Thursday, January 31, 2013

DIY: Multi-colored Rhinestone Jewelry

DIY Multi-colored Rhinestone Jewelry

In our lives there are moments when we feel the most alive, the happiest. Usually these are the moments when we do something and the time just flies by without us even realizing it. For me personally, this happens when I make, design, decorate something- in the fact when I create any sort of the beauty. Then I allow myself to become the creative channel, and all sorts of inspirational ideas flood my mind.
Here's what came to my mind to do with the rhinestone necklace and bracelet. This is one of the easiest DIY tasks, all you need are: desired jewelry pieces, nail polishes, little will and a pinch of your free time! Play with it and enjoy!

U nasem zivotu postoje trenuci kada se osecamo najzivlje, najsrecnije. Obicno su to momenti kada nesto radimo i vreme prosto proleti a da to ni ne shvatimo. Meni se to desava kada nesto pravim, kreiram, dizajniram, dekorisem- zapravo kada stvaram lepotu. Tada dopustam sebi da budem kreativni kanal, i raznorazne inspirativne ideje mi preplavljuju um.
Evo sta mi je palo na pamet da uradim sa jednom ogrlicom i narukvicom od cirkona. Ovo je jedan od najjednostavnijih "Uradi sam" zadataka, sve sto vam je potrebno su: komadi nakita po zelji, lakovi za nokte, malo volje i trunka slobodnog vremena! Igrajte se i uzivajte!!!

* Necklace / Ogrlica *
DIY Multi-colored Rhinestone necklace
how to paint rhinestone jewelry
uradi sam nakit od obojenih kristala

* Bracelet / Narukvica *
DIY Multi-colored Rhinestone bracelet
how to paint rhinestone bracelet
napravite sami narukvicu i nakit od obojenih kristala
** Notes: I recommend applying at least 3 coats of the nail-polish. Be sure to dry well each layer before applying the next one!
** Napomena: Preporucujem nanosenje najmanje 3 sloja laka. Obavezno dobro osusite svaki sloj pre nego sto nanesete sledeci!


  1. Jaoo divnoo, bas si lepo osvezila nakit! :) Narukvica je fantsticno ispala!
    Ljubim darling <3

  2. Wow, this is a gorgeous and colourful transformation! Love it!

  3. Oh my, so cool, you are a DIY genius, I have to try this myself!! Have a lovely day!

    Mary x

  4. Aren't you creative? I love it!


  5. Super, bas mi se svidja kako je narukvica ispala :)

  6. Great idea!!!! amazing!
    Follow me on
    xoxo Marika

  7. Divno, zanimljivo i moderno. Volim zive boje

  8. i love you you matched it all together :)

  9. Genius DIY and so simple to do. Did you use a finer paint brush or the ones on the nail varnish, only wondering as obviously the stones are pretty small
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