Thursday, January 31, 2013

DIY: Multi-colored Rhinestone Jewelry

DIY Multi-colored Rhinestone Jewelry

In our lives there are moments when we feel the most alive, the happiest. Usually these are the moments when we do something and the time just flies by without us even realizing it. For me personally, this happens when I make, design, decorate something- in the fact when I create any sort of the beauty. Then I allow myself to become the creative channel, and all sorts of inspirational ideas flood my mind.
Here's what came to my mind to do with the rhinestone necklace and bracelet. This is one of the easiest DIY tasks, all you need are: desired jewelry pieces, nail polishes, little will and a pinch of your free time! Play with it and enjoy!

U nasem zivotu postoje trenuci kada se osecamo najzivlje, najsrecnije. Obicno su to momenti kada nesto radimo i vreme prosto proleti a da to ni ne shvatimo. Meni se to desava kada nesto pravim, kreiram, dizajniram, dekorisem- zapravo kada stvaram lepotu. Tada dopustam sebi da budem kreativni kanal, i raznorazne inspirativne ideje mi preplavljuju um.
Evo sta mi je palo na pamet da uradim sa jednom ogrlicom i narukvicom od cirkona. Ovo je jedan od najjednostavnijih "Uradi sam" zadataka, sve sto vam je potrebno su: komadi nakita po zelji, lakovi za nokte, malo volje i trunka slobodnog vremena! Igrajte se i uzivajte!!!

Sunday, January 27, 2013

outfit: Winter Flame | Crete, day 1

H&M burnt orange delicate flower print wrap silk dress

While packing the suitcase for Athens and the first exhibition, I had colder and darker colors on my mind: black, gray, purple... The situation on Crete and the content of the suitcase are different, now it's all about the warmer shades: yellow, brown, cream, pumpkin and mustard color, emerald green...
It seems that the easiest way to express myself is through the colors, that's why you shouldn't be surprised cause my preference for certain colors and shades varies from day to day- I just follow my instinct...

Dok sam pakovala kofer za Atinu i prvu izlozbu, na umu su mi bile hladnije i tamnije boje: crna, siva, ljubicasta... Situacija na Kritu i sadrzina mog kofera su drugacije, sada se sve svodi na tople nijanse: zuta, braon, krem, boja senfa i bundeve, smaragdno zelena...
Cini mi se da se ja najlakse izrazavam kroz boje, stoga ne dajte da vas zacudi to sto moja naklonost ka odredjenim bojama i tonalitetima varira iz dana u dan- ja samo pratim svoj instinkt...

Glam Chameleon Jewelry Tequila Sunrise necklace

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Pink Beauty: Garnier & L'Oreal cleansers

Pink Beauty Garnier & L'Oreal cleansers

We, girls, especially love to take care of ourselves. Of course, this includes as well the daily/ritual face care and the basic step of any care is certainly cleansing. On the other hand, 90% of the girls loves the pink color. Now imagine the double pleasure- facial cleansing with good products in attractive pink packaging! Exactly that kind of the products I'm showing you today: L'Oreal "Triple Active Re-nourish gel wash" and Garnier "Essentials foaming cream wash"...

Mi devojke posebno volimo da vodimo racuna o sebi. Naravno to podrazumeva i svakodnevnu/ritualnu brigu o licu, a osnovni korak svake nege je svakako ciscenje. S druge strane 90% devojaka voli i roze/pink boju. E sad zamislite duplo zadovoljstvo- ciscenje lica dobrim proizvodima u privlacnom ruzicastom pakovanju!! Ja vam danas predstavljam dva takva proizvoda: L'Oreal "Triple active re-nourish gel wash" i Garnier "Essentials foaming cream wash"...

Thursday, January 17, 2013

outfit: Warrior | Athens, Day 2

urban trendy outfit ideas for dynamic girls

Today I wanted to show you the outfit I wore on the second day in Athens. The feeling that I had during the whole day- urban, powerful and extremely comfortable! A good choice considering the active schedule, from 8am to 10pm...

Danas vam pokazujem kombinaciju koju sam nosila drugog dana u Atini. Osecaj koji sam imala tokom citavog dana je- urbano, mocno i krajnje komfortabilno! Dobar izbor s obzirom na aktivan program tog dana, od 08h do 22h...

925 silver pendant cross with green stones

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Christmas gifts from Victoria's Secret

Victoria's Secret Christmas gifts and presents

Oh Victoria's Secret... land of miracles for me, a place where magic happens! Ok, and now comes a small confession! I was convinced that one of my biggest desires ever was to watch the VS fashion show from the first row (well who doesn't want that today, right?). Mistake, a hugeeee one! Only recently it came to my mind what I really wanted, from the deepest corner of my soul! You want to guess? Well of course, you guessed it, what I really wanted is to be a Victoria's Secret Angel and model (btw, to be completely honest, I still want that! lol)! :) Not modest at all, I know... to hell with the shyness this year!
Marianne Williamson said: "My playing small doesn't serve the world!". So we change the "game" this year. Already prepared for the miracles I entered 2013; nice and pleasant things have been happening since the 1st of January. One of them is a Christmas/New Year's present from my love, better to say- two pretty pink bags filled with Victoria's Secret girly stuff! He really reads my mind or he just knows me so well? Um, he knows me too well, 'cause everything is perfectly chosen and I adore every single thing! And there my lovely people, there is no mistake...

