I've always loved trying out new and different products when it comes to skincare and hair care. Yes sometimes I do return to the same products but honestly that happens rarely. Also the needs of my skin are completely different during the warmer and colder months....
Here are the exact skincare products I was using over the last two months. You can also see a short video of how a quick weekend morning pampering looks like for me....

Uvek sam volela da isprobavam nove i raznovrsne proizvode kada su u pitanju nega koze i kose. Da ponekad se vratim istim proizvodima ali iskreno to se retko desava. Takodje i same potrebe moje koze su razlicite tokom toplijih i hladnijih meseci...
U nastavku mozete videti koje sam proizvode za negu koze koristila u poslednja dva meseca. Takodje nacicete i kratak video kako dodatna nega moze izgledati za mene tokom vikenda... 

regenerating anti aging morning skincare products


ORIGINS "Checks and balances frothy face wash" 
GARNIER "Vitamin C glow boost serum"
BIOTEN "Skin defence regenerating day cream"
jade roller 

evening routine skincare products anti aging regenerating


BIOTEN "Micellar cleansing gel"
GARNIER "Micellar oil-infused cleansing water"
GARNIER "Restoring hemp sleeping oil"
REVOX "Retinol eye contour gel"
BIOTEN "Skin defence regenerating night cream"
rose quartz gua sha

beauty products organization bathroom organization

organizing healthy kitchen pantry, kitchen organization, home organization, organizacija kuhinje
I absolutely looooove having my things organized, especially at home and work! Closet, work space, shelves and drawers, kitchen pantry, fridge... Yes it's about having it all aesthetically pleasing, but its also about knowing what I actually have at home. It's simple: if I see it I know I have it, and I'll find a way to use it. 
So recently I organized my healthy pantry, where I keep all my "healthier" stuff: protein powders, super foods, nuts and seeds, healthier grains and flours, gluten-free things... I prefer having everything in similar glass jars and not in bags/packaging, it just looks more streamlined. Below I shared a short video, be sure to check it if you're interested...

Apsolutno obozavam da su mi stvari organizovane, narocito u kuci i na poslu! Orman, radni prostor, police i fioke, kuhinjski delovi, frizider... Naravno da je bitno sto je tako estetski privlacnije, ali se takodje radi o tome da zapravo znam sta imam u kuci. Jednostavno receno: ako vidim nesto znam da imam, i nacicu nacin da to iskoristim.
Tako sam nedavno organizovala kuhinjski deo gde drzim "zdravije" stvari: proteine, superhrana (super foods), orasaste plodove i semenke, zdravije zitarice i brasna, stvari bez glutena... Preferiram da mi sve stoji u slicnim teglicama nego u kesama/pakovanju, izgleda lepse i urednije. U nastavku imate kratak video, pa mozete pogledati ako ste zainteresovani...

Mini family vacation: Golden Coast hotel & bunglows (Nea Makri, Athens)

Short but sweet, that's how I'd describe our mini vacation in June. It lasted only few days, but it was enough to recharge our batteries. The weather was not the best (clouds and rains almost every day all over Greece), the sea was still cold, yet it didn't ruin anything...
We were spending mornings by the sandy beach, playing by the water and soaking up the sun. Afternoon hours were dedicated to the hotel pools- there was a mini one perfect for Stefan. Evenings were for the walks by the sea...

Kratko ali slatko, tako bih opisala nas mini odmor u junu mesecu. Trajao je samo par dana, ali sasvim dovoljno da napunimo baterije. Vreme nije bilo najbolje, kise i oblaci skoro svaki dan po citavoj teritoriji Grcke, more je i dalje bilo prohladno, ali to nam nista nije pokvarilo....
Provodili smo jutra na pescanoj plazi, igrajuci se pored vode i upijajuci sunce. Popodnevni casovi su bili rezervisani za hotelske bazene- bio je i jedan mini bazen savrsen za Stefana. Veceri su bili za setnje pored obale...

