Some time ago, I had the opportunity to spend less than 48 hours in Budapest, capital of Hungary. Budapest is a beautiful European city, and there are countless pretty things
that my mum and I saw, but definitely the most wonderful experience
for me was the evening boat cruise on the river Danube! The cruise on a cute covered
boat lasted one hour, accompanied by the sound of "The Blue Danube waltz". Beautifully
illuminated buildings such as the Parliament and the famous bridges which are decorated with different lights: Chain Bridge, Liberty Bridge,
Margaret Bridge, Elisabeth Bridge... It was a chilly night, it was even raining the whole evening, but fortunately none of that couldn't spoil the experience...
Pre nekog vremena, imala sam priliku da provedem nepunih 48h u Budimpesti, prestonici Madjarske. Budimpesta je divan evropski grad, i postoji bezbroj lepih stvari koje smo mama i ja videle, ali definitivno najlepse iskustvo za mene je bila vecernja voznja brodom po Dunavu! Voznja natkrivenim brodicem je trajala sat vremena, pracena zvukom valcera "Na lepom plavom Dunavu". Predivno osvetljene gradjevine kao sto je Parlament i znameniti mostovi od kojih je svaki dekorisan drugacijim svetiljkama: Lancani most, Most slobode, Margaretin most, Elizabetin most... Bilo je prohladno, cak je i kisica padala citavo vece, ali srecom nista od toga nije uspelo da pokvari dozivljaj...
amazing town..I have never visited this place..
ReplyDeletethanks for sharing