Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Mamalouka restaurant | Mykonos town

Mamalouka restaurant Mykonos

When it comes to the food, I can not say that it was easy for me in Mykonos. Due to my sensitive digestive system, I was barely finding something that wouldn't give me problems... Mykonos island is in every aspect a perfect location for all lovers of the "gourmet" food and specific tastes, but for me it's a no-no...
Mamalouka restaurant is, I can freely say, a gem that we discovered (unfortunately) three days before the end of the holiday. The only place on the entire island, where I ate a decent and really tasty portion of grilled vegetables!
This restaurant is crowded during the season! Our advantage is that we were in the low season, and we literally had the whole restaurant only for us! Very friendly atmosphere blended into the natural surrounding, with understated and visually pleasant decoration. As for service, best remarks!

Ne mogu da se pohvalim da mi je bilo lako na Mikonosu, sto se ishrane tice. S obzirom na moj osetljivi digestivni sistem, jedva sam pronalazila ono sto mi ne bi stvaralo probleme... Mikonos ostrvo je u svakom pogledu savrsena lokacija za sve ljubitelje "gourmet" hrane i specificnih ukusa, ali za mene je no-no...
Mamalouka restoran je, mogu slobodno reci, dragulj koji smo otkrili (na zalost) 3 dana pred kraj odmora. Jedino mesto na citavom ostrvu gde sam pojela pristojnu i zaista ukusnu porciju grilovanog povrca!!
Ovaj restoran je krcat tokom sezone! Nasa prednost je sto smo bili u vansezoni te smo bukvalno imali ceo restoran samo za nas! Jako prijatan ambijent uklopljen u prirodnu celinu, sa nenametljivom i vizuelno ugodnom dekoracijom. Sto se tice usluge, cista desetka!

Mamalouka restaurant
Mamalouka Mykonos
where to eat in Mykonos
best restaurants in Mykonos
Mamalouka restoran na ostrvu Mikonos
najbolji restorani na Mikonosu


  1. Such a beautiful place. Hope you're doing wonderful Jelena. At least you had the restaurant to yourself! :) Happy Holidays. xx/Madison

    1. I'm doing ok dear Madison!!! Wishing you Happy Holidays as well, and all the best from my heart!! <3 <3

  2. Wow, this looks awesomE! I hears a lot of great things about the island but I have never been there before! Love the pictures!

    there is a give a way on my blog, I would love for you to check it out! XX


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