Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Super Paradise beach bar | Mykonos island

Super Paradise beach bar Mykonos

Super Paradise beach is known as the party beach- here party starts early in the afternoon and ends at dawn, and so every day. But in the off-season situation is unusually quiet, the complete opposite of the heated summer atmosphere...
Super Paradise beach bar is located on the left side of the beach, partly bordered with cliffs. We came here a couple of times during our stay in Mykonos...

Super Paradise plaza je poznata kao party plaza- ovde zurka pocinje u ranim popodnevnim casovima i zavrsava se u zoru, i tako svaki dan. Ali u vansezoni situacija je neobicno mirna, potpuna suprotnost uzavreloj letnjoj atmosferi...
Super Paradise beach bar se nalazi sa leve strane plaze, jednim delom oivicen liticama. Mi smo nekoliko puta tokom naseg boravka na Mikonosu dolazili ovde...

Super Paradise beach Mykonos
Super Paradise beach bar cocktails

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Mykonos mix 1

Mykonos vacation and holiday tips

Mykonos, the Greek island that belongs to the Cyclades, covers an area of 105.2 km2. It has about 10,000 residents, most of whom live in the main town known as Mykonos, or otherwise called Chora. This island is one of the most visited tourist destinations in the whole world, and every summer it welcomes more than half a million of tourists.
Mykonos is known since the ancient times, but its modern history begins in the 60's when the yachts of the rich shipowners began to arrive on the island. We can freely say that Jackie and Aristotle Onassis were "guilty" for spreading the cosmopolitan energy in this area...

Mikonos, grcko ostrvo koje pripada Kikladskom arhipelagu, zauzima povrsinu od 105.2 km2. Ima oko 10.000 stalnih stanovnika, od kojih vecina zivi u glavnom gradu Mikonosu ili drugacije nazvanom- Hora. Ovo ostrvo je jedna od najposecenijih turistickih destinacija u celom svetu koju u toku leta poseti preko pola miliona turista.
Mikonos je poznat jos od antickog perioda, ali njegova moderna istorija zapocinje 60-tih godina kada su jahte bogatih brodovlasnika pocele da pristizu na ovo ostrvo. Moze se slobodno reci da su Dzeki i Aristotel Onazis "krivi" za sirenje kosmopolitske energije na ovim prostorima...

Mykonos cats

Friday, November 15, 2013

Paraga beach & Psarou beach | Mykonos island

Paraga beach Mykonos island

Paraga beach is located on the east side of the island. In a distance you can see Paros, Naxos and Delos. This beach was a favorite choice of the hippie generation, as the "clothing question" was totally optional! Paraga beach has beautiful golden sand and usually some small sea waves playing in the wind along with the bamboo umbrellas. That slightly rebellious and carefree atmosphere helps me to completely understand why the "flower children" opted for this beach!:)
Psarou beach might be a favorite choice of jet-setters, and often small yachts can be seen anchored in the bay. Some of the finest clubs, bars and restaurants are located here. The beach has a nice soft sand and very calm water with almost no waves which is great for diving. Psarou is not a "party beach"- the sophisticated atmosphere is respected almost as a religion. Music is never loud, here you enjoy the quiet and subtle melodies...

Paraga plaza je locirana na istocnoj strani ostrva. U daljini se mogu videti Paros, Naksos i Delos. Ova plaza je bila omiljeni izbor hipi generacije jer je "pitanje odece" bilo potpuno opcionalno! Paraga ima predivan zlatni pesak i obicno male morske talase koji se igraju na vetru zajedno sa suncobranima od trske. Zbog ove pomalo buntovnicke i opustene atmosfere mi je jasno zasto su se "deca cveca" najradije odlucivala za ovu plazu!:)
Psarou plaza bi mogla biti omiljeni izbor dzet-seta, i cesto se male jahte mogu videti usidrene u zalivu. Neki od najfinijih klubova, barova i restorana su locirani ovde. Plaza ima lep mekan pesak a voda je veoma mirna sa vrlo malo vidljivih talasa sto je odlicno za ljubitelje ronjenja. Psarou nije "plaza za zurke"- sofisticirana atmosfera se postuje skoro kao religija. Muzika nikada nije glasna, vec se uziva u tihim i nenametljivim melodijama...

