Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Ornos beach | Mykonos island

Ornos beach Mykonos island

On a beautiful sandy beach in a small Ornos Bay, we have successfully found the sweet escape from the "meltemi"- winds coming from the north-west which can sometimes be uncomfortably strong and chilly. During the summer these winds might be desirable due to the heat, but in October they're not really welcome...
Ornos beach is very well arranged and organized. It's crowded with sunbeds that belong to the bars and restaurants, but you can find a place for your own towel if you prefer this option. The water is calm, clear and clean. We were 2-3 times on Ornos beach, and as our "lounging destination" we chose Kuzina beach bar/restaurant.

Na lepoj peskovitoj plazi u malom Ornos zalivu, uspesno smo pronasli spas od "meltemija"- vetrova koji dolaze sa severo-zapada i ponekad mogu biti neprijatno jaki i prohladni. Tokom letnje sezone ovi vetrovi jesu pozeljni zbog zege i vrucine, ali u oktobru i nisu bas dobrodosli...
Ornos plaza je vrlo lepo sredjena i organizovana. Krcata je lezaljkama koje pripadaju kaficima i restoranima, ali moze se pronaci i mesto za sopstveni peskir ako preferirate tu varijantu! Voda je mirna, prozirna i cista. Mi smo 2-3 puta bili na Ornos plazi, a kao destinaciju za izlezavanje smo izabrali Kuzina beach bar/restoran.

Ornos plaza na ostrvu Mikonos
Kuzina beach bar restaurant Ornos beach Mykonos island
Kuzina beach bar-restaurant
Kuzina beach bar Mikonos
best Mykonos beaches to visit
Mykonos beachwear and swimwear trends
Ornos beach restaurants and taverns
letovanje na ostrvu Mikonos


  1. This looks wonderful! Makes me long for summer again...xo Caroline

  2. The beach looks amazing! I can't wait for summer again

  3. Oh i wanna be there
    Afeeyah xo

    New post ~


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