"Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds!", said Albert Einstein once... Lately I couldn't stop thinking how much I was always different from my peers, from the early age. Even now pregnant I don't behave nor look like other 6 months pregnant women. Difference is that I finally learned to fully embrace my individuality and my own path. The courage knocked on door when I decided to put my own needs and desires first...
Back to the quote... Getting stressed about this kind of people (low quality ones) is such a waste of time and energy. How do I “fight” it? By focusing on what my heart and body tell me it’s correct to do, minding my own business, setting and living my own values and standards, working on my “grass”, building my small kingdom... Some days that's easier, some days not so much, but as long as you try you live....
p.s. For more details and photos, follow me on Instagram...
"Veliki duhovi su uvek nailazili na nasilno protivljenje osrednjih umova!", rece Albert Ajnstajn jednom… U poslednje vreme nisam mogla da prestanem da razmisljam koliko sam oduvek bila drugacija od svog okruzenja, od malih nogu. Pa cak i sada kada sam trudna, ne izgledam kao vecina zena u sestom mesecu trudnoce. Razlika je sto sam konacno naucila da u potpunosti prihvatim svoju individualnost i svoj put. Hrabrost je pokucala na vrata kada sam odlucila da stavim na prvo mesto svoje potrebe i zelje…
Elem da se vratimo na citat… Nervirati se zbog navedene vrste ljudi (recicemo: ljudi loseg kvaliteta) je potpuno gubljenje vremena i energije. Kako se ja borim sa tim? Tako sto se fokusiram na to sto mi srce i telo kazu da je ispravno da uradim, gledam svoja posla, postavljam licne standarde i vrednosti, radim na sebi, gradim svoje malo carstvo… Nekih dana je lakse, nekih dana je teze, ali sve dok pokusavas zivis…
p.s. Za vise detalja i fotografija, pratite me preko Instagrama...
"You can break down a woman temporarily but a real woman will always pick up the pieces, rebuild herself and come back stronger than ever!"🥊
"Mozete slomiti zenu privremeno, ali prava zena ce uvek pokupiti parcice, izgraditi sebe i vratiti se jaca nego ikada!"🥊
chilling with some protein smoothie
odmaranje uz proteinski smoothie
aloe vera love: drinks & organic beauty products
aloja vera ljubav: napitak & organski proizvodi za negu koze
sunny day by the beach & freshly squeezed 🍋 juice
suncan dan pored plaze & sveze cedjena limunada
recent morning skincare routine: see details here
nedavna jutarnja rutina nege koze: vidite detalje ovde
Northeast ITALY: 3 day tour to remember (read here)
Severno-istocna ITALIJA: 3-dnevna tura za pamcenje (procitajte ovde)
new favorite: Chanel "Multi effect quadra eyeshadow" in 274 Codes elegants
novi favorit: Chanel "Multi effect quadra" senka za oci u nijansi 274 Codes elegants
daily shot of mind-body booster
dnevna doza za pravilno funkcionisanje uma i tela
Wet N Wild "Photofocus": current foundation & concealer
Wet N Wild "Photofocus": trenutna podloga za lice i korektor
When you want to eat something fresh, light and simple yet tasty!😋🥗
Kada pozelis da pojedes nesto sveze, lagano i jednostavno ali ipak njam!😋🥗