One evening during the last week, about 10pm. G came home and brought me a bouquet of three white roses. I closed my eyes for a second to absorb their wonderful smell,
I opened my eyes and saw one more box in his hands: "I brought another
present!", he said with a smile on his face. I peeked inside the box and I had what to see- black and white little creature that was looking at me with his small shiny eyes. From where the puppy appeared, maybe you're wondering...? In the
flower shop where G took me the roses, they had a dog that gave birth to 5 puppies
before one month and a half, and they have not found a
home for them yet. They know G is a wonderful person, that for years he has a German shepherd- Hera, so they gave him one puppy... When it comes to the breed he should be some sort of a griffon, I say should cause he doesn't look like that at all (but at all), we'll see when he grows up!:) We weren't sure if we we're going to keep the puppy, because we both have obligations in this period, and still nothing is 100% sure. In two days I'll be somewhere else, alone in a hotel room, until mid-September (and the whole October in Serbia). I'll try to take him with me now, although one part of the day he will have to be alone...
It's not a coincidence this crazy little creature entered into our lives (especially mine) right now. How many joyful moments and smiles he gave us, how much positive energy he transferred... Therefore we named him "Lucky"!:) We are grateful...
Jedno vece u toku prosle nedelje, oko 22h. J dolazi kuci i donosi mi buket sa tri bele ruze. Zatvaram oci ne bih li na sekundu upila njihov divan miris, otvaram oci i vidim jos jednu kutiju u njegovim rukama: "Doneo sam jos jedan poklon" kaze mi s osmehom na licu. Provirim u kutiju i imam sta da ugledam- crno belo stvorenjce koje me gleda svojim malim sjajnim ocima. Odakle sad kucence, mozda se pitate...? U cvecari gde mi je J uzeo ruze, imali su kucu koja se ostenila pre jedno mesec i po dana, donela na svet 5 malisana kojima jos nisu pronasli dom. A kako znaju da je J divna osoba, da vec godinama ima nemackog ovcara- Heru, dali su mu jedno stene... Trebalo bi da pripada rasi grifona, kazem trebalo bi jer mi uopste ne lici tako (ali uopste), videcemo kad poraste...:) Nismo bili sigurni da li cemo ga zadrzati, zbog obaveza koje oboje imamo u ovom periodu, i dalje nista nije 100% sigurno. Za dva dana bicu na drugom mestu, sama u hotelskoj sobi, do sredine septembra (i ceo oktobar u Srbiji). Pokusacu da ga povedem sa sobom sada, iako ce jedan deo dana morati da bude sam...
Nije slucajno sto je ovo malo ludo stvorenje uslo u nas zivot (narocito moj) upravo u ovom momentu. Koliko radosnih trenutaka i osmeha nam je podario, koliko pozitivne energije preneo... Zato je i dobio naziv Laki ("Lucky")!:) Zahvalni smo...