Marathonas beach, Nea Makri Athens Greece
Golden Coast hotel & bunglows for family vacation and kids
Maratonas plaza Nea makri Atina Grcka letovanje

Although I have been living in Greece for years, it was the first time for me to stay at some hotel/resort near Athens. I visited Glyfada a few times, but it was January month.
This time we stayed at "Golden Coast hotel & bungalows", closed-type 4-star hotel at Marathon (Marathonas) beach in Nea Makri. This resort has its own beach, central hotel and a lot of bungalows, 3-4 pools (one for small kids), bars, restaurants, one shop. Most of the tourists are French and Italians. There is a French animation team- they had different programs every day, with the focus on the fitness ones. It's truly good for a family vacation, especially for the small kids as there are no cars running around.

Iako vec godinama zivim u Grckoj, do sad se nije zadesilo da odmaram u nekom letovalistu u Atini. U Glifadi sam bila nekoliko puta, ali u januaru mesecu.
Ovog puta se zadesilo da odsednemo u "Golden Coast Hotel & Bungalows", hotelu sa 4 zvezdice zatvorenog tipa na Maraton (Maratonas) plazi u mestu Nea Makri. Ovaj hotel ima svoju plazu, centralni hotel i puno bungalova, 3-4 bazena (jedan za decu), barove, restorane, prodavnicu. Vecina turista su Francuzi i Italijani. Postoji francuski animacioni tim- imali su razlicite programe tokom citavog dana, sa fokusom na fitness. Odmaraliste je zaista dobro za porodicno letovanje, narocito za malu decu jer nema kola koja jure okolo.

single mother vacation with kid, single mom life, single mum lifestyle
Golden coast hotel & bungalows hotel pool, vacation with small kids review
Nea Makri beach, Marathonas beach, Athens beach, Greek sandy beaches
Golden Coast hotel & bungalows travel review, Greece travel review, travel blogger

We had a bungalow, with one bedroom, one bathroom, kitchen and living room with two sofas, so it was enough for the 4 of us. I can't speak about the food at the hotel (even though I didn't hear nice things for this year) as we were making our own meals. There are 4-5 big supermarkets outside of the hotel, reachable by the car or on foot.

Mi smo imali bungalov, sa jednom spavacom sobom, kupatilom, kuhinjom i dnevnom sobom sa dve sofe, tako da je to bilo sasvim dovoljno za nas cetvoro. Ne mogu da pricam o hrani u hotelu (iako nisam cula nista dobro za ovu godinu) zato sto smo mi sami spremali nase obroke. Postoji 4-5 vecih supermarketa u blizini hotela koja su dostupna kolima, ili cak peske.

Golden Coast Hotel & Bungalows 4 αστέρων παραθαλάσσιο ξενοδοχειακό συγκρότημα στην αμμώδη χρυσή ακτή του Μαραθώνα
Golden Coast hotel photos, Golden Coast hotel vacation, Golden Coast hotel reviews
Nea Makri vacation, Athens vacation, Marathon vacation
traveling with kids, vacation with kids, summer time with kids, single mom life

Yes, it's completely different when you travel with little ones. Definitely it's not easy but I always go with the flow, plus I'm always prepared. I'm used to being alone with my kid. We had our program, my mum and her friend had their own, but we spent enough time all together. All in all it was one nice summer experience, with plenty of memories and pictures!:)

Da, potpuno je drugacije letovati i putovati sa detetom/decom. Definitivno nije lako ali ja uvek "idem sa tokom", plus uvek sam pripremljena. Navikla sam da budem sama sa svojiim detetom. Mi smo imali svoj program, mama i njen prijatelj svoj, ali smo proveli dovoljno vremena zajedno. Sve u svemu jedno lepo letnje iskustvo, sa dosta uspomena i slika.:)

Nea Makri photos, Marathonas beach photos, Marathon beach photos, Athens sea photos
letovanje  sa decom u Atini, letovanje sa desom u Grckoj, Nea Makri letovanje
travel hotel review Golden coast hotel & bungalows Nea Makri Athens
Mini family vacation Golden coast hotel & bungalows Nea Makri Athens , travel blogger review

2 ingredient ORANGE COLLAGEN GUMMIES, collagen powder recipe, kolagen zele bombone, kids recipe

These days I always have extra oranges at home (we don’t eat them that often), so I started making different cakes/cookies/muffins. Then I saw one small glass jar with powdered beef gelatine in one of my kitchen cabinets. I remembered I was making exactly these gummies when Stefanos was smaller (with different juices). I decided to make the gummies again to see if he still likes them. So far I made them 4 times, he ate everything, and I have no more gelatine at home, lol!