Psarou beach Mykonos island Cyclades

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Mykonos town (Chora)

Chora Mykonos town Louis Vuitton shop

Chora Mykonos, Town or Chora: Chora Mykonos, called Chora by the locals, is a typical Cycladic village built amphitheatrically. It has whitewashed cubic houses with wooden coloured doors, windows and balconies, narrow streets forming a labyrinth, beautiful churches, lovely chapels and purple bougainvilleas contrasting with the bright white of the buildings walls. The heart of the city is closed to traffic during most of the day which make the walk among the labyrinth streets particularly agreeable, especially during early morning when the city is calmer for most of the people are at the beaches or still sleeping after a long night of clubbing. The main town can be traveled all on foot and beware that it is simply not practical to enter the main part of town on scooters/cars because of the narrowness of the lanes. During evening hours the main roads into town are blocked off. Numerous cafes, chic boutiques, souvenir shops and fine jeweleries are helping the visitor to enjoy its days in the beautiful capital of Mykonos. Worth seeing in Chora, or Chora Mykonos, is the church complex of Panagia Paraportiani which has been recognized as a national cultural monument and is a superb representation of Cycladic architecture. Those beautiful churches are located on the hill of the old Venetian castle (Kastro). Source:
Chora Mykonos, Town or Chora: Chora Mykonos, called Chora by the locals, is a typical Cycladic village built amphitheatrically. It has whitewashed cubic houses with wooden coloured doors, windows and balconies, narrow streets forming a labyrinth, beautiful churches, lovely chapels and purple bougainvilleas contrasting with the bright white of the buildings walls. The heart of the city is closed to traffic during most of the day which make the walk among the labyrinth streets particularly agreeable, especially during early morning when the city is calmer for most of the people are at the beaches or still sleeping after a long night of clubbing. The main town can be traveled all on foot and beware that it is simply not practical to enter the main part of town on scooters/cars because of the narrowness of the lanes. During evening hours the main roads into town are blocked off. Numerous cafes, chic boutiques, souvenir shops and fine jeweleries are helping the visitor to enjoy its days in the beautiful capital of Mykonos. Worth seeing in Chora, or Chora Mykonos, is the church complex of Panagia Paraportiani which has been recognized as a national cultural monument and is a superb representation of Cycladic architecture. Those beautiful churches are located on the hill of the old Venetian castle (Kastro). Source:
Mykonos town, also known as Chora, lies on the west coast of the island. This is a typical Cycladic place that fascinates tourists year by year with its narrow streets that resemble a labyrinth. Whitewashed houses with wooden doors and windows painted in vibrant shades of blue, green, red, purple, only add more to the charm of the city. But the biggest charmer is certainly Petros- pelican, the only real star and mascot of Mykonos! 
Streets are mostly closed to traffic which allows pleasant walks throughout the whole day. Chic boutiques with branded things, sweet souvenir shops, lovely churches, jewelry shops with a beautiful range of luxury pieces, numerous cafes, bars, restaurants and taverns- these are all the city's "attractions" that leave no one indifferent. But somehow for me the most attractive was that fascinating cosmopolitan energy caused by the mixture of tourists from the most diverse parts of the world, which in the narrow streets blend and move together in a joyful rhythm...

