I came to one conclusion- after testing three or four makeup foundations in the form of "mousse" (foamy powder)- I've realized that this type of the powder definitely doesn't fit me.
I've always been a fan of Bourjois products, since elementary school. I used their foundations so many times, so I wanted to try "Mineral Matte Mousse
Foundation" in the shade number 83 (sable fondu)- the darker shade which is ideal
for my tan during the warmer part of the year. This product is very light and airy, great for the day, easy for applying, the skin appears soft after use... But
this foundation, just like everything else in the form of a mousse, it's too
dry for my skin type, and there is no way for me to use it independently. I was usually mixing it with another foundation that has more "oily" texture, and that combination looked fine.
think this is a very good option for oily skin type, but I'm pretty sure I'll skip all makeup "foams" in the future!
Dosla sam do jednog zakljucka- nakon isprobane tri ili cetiri makeup podloge u vidu "mousse-a" tj. penastih pudera- shvatila sam da mi ovaj tip podloge definitivno ne odgovara.
Oduvek sam bila ljubitelj Bourjois proizvoda, jos od osnovne skole. Njihove pudere sam mnogo puta koristila, pa sam zelela da probam i "Mineral matte mousse foundation" u nijansi broj 83 (sable fondu)- tamnija nijansa vrlo pogodna za moj ten tokom toplijeg dela godine. Ova podloga jeste vrlo lagana i prozracna, super za dan, lepo se razmazuje, koza deluje meko nakon nanosenja... Ali ovaj puder, kao i svi drugi u obliku mousse-a, je previse suv za moj tip koze, i nema sanse da ga koristim samostalno. Ja sam ga recimo mesala sa drugim podlogama masnije teksture, i kombinacija je onda odlicno izgledala.
Mislim da je ovo vrlo dobra opcija za masniji tip koze, ali ja cu ipak sve makeup "penice" zaobilaziti ubuduce!
i want to try this product...
If you don't have dry/sensitive skin type, you might like this mousse!;)