🍊 300ml fresh orange juice
🍊 3 tbsp beef gelatine powder
🍊 optional: 1-2 tsp honey

Mix everything in a pot (no need to dissolve gelatine separately), warm up the liquid until boiling. Fill the ice/chocolate trays, leave in the fridge to set. That’s it!
See the video here.



Ovih dana uvek imam visak pomorandzi u kuci (ne jedemo ih toliko), pa sam pocela da pravim razne kolace/mafine/keksice. Onda sam pronasla jednu teglicu sa govedjim zelatinom u prahu, pa sam se setila da sam Stefanu pravila cesto zele bombone dok je bio manji. Te rekoh da napravim opet da vidim da li mu se i dalje svidjaju. Do sad sam ih pravila 4 puta, sve je pojeo a ja ostala bez zelatina u kuci, haha!

🍊 300ml svezeg soka od pomorandze
🍊 3 kasike govedjeg zelatina
🍊 po zelji: 1-2 kasicice meda

Pomesajte sve u serpici (nema potrebe da se zelatin zasebno rastvori), zagrejte tecnost skoro do kljucanja. Napunite forme za cokoladice/led, ostavite u frizideru da se zele bombone stegnu. To je to!
Pogledajte video ovde.

Santorini vacation, luxury vacation Greece, luxury hotels Santorini, Santorini hoteli

We’re meant to be free and limitless, just like the Universe. Allow yourself to expand and transform, allow yourself to grow and to change. Start from within, day by day, step by step...
That's what I wrote in one of Instagram posts. This is my daily reminder. That's what my life is currently about- transformation, expansion, growth, change (no matter how uncomfortable it may feel/seem), releasing past and all that I was until now. New cycle, new direction, partially a new place... 

Rodjeni smo da budemo slobodni i neograniceni, bas kao Vaseljena. Dozvolite sebi da se prosirite i transformisete, dozvolite sebi da izrastete i da se promenite. Krenite iznutra, dan za danom, korak po korak...
Ovo sam napisala u jednom od Instagram postova. To je moj dnevni podsetnik. Na to se svodi moj zivot trenutno- transformacija, prosirenje, rast, promena (koliko god neugodno se cinilo i izgledalo), osobadjanje proslosti i svega sto sam bila do sada. Novi ciklus, nova direkcija, delimicno novo mesto...

fiber & protein green smoothie recipe, green smoothies, that girl inspo, healthy girl
3 "ONE CUP" INGREDIENT SPINACH WRAPS, spinach pancakes, healthy wraps
vacation with kids, mom and son photos, mama i sin
summer kids
letnja deca
ORANGE COOKIES kids friendly sugar free, keksici od pomorandze
ORANGE COOKIES (recipe here)
fresh orange juice, that girl lifestyle, healthy girl blog, sok od pomorandze
It’s a new day. Start FRESH!
Novi je dan. Pocnite iz POCETKA!
blue eyes makeup, fresh summer makeup
hemp protein powder, Origins skincare mushroom set
life with active toddler, single mom life
You need extra shot of coffee to be always prepared for this hyperactive hyper-climbing kid!:D
Potrebna vam je dodatna doza kafe da biste uvek bili spremni za hiperaktivno dete koje se svuda pentra!:D
energy coffee, protein coffee
hormone balancing bliss balls, hormone balancing snacks, kuglice za hormone
KUGLICE ZA HORMONSKI BALANS (vidite recept ovde)
Smashbox pink lipsticks, high end pink lipsticks, Smashbox pink karmini,
Favorite pink & orange lipsticks: MAC, Smashbox, Origins, Estee Lauder
Favorite pink & orange lipsticks: MAC, Smashbox, Origins, Estee Lauder (see here)
Omiljeni pink & narandzasti karmini: MAC, Smashbox, Origins, Estee Lauder (vidite ovde)
MAC pink lipsticks, MAC pink karmini, best MAC lipstics

Oven-baked low fat potato carrot latkes, kid friendly gluten free latke recipe
No matter how many of these potato carrot latkes I make, my kid (and everybody else) will eat them all. I made them first time when Stefanos started to regularly eat solid food, because they're soft, healthy and made from his favorite carrots. All recipes I've shared so far are suitable for toddlers and kids in general. But they're also good for all of you who like to try super easy and quick recipes for healthy and nutritionally rich things.