Grad Mikonos, poznat i pod imenom Hora, lezi na zapadnoj obali ostrva. Ovo tipicno kikladsko mesto iz godine u godinu ocarava turiste svojim uskim ulicicama koje podsecaju na lavirint. Kuce okrecene u belo, sa ofarbanim drvenim vratima i prozorima u vibrirajucim nijansama plave, zelene, crvene, ljubicaste, samo pridodaju sarmu grada. Ali najveci sarmer je svakako Petros- pelikan koji je jedina prava zvezda i maskota Mikonosa!
Ulice su mahom zatvorene za saobracaj sto omogucava prijatnu setnju tokom citavog dana. Sik butici sa brendiranom robom, slatke prodavnice suvenira, ljupke crkvice, zlatare sa divnom ponudom luksuznog nakita, brojni kafici, barovi, restorani i taverne- sve su to "atrakcije" grada koje nikog ne ostavljaju ravnodusnim. Ali meni je nekako najprivlacnija ta fascinantna kosmopolitska energija prouzrokovana prisustvom turista iz najrazlicitijih delova sveta, koji se u setnji uskim ulicama stapaju i zajedno hodaju u veselom ritmu...

Chora Mykonos town Petros pelican
Chora Mykonos town Familia restaurant and tavern

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Ornos beach | Mykonos island

Ornos beach Mykonos island

On a beautiful sandy beach in a small Ornos Bay, we have successfully found the sweet escape from the "meltemi"- winds coming from the north-west which can sometimes be uncomfortably strong and chilly. During the summer these winds might be desirable due to the heat, but in October they're not really welcome...
Ornos beach is very well arranged and organized. It's crowded with sunbeds that belong to the bars and restaurants, but you can find a place for your own towel if you prefer this option. The water is calm, clear and clean. We were 2-3 times on Ornos beach, and as our "lounging destination" we chose Kuzina beach bar/restaurant.

Na lepoj peskovitoj plazi u malom Ornos zalivu, uspesno smo pronasli spas od "meltemija"- vetrova koji dolaze sa severo-zapada i ponekad mogu biti neprijatno jaki i prohladni. Tokom letnje sezone ovi vetrovi jesu pozeljni zbog zege i vrucine, ali u oktobru i nisu bas dobrodosli...
Ornos plaza je vrlo lepo sredjena i organizovana. Krcata je lezaljkama koje pripadaju kaficima i restoranima, ali moze se pronaci i mesto za sopstveni peskir ako preferirate tu varijantu! Voda je mirna, prozirna i cista. Mi smo 2-3 puta bili na Ornos plazi, a kao destinaciju za izlezavanje smo izabrali Kuzina beach bar/restoran.

Ornos plaza na ostrvu Mikonos
Kuzina beach bar restaurant Ornos beach Mykonos island

Monday, November 11, 2013

Bourjois: Mineral matte mousse foundation in 83 (sable fondu)

Bourjois Mineral matte mousse foundation in 83 sable fondu

I came to one conclusion- after testing three or four makeup foundations in the form of "mousse" (foamy powder)- I've realized that this type of the powder definitely doesn't fit me.
I've always been a fan of Bourjois products, since elementary school. I used their foundations so many times, so I wanted to try "Mineral Matte Mousse Foundation" in the shade number 83 (sable fondu)- the darker shade which is ideal for my tan during the warmer part of the year. This product is very light and airy, great for the day, easy for applying, the skin appears soft after use... But this foundation, just like everything else in the form of a mousse, it's too dry for my skin type, and there is no way for me to use it independently. I was usually mixing it with another foundation that has more "oily" texture, and that combination looked fine.
I think this is a very good option for oily skin type, but I'm pretty sure I'll skip all makeup "foams" in the future!

Dosla sam do jednog zakljucka- nakon isprobane tri ili cetiri makeup podloge u vidu "mousse-a" tj. penastih pudera- shvatila sam da mi ovaj tip podloge definitivno ne odgovara.
Oduvek sam bila ljubitelj Bourjois proizvoda, jos od osnovne skole. Njihove pudere sam mnogo puta koristila, pa sam zelela da probam i "Mineral matte mousse foundation" u nijansi broj 83 (sable fondu)- tamnija nijansa vrlo pogodna za moj ten tokom toplijeg dela godine. Ova podloga jeste vrlo lagana i prozracna, super za dan, lepo se razmazuje, koza deluje meko nakon nanosenja... Ali ovaj puder, kao i svi drugi u obliku mousse-a, je previse suv za moj tip koze, i nema sanse da ga koristim samostalno. Ja sam ga recimo mesala sa drugim podlogama masnije teksture, i kombinacija je onda odlicno izgledala.
Mislim da je ovo vrlo dobra opcija za masniji tip koze, ali ja cu ipak sve makeup "penice" zaobilaziti ubuduce!

