Little Venice is one of the most beautiful, most photographed and certainly the most romantic places in the whole Mykonos. Favorite
activity (besides photographing) for all those who find themselves in the
city's most western corner is watching the sunset with a mandatory cocktails sipping in one of the numerous bars and cafes, such as: Scarpa,
Semeli, Gallery...
Little Venice consists of the rows of whitewashed houses with direct access to the sea. Their balconies, painted in vivid colors, cheerfully hang over the mischievous water. The first houses were built in the 18th century and they belonged to the wealthy merchants and captains. Pirating
was a common phenomenon in the 16th and 17th century, and it
is believed that the owners of these houses were secretly pirates. Most of the houses nowadays are turned into bars, galleries, small taverns and small shops...
Mala Venecija je jedno od najlepsih, najfotografisanijih i svakako najromanticnijih mesta na citavom Mikonosu. Omiljena aktivnost (pored fotografisanja) svih koji zadju u ovaj najzapadniji kutak grada jeste posmatranje zalaska sunca uz obaveznu degustaciju koktela u jednom od brojnih barova i kafea, kao sto su: Scarpa, Semeli, Gallery...
Mala Venecija se sastoji iz niza okrecenih kuca koje izlaze direktno na more. Njihovi balkoni, prefarbani u zivopisne boje, veselo se nadvijaju nad nestasnom vodom. Prve kuce su sagradjene tokom 18-og veka, i pripadale su bogatim trgovcima i kapetanima. Piraterija je u 16 i 17-om veku bila opste prisutna pojava, pa se veruje da su vlasnici ovih kuca u tajnosti bili pirati. Vecina ovih kuca je danas pretvorena u barove, galerije, male taverne i radnjice...
Nice... a little Venice and a little Greece. Very interesting locale.