Koliko god ovih pljeskavica od krompira i sargarepe da napravim, nestace dok si rekao keks (tj. Stefan ce sve pojesti koliko god da mu das, ali i svi ostali). Pocela sam da ih pravim kad je krenuo regularno da jede solidnu/cvrstu hranu, jer su mekane, zdrave i pravljene od njemu omiljene sargarepe. Svi recepti koje sam do sad podelila jesu pogodni za malu i veliku decu, ali i za sve vas koji trazite jednostavne i brze recepte za zdrave i nutritivno bogate stvarcice.

potato latkes, carrot latkes, healthy latkes recipe, vegetble latkes recipe

You just need 4 ingredients, 10 minutes to make them (or less if you use some kind of electric grater), and 30 minutes or less to bake them. They're low-fat (no oil at all) and gluten-free (just make sure you use gluten-free oat flour). You can eat latkes for lunch or dinner, and serve them with anything you like. This time I had them with refreshing yogurt-cucumber dip. Try, you won't regret!

Treba vam samo 4 sastojaka, nekih 10tak minuta da napravite (ili 5 minuta ako koristite elektricne rende), i nekih pola sata ili manje da ispecete. Niskomasne bez trunke ulja i bez glutena (ako sigurno koristite bezglutensko ovseno brasno). Mozete ih jesti za rucak ili veceru, i servirati uz bilo sta sto vam se dopada. Ja sam na primer napravila osvezavajuci umak od jogurta i krastavca. Probajte, necete zazaliti!

zdrave pljeskavice o dkrompira i sargarepe niskomasne pecene u rerni, zdravi recepti


300gr grated potato
200gr grated carrot
5 tbsp oat flour (gluten free)
1 egg
1 tsp salt
optional: 1 tbsp dry spices

In a bigger bowl mix grated potatoes and carrots. Separately whisk the egg, then add oat flour, salt and spices. Combine everything, leave it aside for 3-4 minutes.
Prepare a non-stick baking pan (this is what I prefer), or line a regular one with the baking paper. Spoon out 2 full tbsp of mixture for each latke. Latkes don't require perfect shape, but I loooove using round cookie cutter (bigger one) to get the shape you see on the photos. Bake them at 200 degrees Celsius, for 20-30 min, turn each latke after 15 minutes of baking. Enjoy!

gluten free recipe, kids friendly recipe with vegetables, potato recipe, carrot recipe


300gr rendanog krompira
200gr rendane sargarepe
5 kasika ovsenog brasna
1 jaje
1 kasicica soli
po zelji: 1 kasika suvih zacina

U vecoj ciniji pomesati rendan krompir i sargarepu. Zasebno ulupati jaje, te dodati ovseno brasno, so i zacine. Sastaviti sve, ostaviti sa strane 3-4 minuta.
Spremiti pleh koji se ne lepi (to je ono sto ja preferiram), ili oblozite obican pleh pek papirom. Uzimajte po dve pune kasike smese za svaku pljeskavicu. Ove pljeskavice ne zahtevaju perfektnu formu (peku se kao pljeskavice od rendanih tikvica), ali ja volim da koristim okruglu modlu za keks da bih dobila oblik koji vidite na slikama. Peci pljeskavice na 200 stepeni, nekih 20-30 minuta (zavisi od jacine rerne), okrenuti svaku nakon 15 minuta pecenja. Uzivajte!

vegetable family dinner meals, healthy recipes for hwole family, toddler kids friendly recipes, kids food blog
zdravi recepti za decu i celu porodicu, zdrava hrana, zdrav zivot i ishrana


- Instead of oat flour you can use any flour you want, but the texture and taste will be a bit different. I tried baking with whole wheat flour, latkes were smoother and softer, but I think oat (or even corn) flour balance better the texture...
- From dry spices I like to use what I have in the kitchen: basil, rosemary, coriander, oregano, ginger, turmeric...


- Mozete koristiti bilo koje brasno umesto ovsenog, samo sto ce tekstura (npr. ako koristite glatko tj. obicno belo brasno) i ukus biti drugaciji.
- Od suvih zacina ja volim da stavim sta god da imam: bosiljak, ruzmarin, kolijander, origano, djumbir, kurkumu...

Oven-baked low fat potato carrot latkes, kid friendly gluten free latke recipe pin it
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