Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Super Paradise beach | Mykonos island

Super Paradise beach Mykonos island

Super Paradise beach is, thanks to the turquoise water and golden (slightly gravelly) sand, one of the most beautiful beaches of Mykonos. For many years, also a favorite spot among members of the gay population. They say that there is a plan of sitting on this beach, in my opinion comically cute one: gays on the right, tourists in the middle and fancy socialites on the left.:)
Super Paradise beach is a valuable source of the material for the yellow press as in the air (besides the divine scents of the sea and summer) you can constantly feel the smell of the scandal. In the peak summer season here you can meet TV stars, models, stars on the rise, actors, singers, paparazzi and of course special stars are nudists! I saw a few topless ladies, and one grandpa of about 70 years walking around in his "birthday suit"...

Super Paradise plaza je, zahvaljujuci tirkiznoj vodi i zlatnom (pomalo sljunkovitom) pesku, jedna od najlepsih plaza Mikonosa. Vec godinama unazad takodje i omiljena medju pripadnicima gej populacije. Kazu da postoji odredjen plan sedenja na ovoj plazi, po meni komicno sladak: gej sa desne strane, turisti u sredini a fenseri sa leve.:)
Super Paradise plaza je dragoceni izvor materijala za zutu stampu jer se u vazduhu (pored opojnog mirisa mora i leta) konstantno oseca miris skandala. U jeku letnje sezone ovde se mogu sresti tv zvezde, modeli, zvezdice u usponu, glumci, pevaci, paparaci i naravno posebne zvezde su nudisti! Ja sam videla svega nekoliko pripadnica lepseg pola u toplesu, i jednog cikicu od oko 70 godina koji se setkao okolo "k'o od majke rodjen"...

Mykonos island beaches guide
Super Paradise beach Mykonos
best Mykonos beaches
which beaches to visit in Mykonos
Super Paradise Mykonos
Jackie O Super Paradise beach
Super Paradise plaza na ostrvu Mikonos
najlepse plaze Mikonosa
Super Paradise beach, most popular Mykonos beach

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