thoughts, if we
work on ourselves and our personality, if we are satisfied with our
life, if we are calm and loving beings-> we'll shine from the inside, and that will be
easily reflected externally in the form of a healthy and vibrant body.
But in order to fully shine, we need the
"outer glow" as well, which is now easily achieved by many cosmetic and beauty products. Day by day I take care of my body in this way. There are so many products I've tried and the ones I'll try, but the Vaseline brand I always recommend- generously. My
favorite line among their rich assortment is "Cocoa butter" collection from which I used: body lotion, body butter and oil gel.
Sta je bitno za lep izgled koze? Bitna je pravilna ishrana, bitno je unosenje dovoljnih kolicina tecnosti prvenstveno vode, bitna je spoljasnja nega ali su i bitne i emocije i misli...
Koza je nas najrasprostranjeniji organ, kao i "organ" preko koga osecamo. Sve ono sto mislimo i osecamo (bilo to pozitivno ili negativno) izbija na povrsinu kad-tad, a dobro nam je poznato da je koza zapravo povrsinski sloj nasih celija. Smatram da ukoliko mislimo lepe misli, ako radimo na sebi i svojoj licnosti, ako smo zadovoljni svojim zivotom, ako smo spokojni i puni ljubavi-> sijacemo iznutra, a to ce se lako odraziti i spolja u vidu zdravog i negovanog tela.
Elem da bismo zasijali u potpunosti potreban nam je i "spoljasnji glanc" koji se danas vrlo lako postize brojnim kozmetickim preparatima i proizvodima za negu. Ja svakodnevno negujem svoje telo na taj nacin. Postoji mali milion proizvoda koje sam isprobala i koje cu tek probati, ali proizvode brenda Vaseline uvek sirokogrudo preporucujem. Moja omiljena linija medju njihovim bogatim asortimanom jeste "Cocoa butter" kolekcija od koje sam koristila: losion za telo, puter za telo i uljani gel.
* Cocoa Radiant rich feeling lotion *
Cocoa Radiant lotion makes the skin get healthy and nourished look after use. The formula combines pure cocoa butter and so-called Stratys-3 multi-layer moisture. Thanks to this the lotion penetrates deeply into the skin. The texture is quite liquid which makes the applying simple, and the absorption fast.
Cocoa Radiant losion cini da koza nakon nanosenja izgleda zdravo i nahranjeno. Formula kombinuje cist kakao puter i takozvanu Stratys-3 viseslojnu vlaznost. Zahvaljujuci tome losion prodire do dubljih slojeva koze. Tekstura je prilicno tecna te je nanosenje jednostavno, a sama apsorpcija brza.
* Smoothing body butter *
This body-butter provides smooth and gentle skin. It contains cocoa and shea butters. Not
too thick and greasy, it blends easily, absorbs well, leaves no marks on
clothes and skin is nourished even several hours after use.
Ovaj body-puter obezbedjuje gladak i nezan izgled koze. Sadrzi kakao i sea putere. Ne preterano gust i masan, dobro se razmazuje, dobro upija, ne ostavlja tragove na odeci, a koza je nahranjena i vise casova nakon upotrebe.
* Vitalizing gel oil body *
This is probably my favorite product from the mentioned line, since I'm a huge fan of all the beauty products in oil form. It contains cocoa butter fragrance, Brazilian nut and almond oils. The skin is very nourished after use and gets a healthy glow. The
only thing I would not recommend is putting on the clothes immediately after use
of the oil gel (I usually apply it at night after the shower, I wrap myself in
a towel and leave the skin to absorb all). I think this is a great choice for dry skin, for the summer as well as the winter when we all need richer care!
Ovo je najverovatnije moj omiljeni proizvod iz pomenute linije, s obzirom da sam veliki ljubitelj svih kozmetickih preparata u uljanoj formi. Sadrzi ulja brazilskog oraha i badema, a sve je to zaokruzeno mirisom kakao putera. Koza je nakon upotrebe izuzetno nahranjena i dobija zdrav sjaj. Jedino sto ne bih preporucila jeste oblacenje odmah nakon nanosenja uljanog gela (ja ga obicno nanosim uvece nakon tusiranja, umotam se u peskir i ostavim da koza sve dobro upije). Smatram da je ovo sjajan izbor za suvu kozu, za letnji kao i za zimski period kada nam je svima potrebna bogatija nega!
Great review!
ReplyDeleteI haven't tried these yet but heard they do well for my skin type :D
Got a new post up and can’t wait to see your opinion!
Happy Week!
Getting my dress on yo!
Dont know that vaseline makes such products!
ReplyDeleteGreets from the EDELFABRIK