Bourjois penasti matirajuci puder Mineral matte mousse

Friday, November 8, 2013

Kalemegdan Park + OOTD

how to wear summer maxi dress in fall

Yes, it's definitely autumn, according to the calendar... However, I still walk without socks!:) Ok probably for a couple of days more- the sun is still my friend...
Just today I bought one pair of cute boots with the fur inside, so you don't think I'm completely nuts. I'm getting ready for the winter, although I do not know where I will be.:) But one thing I know for sure- in the future period I'm giving myself one fashion assignment- reducing the black color! I have several reasons for this, but let's say I will be my own experiment (as always)! I'm looking forward to this new fashion adventure, and new experience!

Da, uveliko je jesen, sudeci prema kalendaru... Ipak, ja i dalje hodam bez carapa!:) Ok verovatno jos samo par dana- sunce mi je i dalje prijatelj...
Evo bas sam danas kupila slatke poluduboke cizmice sa postavljenim krznom unutra, da ne pomislite da sam skroz caknuta. Spremam se i ja za zimu, iako ne znam gde cu je provesti.:) Ali jednu stvar zasigurno znam- u buducem periodu zadajem sebi jedan modni zadatak- izbacivanje crne boje! Imam vise razloga za to, ali recimo da sam samoj sebi eksperiment (kao i uvek)! Unapred se radujem ovoj novoj modnoj avanturi, i novom iskustvu!

Kalemegdan Park
visit to Kalemegdan park

Thursday, November 7, 2013

video: Nea Flogita-Nea Plagia-Dionisiou (Greece)

I needed some additional fun today, so I've decided to make a video about Nea Flogita, Nea Plagia and Dionisiou. You already had a chance to see a bunch of pictures here on the blog, but let's say this video is in some way a cute recap!

Bila mi je potrebna neka dodatna zabava danas, pa sam odlucila da napravim video o Nea Flogiti, Nea Plaji i Dionisosu. Vec ste imali prilike da vidite gomilu slika ovde na blogu, ali hajde da kazemo da je ovaj video jedna slatka rekapitulacija!

Friday, November 1, 2013

From Nea Flogita to Nea Plagia: walking by the sea

Nea Flogita beach on rainy day

Everything should be a fun, especially when the rainy day comes... The easiest (yet worst for the human mind) thing is to stay indoors! The situation is actually not so scary at all if the sea is close, and the rain is drizzling all day. The breeze that stirs the sea, flying gray clouds in the sky that change the color of the water in dark but powerful blue-green shade, wet and dark gold sand, a few puddles in the street, a specific smell in the air... So what to do on such a day?! Take camera in the hands and walk, and when the rain begins- hide under a big palm tree and delete all photos that look dull. Now, that's my way of fun, in some way even a productive one!

U svemu treba pronaci zabavu, narocito kada je kisni dan u pitanju... Najlaksa (ali i najgora za ljudsku psihu) stvar jeste ostati u zatvorenom prostoru! Situacija zapravo i nije uopste toliko strasna ako ste na moru, pa kisica rominja ceo dan. Vetric koji uzburkava more, sivi oblaci koji lete nebom i menjaju boju vode u zagasitu ali mocnu plavo-zelenu nijansu, vlazan pesak koji je dobio boju tamnog zlata, pokoja barica na ulici, specifican miris u vazduhu... I sta raditi po takvom danu?! Uzeti kameru u ruke i setati, pa kad kisica pocne sakriti se ispod neke velike palme i brisati fotografije koje izgledaju dosadno. E to je moj nacin zabave, u neku ruku cak i produktivan!

Nea Flogita plaza po kisovitom vremenu
small churches in Greece
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