Saturday, December 17, 2016

48h in BUDAPEST: Heroes' Square

48h in Budapest: Heroes' Square.

Trip location: Hungary. We left Belgrade around midnight, and arrived in Budapest in the early morning hours. We'll ignore the slight pressure in the head from the lack of sleep in the bus, and perhaps weak coffee after the border, and we'll start our sightseeing tour of Budapest. The first thing they took us to see, and what I believe is the beginning of every classical tour, is the impressive Heroes' Square (Hősök Tere) near the Andrássy avenue and the City Park. It's always packed with people, most of whom are tourists, and I just don't know how I managed to take pictures like these ones which show the opposite (witty girl, lol)! Anyway, let's now share some information for the cute curious minds!;)

Za Madjarsku smo krenuli iz Beograda oko ponoci, turistickim autobusom, i u Budimpestu stigli u ranim jutarnjim casovima. Zanemaricemo neznatni pritisak u glavi od nespavanja, i mozda slabe kafe nakon granicnog prelaza, i krecemo u obilazak Budimpeste. Prvo sto su nas odveli da vidimo, a sto je verujem i pocetak svake klasicne turisticke ture, jeste impresivni Trg Heroja (Hősök Tere) u blizini Andrasi (Andrássy) bulevara i Gradskog parka. Uvek krcat ljudima od kojih su vecina turisti, i ne znam samo kako sam ja uspela da uslikam ove fotografije a da pokazuju suprotno (svaka mi cast, haha)! Elem hajde da sad podelim par informacija za slatke znatizeljne mozgice!;)

Budapest sightseeing tour images
Budapest travel guide and traveling tips
Budimpesta razgledanje grada slike

Heroes' Square was built in 1896 for the Millennium celebration, which marked 1000 years long history of Hungarians. The main statue is approximately 40m high and on its top is Archangel Gabriel holding a holly crown and a double cross. At its bottom there are 7 figures (on horseback) representing leaders of tribes that formed Hungary. Opposite of this group are the statues of kings, governors and prominent personalities...

Trg Heroja je sagradjen 1896. za Milenijumsku proslavu koja je obelezila 1000 godina dugu istoriju Madjara. Glavna statua je visoka oko 40m i predstavlja Arhangela Gavrila koji u ruci drzi svetu krunu i dupli krst. U njenom dnu se nalazi 7 figura (na konjima) koje predstavljaju vodje/lidere plemena koja su formirala Madjarsku. Nasuprot ovoj skupini su statue kraljeva, guvernera i znamenitih licnosti...

Budapest sightseeing tour in fall
Heroes' Square in Budapest Hungary
Art gallery in Budapest

As soon as you cross the street, on one side of the square, is "Art Gallery" which was also built in 1896, with a beautiful external decoration. And on the other side of Heroes' square is "Museum of Fine Arts"...

Cim predjete ulicu, sa jedne strane trga se nalazi "Galerija umetnosti", drugim imenom nazvana "Umetnicka dvorana", koja je takodje sagradjena 1896., sa predivnom spoljasnjom dekoracijom. A sa druge strane Trga Heroja je "Muzej lepih umetnosti"...

Budapest Art gallery external decoration
most beautiful Budapest buildings and locations
What to see, do and visit in Budapest
how to spend 48 hours in Budapest the capital of Hungary

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