A trick question for you: If you were allowed to use only one make-up product every day, what would be your choice?! Without any doubt, my answer is: mascara!
If anything can give an instantly fresh look to my face-> "magical brush" has that power.
The fact that I'm still searching for the perfect mascara is completely another story, but that's
why I'm willing to try out all possible and impossible
versions on the market.
Since I'm having blue-green eyes, at least one mascara in brown color always finds a place in my kit. The one that I'm currently using is Maybelline's "Define-a-lash volume", as the name says- for the volume and definition of the lashes. Check what I think about it below ...
Trik pitanje za vas: Da vam je dozvoljeno da koristite samo jedan make-up proizvod svakodnevno, koji bi vas izbor bio?! Bez ikakve nedoumice moj odgovor je: maskara!
Ako nesto moze da ucini da moje lice u trenutku dobije na svezini, tu zaslugu bih prepisala "carobnoj cetkici". E sad druga je stvar sto jos tragam za savrsenom maskarom, ali sam upravo zbog toga voljna da isprobavam sve moguce i nemoguce varijante na trzistu.
S obzirom da imam plavo-zelene oci, barem jedna maskara u braon boji uvek pronalazi mesto u mom neseseru. Ono sto trenutno koristim jeste Maybelline "Define-a-lash volume", kao sto samo ime kaze za gustinu trepavica i njihovu definiciju. Pogledajte sta ja mislim o njoj u nastavku...