Ah Victoria's Secret... zemlja cuda za mene, mesto gde se magija desava! Ok, a sad stize mala ispovest! Bila sam ubedjena da je jedna od mojih najvecih zelja ikada bila da pratim VS modnu reviju iz prvog reda (ko to ne zeli danas, zar ne?). Greska, i to ogromnaaaaa! Tek nedavno mi je sinulo sta sam ja zapravo i u dubini svoje duse htela! Hocete da pogadjate? Pa naravno, pogodili ste, ja sam zapravo zelela da budem Victoria's Secret andjeo i model (uzgred, da se ne lazemo, i dalje to zelim! haha)!:) Nimalo skromno, znam... do djavola sa skromnom stidljivoscu ove godine!
Merijen Vilijamson je rekla: "Moja igra na malo ne sluzi svetu!". Prema tome menjamo "igru" ove godine. Spremna na cuda sam usla u 2013-tu; lepe i prijatne stvari mi se desavaju od prvog januara. Jedna od njih je i novogodisnji/Bozicni poklon od mog dragog, bolje receno- dve divne pink kese pune Victoria's Secret stvarcica! Da li mi zaista cita misli ili me samo dobro poznaje? Hm, previse dobro me poznaje jer je sve savrseno izabrao i svaku stvar obozavam! E tu dragi moji, tu vec nema greske...

Victoria's Secret shopping and gifts

Monday, January 7, 2013

One day in Sofia | Trip to Bulgaria

Trip to Sofia in Bulgaria

Be always ready for the good things!! In most of the cases any kind of traveling is also one of these things, so I'll add something else to the previous thought: Be ready for the good things- with a passport in the hand and a suitcase on the standby!! It's a principle according to I obviously live my life...
Just a few days ago I "dropped by" to Bulgaria for a just one day. I skillfully caught the opportunity to use the free time 'till 2pm for a walking and possible shopping. I can tell you I was slightly disappointed with the offer in the stores, at least in the center of the town, but the fresh air and a two-hour walk made me feel really good and vital, so much that I've lost the need to buy anything. But on my way back to the hotel I stumbled on one Dm drugstore and spent 40min there! Here comes my joy and pleasure- I purchased and checked a bunch of the cosmetic/beauty/health stuff, and after that I could quietly spend the rest of the time in a (unfortunately) quick sightseeing of some very nice attractions... All in all- memorably and usefully spent day!  

Budite uvek spremni za dobre stvari! Jedna od tih stvari su svakako i putovanja, te cu dodati jos nesto na prethodnu misao: Budite uvek spremni za dobre stvari- sa pasosem u ruci i koferom u stanju pripravnosti! To je princip po kojem ja ocigledno zivim svoj zivot... 
Eto bas pre nekoliko dana sam "svratila" do Bugarske na samo jedan dan. Vesto sam ugrabila priliku da slobodno vreme do 14h iskoristim za setnju centrom grada i moguci soping. Mogu vam reci da sam bila blago razocarana ponudom u radnjama, ali su mi svez vazduh i dvocasovna setnja i te kako prijali te sam izgubila potrebu da bilo sta kupim. Ali zato sam pri povratku u hotel nabasala na Dm drogeriju i provela sigurno 40min tamo! Eto meni radosti i veselja- sve i svasta sam od kozmetike nakupovala, i nakon toga sam mogla mirna da provedem preostalo vreme u razgledanju (na svu zalost usputnom) jos nekih vrlo lepih znamenitosti... Sve u svemu- prijatna uspomena i korisno proveden dan!

visit to Sofia Bulgaria

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

My home: Christmas and New Year's Decoration

Red Christmas home decoration

Happy New Year my dear little chameleons!!! I hope you celebrated the beginning of 2013 in a festive, glamorous and fabulous way, surrounded with your loved ones! 
From the bottom of my heart I wish this year to bring you perfect health, happiness and joy, and success in all areas! Be grateful for what you have so you can attract even more prosperity. Love and take care of yourself, as by doing that you're taking care of the others. Spread the love, good energy and beauty every day 'cause it will first give you the life you want and deserve. Dream and firmly believe in your dreams, follow your heart and be brave enough to let go. Forgive. Give and do not expect anything in return, cause you'll be rewarded and blessed. Live your truth in every moment and release your brilliance. You are not alone- someone is always there for you...

Srecna Nova Godina moji dragi kameleoncici!!! Nadam se da ste usli u 2013-tu na svecan, glamurozan i fabulozan nacin, okruzeni voljenim osobama!
Od srca zelim da vam ova godina donese savrseno zdravlje, srecu i radost, uspeh na svim poljima! Budite zahvalni za sve sto imate kako biste privukli jos vise blagostanja. Volite i vodite racuna o sebi, jer tako vodite racuna i o drugima. Sirite ljubav, dobru energiju i lepotu svakog dana jer ce to prvo vama podariti zivot kakav zelite i zasluzujete. Sanjajte i cvrsto verujte u svoje snove, pratite svoje srce i budite hrabri da se prepustite. Prastajte. Dajte i ne ocekujte nista zauzvrat, jer cete biti nagradjeni na visem nivou. Zivite svoju istinu u svakom trenutku i oslobodite svoj sjaj. Niste sami- neko je uvek tu za vas...
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