Monday, February 2, 2015

s.he stylezone XXL mascaras: Extension | Definition | Boost

s.he stylezone XXL mascaras- Extension, Definition, Boost

I'm still in search of my "perfect mascara", and I'm enthusiastically trying out new high-end as well as "budget friendly" options. Maybe I still haven't found the one that causes "wow" effect, but one thing I know for sure: the mascara I'm using can't be dry (and now I'm not talking about the period after prolonged use!), because that can freak me out in a second!!

Jos uvek sam u potrazi sa svojom "savrsenom maskarom", i entuzijasticno isprobavam i skuplje i "budget friendly" tj. pristupacnije varijante. Mozda jos uvek nisam pronasla onu koja izaziva "wow" efekat, ali jednu stvar zasigurno znam: maskara koju koristim ne sme da bude suva (i sad ne govorim o periodu nakon duzeg koriscenja!), jer to moze da me izludi u sekundi!!

she stylezone crne maskare za trepavice

The last time I was in Serbia, I went to DM drugstore (as always) and found s.he stylezone "XXL mascaras". They were on discount so I decided to buy three of them because I really liked the fact they weren't dry! All three (Extension, Definition, Boost) have very similar brushes, thus very similar effect. Pack of 12ml is super trendy and practical, and the price is reasonable (I think it was about 5 euros). Mascara lasts a really long time, and doesn't dry even after two months of use!!
Although there is a very little difference in the appearance of eyelashes after applying all three of them, my favorite here is "Boost" mascara, because it gives to my lashes quite sufficient volume, leaves no clumps and lengthens them equally! 

Poslednji put kada sam bila u Srbiji, u DM drogeriji sam pronasla s.he stylezone "XXL maskare" koje su bile na snizenju te sam odlucila da kupim tri jer mi se prilikom isprobavanja dopalo upravo to sto nisu suve! Sve tri (za produzavanje trepavica; za definiciju; za volumen) imaju vrlo slicne cetkice, samim tim i vrlo slican efekat. Pakovanje od 12ml je super trendi i prakticno, a cena povoljna (cini mi se oko 500din). Maskare traju zaista dugo, i ne suse se ni nakon dva meseca cestog koriscenja!!
Iako su vrlo male razlike u izgledu trepavica nakon nanosenja sve tri, moj favorit ovde je "Boost" maskara, jer mojim trepavicama daje sasvim dovoljan volumen, fino ih rascesljava (ne ostavljajuci grudvice) i podjednako ih produzava!

s.he stylezone XXL Boost black mascara review
s.he stylezone XXL Boost mascara
s.he stylezone XXL Boost crna maskara za volumen trepavica
she stylezone makeup i sminka
s.he stylezone XXL Definition mascara
s.he stylezone XXL Definition mascara
s.he stylezone XXL Definition maskara za definiciju trepavica
s.he stylezone XXL black mascaras for Extension, Definition, Boost
s.he stylezone XXL Extension mascara
s.he stylezone XXL Extension mascara
s.he stylezone XXL Extension maskara za produzivanje trepavica

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