It all starts with a healthy gut. Literally. Healthy gut means not only good digestion but also: heart and brain health, good mood (the gut is called the second brain), sound sleep, strong immune system... Let's just say: our overall wellbeing and health depends on the balance of these tiny yet powerful microorganisms that live in our digestive system.
Modern and stressful lifestyle is the killer number one of a healthy life and healthy gut. Trying to recall now but honestly I barely know a person that doesn't have some gut issues, including myself. There are so many ways we can ease or heal the gut issues. Some of these things help, most of the things don't help simply because we need to work on "all fields", we need mental, physical and emotional health and balance. That's called wellbeing...
Sve pocinje sa zdravim sistemom za varenje. Bukvalno. Ne samo dobro varenje, vec i: zdravlje srca i mozga, dobro raspolozenje (nije ni cudo sto gastrointestinalni trakt nazivaju "drugim mozgom"), kvalitetan san, jak imuni sistem... Hajde samo da kazemo da nase generalno zdravlje (fizicko i psihicko) zavisi od balansa ovih sicusnih ali mocnih mikroorganizama koji zive u nasem sistemu za varenje...
Moderan i stresom zacinjen zivotni stil je ubica broj jedan zdravog zivota i zdravog sistema za varenje. Premotavam sad po glavi, ali mislim da ne poznajem osobu koju nema neke boljke sa varenjem, ukljucujuci i mene samu. Danas postoje mnogi nacini kojima mozemo olaksati situaciju. Nesto od toga zaista pomaze, mada (ako smo iskreni) vecina ne pomaze iz prostog razloga sto se mora raditi na "svim poljima": i na mentalnom, i na fizickom ali i na emotivnom balansu i zdravlju. Jedino tako mozemo biti optimalno zdravi u danasnje vreme...
Definitely it's not enough, but the easiest way is to start with the nutrition/food, and that's what I'm going to focus on today. Simply said, for the healthy gut we need: well-known probiotics and maybe less-known prebiotics. Probiotics are microorganisms (live bacteria) which maintain and improve our gut flora (microflora). Prebiotics are simply said the food for these bacteria.
Probiotics can be found in certain foods and supplements. Best sources of probiotics are: yogurt, kefir, fermented vegetables (like sauerkraut), fermented cheeses like Gouda, dark chocolate, miso, kombucha...
Prebiotics can be found in most of fruits and vegetables, especially those that contain complex carbs so there's actually no need for the supplements. Best sources of prebiotics are: oats, raw bananas, raw apple, legumes, dandelion greens, flaxseed, chia seeds, onion and garlic, artichokes, apple cider vinegar, chicory, corn...
Elem definitivno nije dovoljno, ali je najlakse poceti za hranom, i tu cu se i zadrzati za potrebe ovog posta. Da skratim pricu, za zdrav sistem za varenje bitni su: nama dobro poznati probiotici i mozda malo manje poznati prebiotici. Probiotici su mikroorganizmi tj. zive bakterije koje odrzavaju i poboljsavaju zdravlje crevne flore. Prebiotici su jednostavno receno hrana za te bakterije.
Probiotici se mogu naci u odredjenoj hrani ili suplementima. Bogati izvor probiotika su: jogurt, kefir, fermentisano povrce (posebno kiseli kupus) tj, tursija, zreli sirevi (tipa Gouda), tamna cokolada, kombucha, miso...
Prebiotici se mogu naci u vecini voca i povrca, narocito onima koji sadrze kompleksne ugljene hidrate, tj. u hrani koja nam je vec dostupna te nema potrebe za suplementima. Najbolji izvor prebiotika su: ovsene pahuljice i mekinje, jabuke, nezrele banane, lanene i chia semenke, beli i crni luk, articoke, jabukovo sirce, cikorija, kukuruz, mahunarke...
Now that I quickly explained what are probiotics and prebiotics, and where we can find them, it's time to finally jump onto the practical side- eating the mentioned things, lol!:) In the form of favorite fluffy muffins, low-fat and tasty ones, easy to make, suitable for the whole family including small kids. You can eat them during the whole day, but I warmly recommend eating them for the breakfast. That's called good start of the day!
E sad kad sam ukratko rekla sta su prebiotici i probiotici, i gde se nalaze, vreme je da konacno predjemo na prakticni deo- izjedanje istih, haha!:) U obliku svima dragih vazdusastih mafincica, lakih za pravljenje, niskomasnih i ukusnih, pogodnih za citavu porodicu ukljucujuci i malu decu. Mozete ih jesti u toku celog dana, ali moja preporuka je ujutru za dorucak. To se zove dobar pocetak dana!
1/2 cup corn flour
1/2 cup cornmeal (polenta)
1/2 cup oat flour
1/2 cup oat bran
2 tbsp flax meal
1 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp Himalayan salt
1 egg
3/4 cup kefir
3/4 cup sparkling water
optional: sesame seeds for topping
In a bowl mix dry ingredients: corn flour, corn meal, oat flour, oat bran, flax meal, baking powder and salt. In a separate bowl whisk the egg, add in kefir, then add sparkling water at the end. Combine dry and wet ingredients. Leave the mixture for 10-15 minutes to absorb everything. Spoon 2 tbsp of mixture into a non-stick muffin pan, it should be enough for exactly 12 muffins. Bake for 20 minutes at 180 degrees C. Enjoy!
*Measuring cup: 250ml.
1/2 case kukuruznog brasna
1/2 case palente
1/2 case ovsenog brasna
1/2 case ovsenih mekinja
2 kasike mlevenog lana
1 kasicica praska za pecivo
1/2 kasicice Himalajske soli
1 jaje
3/4 case kefira
3/4 case kisele vode
po zelji: susam za posipanje
U ciniji pomesati sve suve sastojke: kukuruzno brasno i palentu, ovseno brasno i mekinje, mleveni lan, prasak za pecivo i so. U drugoj ciniji ulupati zicom jaje, dodati kefir pa izmesati, i na kraju dodati kiselu vodu. Spojiti suve i vlazne sastojke. Ostaviti smesu 10-15 minuta da upije sve. Ulivati u kalup za mafine (koji se ne lepi) po 2 kasike smese, trebalo bi da imate tacno za 12 mafina. Peci 20 minuta na 180 stepeni. Uzivajte!
* Casa za merenje: 250ml.