Mykonos climate is a typical Mediterranean climate, and yet in some way a specific one. Summers are very hot and sunny, and winters are chilly and rainy. The hottest month is July and the coldest are January and February. The only "discomfort" are the winds, and they can be also very strong in the summer period. The air currents which don't even stop during the summer significantly reduce the impact of high temperature. Symbolic winds are meltemi that blow from the north and usually in
the afternoon hours, and they are typical for Mykonos island...
All of this should be the "normal weather conditions". But
as the weather on our entire planet Earth is disturbed, at the
beginning of October we had: constant winds (fortunately we were escaping
to the opposite side of the island) and more than five days of rain. While
smart Englishmen came to breakfast in winter jackets and jeans, I was
"proudly" walking in my denim mini skirt. Luckily
the friendly staff of Bill & Coo hotel always had some saved blanket
(and softest one, lol!) for me during the breakfast time... And luckily the weather improved after those few days...
Klima Mikonosa je tipicna za mediteransko podneblje, a opet na neki nacin i specificna. Leta su vrlo topla i suncana, a zime prohladne i kisne. Najtopliji mesec je juli, a najhladniji su januar i februar. Jedina "nelagodnost" jesu vetrovi, koji mogu biti vrlo jaki cak i tokom letnjeg perioda. Ta vazdusna strujanja koja ni leti ne prestaju znatno umanjuju uticaj visoke temperature. Simbolicna vrsta vetrova jesu meltemije koji duvaju sa severa i obicno u popodnevnim casovima, i karakteristicni su upravo za ostrvo Mikonos...
Sve navedeno bi trebalo da budu "normalni klimatski uslovi". Medjutim kako su vremenske prilike na citavoj nasoj planeti Zemlji poremecene, mi smo pocetkom oktobra meseca imali sledece: konstantne vetrove (srecom bezali smo na suprotnu stranu ostrva) i vise od pet dana kise. Dok su pametni Englezi dolazili na dorucak u zimskim jaknama i farmerkama, ja sam se "ponosno" setkala u teksas mini suknjici. Srecom ljubazno osoblje Bill & Coo hotela je uvek imalo spremljeno cebence (i to najmekse, haha!) za mene tokom dorucka... I srecom vreme se popravilo nakon tih par dana...
...somebody already has Panerai watch... :)
...neko vec ima Panerai sat...:)
Oneiro bar
Rocabella hotel
Our friends' son: the cutest model ever!!!<3
Sin nasih prijatelja: nasladji model ikada!!<3
Bill & Coo bar
I never get tired of looking at these gorgeous pictures of the island :)