I smile a lot, really a lot! Due to that I have some cute "smiley wrinkles" around my eyes and lips, but I can't help it- nor I want, 'cause these smiley lines are the symbol of my cheerful spirit!:) Yet that doesn't mean I don't pay so much attention to my eye area when it comes the skincare, on the contrary!
Currently my favorite part of the night skincare routine is applying Premier Dead Sea's "Eye serum" ("Eye contour age defying fluid"). Magnificently rich and pleasantly oily formula is the ultimate luxury! This eye serum is definitely one of the best skincare products I've ever used, and for sure- best 2016 product!
Puno se smejem i osmehujem! Zbog toga imam slatke "borice smejalice", i ne mogu nista uraditi povodom toga, niti zelim jer su te linijice simbol mog veselog duha!:) Ali to ne znaci da zapostavljam predeo oko ociju kada je nega koze u pitanju, cak naprotiv!
Trenutno moj omiljeni deo nocne nege koze je nanosenje Premier Dead Sea "Seruma za oci" (Eye contour age defying fluid). Izuzetno bogata i prijatno uljana formula je apsolutni luksuz! Ovaj serum za oci je definitivno jedan od najboljih proizvoda za negu koze lica koje sam do sada koristila, i zasigurno najbolji proizvod 2016-te!
Premier Dead Sea "Eye serum" reduces the existing wrinkles around the eyes and prevents creating the new ones. The whole eye area, which is naturally sensitive and delicate, becomes smooth and nourished. This serum can be used both in the evening and morning, also it can be used before the ordinary eye cream but I use it only in the evening without combining it with another eye creams. In the beginning I was using it sparingly, but I promised myself to use the other half of the bottle everyday, in order to achieve the maximum result, especially after reading that it helps with reducing the dark circles.
I'll be honest- this serum is quite expensive, but if you ever decide to pamper yourself- then this would be my warm recommendation! And of course the upcoming holidays can be the perfect moment for that!
Premier Dead Sea "Serum za oci" utice na smanjenje postojecih i prevenciju novih bora oko ociju. Citavo podrucje oko ociju, koje je inace prirodno osetljivo i delikatno, postaje glatko i nahranjeno. Ovaj serum se moze koristiti i ujutru i uvece, moze i pre nanosenja neke druge kreme za oci, ali ja ga koristim samo uvece bez kombinacije sa drugim proizvodima za negu koze oko ociju. U pocetku sam ga koristila periodicno, ali sad sam rekla sebi da cu drugu polovinu bocice koristiti svakodnevno da bih postigla maksimalan efekat, narocito sto sam procitala da puno pomaze i kod redukcije tamnih kolutova oko ociju.
Bicu iskrena- ovaj serum je prilicno skup, ali ako ikada odlucite da pocastite sebe- ovo vam je moja topla preporuka! A Bozicni i Novogodisnji praznici mogu biti savrsen trenutak za to!
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